How to investigate why my VIM freezing for 5 sec during saving Rails application files?


What can cause an issue when I am saving a file in rails application folder freezing for about 5 seconds? How to investigate this issue?



Posted 2013-10-28T18:10:23.197

Reputation: 173

Are the files saved locally, or to a network share? Do you have some kind of script/hook in place backing up files as they are saved? – Traveling Tech Guy – 2013-10-28T18:36:07.753

locally of course, no I don't – tomekfranek – 2013-10-28T18:46:51.203

Please don't post simultaneously to multiple Stack Overflow sites (, and if one answered your question, at least have the decency to delete the other.

– Ingo Karkat – 2013-10-28T20:03:48.580



Perhaps setting the 'verbose' option to 15 or higher immediately before writing, and watching the output would give you some clue about where it is stalling. See:

:help 'verbose'

(With the single quotes as part of the command.)


Posted 2013-10-28T18:10:23.197

Reputation: 16 267