Tag: ruby-on-rails

0 Should I run postgresql all the time? 2011-04-12T09:36:51.743

0 How do I upgrade to the newest version of Rails? 2011-05-14T05:48:10.800

0 Can I shorten my directory commands in ubuntu? 2011-06-20T21:46:47.623

0 WAMP Server won't work 2011-08-10T11:20:36.940

0 why doesn't "which ruby" output anything? 2011-12-07T23:13:55.803

0 Host OS slow to find web brick server running on linux as guest OS in VirtualBox 2011-12-11T10:09:28.980

0 Uninstall / Remove Ruby on Rails server Macbook Pro 2012-02-29T23:59:07.463

0 How can I avoid permission denied errors when attempting to deploy a rails app with capistrano? 2012-03-26T22:11:26.680

0 Share local server through a router on a Mac 2012-05-25T03:13:07.570

0 Fetch _all_remote_specs: undefined method 'list' - Rails on Mac OSx Lion 2012-06-16T03:42:56.143

0 After closing the ssh terminal, the thin server is down 2012-07-06T08:38:03.937

0 I cannot get pg-0.14.0 gem installed after Mountain Lion install 2012-08-08T02:36:02.650

0 Setting PostgresSQL for my VPS 2012-12-02T00:27:20.433

0 How to install Linux on VMware with Windows 7 Premium Host 2012-12-13T05:46:05.910

0 Autotest can't find growl? (Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.11) 2013-01-20T16:37:53.297

0 subl does not open in command line 2013-02-01T20:11:58.573

0 Fix bash_profile to Develop Ruby on Rails Apps 2013-03-11T11:11:49.013

0 Multiple domains pointing to single Rails app on VPS Hosting (Like Shopify) 2013-05-06T03:44:00.977

0 RailsIntaller for Ubuntu? 2013-06-12T01:48:58.410

0 Ruby fog installation error 2013-06-21T15:31:41.100

0 SSl for a Ruby Website 2013-08-21T08:44:32.450

0 How do I open a Rails Mysql database in Mysql Workbench? 2013-08-21T14:06:09.610

0 How to Install PCRE Development Headers on Mac OSX 2013-10-23T11:30:59.917

0 How to investigate why my VIM freezing for 5 sec during saving Rails application files? 2013-10-28T18:10:23.197

0 Rails 2 and Ngnix: https pages can't load css or js (but will load graphics) 2013-11-11T15:44:31.057

0 Multiple web apps on a laptop friendly way 2013-12-11T13:11:44.017

0 What should I make out of this message? 2014-03-28T18:37:16.637

0 AWS free user tier - how to deploy first Rails app 2014-04-20T09:43:24.563

0 Which version of rails should I install with ruby 2.0.0 installed? 2014-06-11T23:31:00.247

0 Removing or Uninstalling Ruby, Rails, and/or Gems from Mac OS X 10.9.4 2014-07-09T20:26:06.190

0 How to get all the users in xmpp / ejabber using ruby on rails? 2014-07-29T09:56:14.820

0 Snorby with PostgreSQL installation issue in Mac OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite) 2015-03-31T02:04:53.130

0 How to save printer-friendly version of Ruby on Rails (Redmine) app as HTML? 2015-04-02T22:02:40.607

0 OS X 10.10.3: Apache(2.4.12) + Passenger 5.0.10 from Homebrew doesn't work 2015-06-14T06:37:22.530

0 How to run rails driven app (Snorby) on different port 2015-07-31T00:47:02.683

0 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket - Fedora 2016-05-15T12:22:08.987

0 How to change Rails 4.2.4 app config to use Production db instead of Development 2016-08-11T18:21:40.993

0 Can't access website on local IP address, but loads with public IP 2016-08-12T21:58:07.477

0 How to update the version of gems of a locally cloned heroku ruby on rails repository using bundle? 2016-08-13T11:31:29.313

0 Excel or Rails, Capitalize first letter, change all caps to capitalized, but respect capitalization mid name 2016-11-22T16:19:13.127

0 Trying To Setup a Rails 5 App With Apache and Passenger on CentOS 6.8 2016-12-04T23:25:55.827

0 Is it possible to get Visual Studio Code IDE debugging of apps on Rails 5.2 to work? 2018-09-20T02:28:14.037

0 Is there a difference running Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu locally vs Ubuntu on Virtual Machine? 2018-10-10T15:37:48.230

0 How to setup Ruby on Rails static web pages behind Nginx reverse proxy 2019-01-06T11:45:11.893

0 Systemd service fails on boot with rbenv environment error 2019-04-03T19:21:09.387

0 Why does Chrome's "EditThisCookie" extension, seem to list some cookies as 'session' with an expiry date? 2019-04-26T18:54:38.857

0 CKEditor works on localhost but not on live site 2019-05-08T21:03:30.423

0 I am trying to install Ruby on Rails using this guide: https://gorails.com/setup/osx/10.13-high-sierra ,but I am having trouble 2019-05-24T07:51:41.440

0 Rails server conflict .gitignore what could be the issue? 2019-06-22T21:03:29.380

0 Uncaught TypeError: ReactIs.isMemo is not a function 2019-06-26T00:13:59.250

0 Server stopped but port 3000 still being used and localhost accessible 2019-07-04T16:52:28.927

0 spree install on Debian 10 2019-07-12T09:35:01.373

0 Nginx with ip_hash load balancing. In some cases requests are sent to another server, ignoring user ip 2019-08-21T08:56:39.450

0 Ruby Mine debugger doesnt start of error SIGABRT 2019-08-27T21:15:35.817

0 Aptana Studio 3 Linux terminal 2019-08-31T13:32:10.077

0 Cannot run rails new myapp -d postgresql 2019-09-07T20:16:04.450

0 Rails server doesn't start anymore 2019-09-20T18:21:36.883

0 1438 illegal hardware instruction rails s 2019-11-01T16:29:51.483

0 Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. on installing therubyracer 0.12.2 with native extensions 2019-11-11T10:11:37.370

0 Gem versions and bundle update 2019-12-29T09:52:03.063

-1 Web Server for SVN+PHP+Django+Rails 2012-06-01T21:56:26.317

-1 tab complete not working for vim in particular directory - ubuntu 12.04 2012-11-10T12:58:13.483

-1 How to use each in rails to display values of an array 2013-11-01T15:41:51.347

-1 Find particular file in particular directory 2014-04-29T07:07:55.320

-1 Apache2 not starting, guess bad config file 2014-05-28T09:54:53.473

-1 Chrome always opens http://localhost:3000/user_sessions/new on launch 2014-10-02T12:17:27.290