Tag: microsoft-powerbi

6 In Power BI, how do I sort slicer values (other than by name)? 2018-02-16T17:51:35.383

5 Installation steps of Exact Online driver for Microsoft Power BI 2016-11-23T12:13:13.800

4 In PowerBI, can I use a visualization to display the fields that have been left blank on a given item? 2018-02-28T18:32:46.097

3 How do you clear pending updates in Power Bi? 2017-07-19T16:55:47.713

2 How to add additional lines across the graph on the Y Axis 2017-02-13T20:38:15.383

2 Stack overflow error importing data to Microsoft Power BI: 'Evaluation resulted in a stack overflow and cannot continue.' 2017-03-30T13:42:59.533

2 Connect MongoDB to Tableau or Microsoft Power BI for real-time analysis 2017-11-25T06:35:40.910

2 How to call Power Query M function from external Workbook? 2018-04-29T15:03:42.953

2 Order x axis by month in PowerBi where the months start from 12 - 11 2019-01-25T15:35:05.027

2 Power BI Report Server Jan 2019 hyperlinks 2019-05-06T15:53:03.763

2 How to remove extremely annoying Power Bi popup? 2019-06-17T12:39:15.723

2 Does Microsoft Power BI have file size limitations for functionality like Excel Power Query does? 2019-08-22T13:32:22.720

1 Dynamically choose a chart measure in Power BI 2016-03-15T22:07:44.437

1 Power BI Date Parsing 2016-04-15T19:27:33.480

1 How can I use all of my Exact Online divisions with Invantive Bridge and PowerBI? 2017-02-28T09:45:10.803

1 How can I adjust the format of visuals for Power BI Mobile View? 2017-09-26T12:47:19.710

1 How do I add a starting balance to a running total using DAX? 2018-06-01T14:17:28.583

1 How to make a filter on survey data to plot it in Power BI using a unique Identifier for every participant of the survey? 2018-12-28T18:03:04.890

1 Could Power BI be causing an Access database to corrupt? 2019-01-24T10:17:59.167

1 Error using Power Bi tool 2019-04-15T19:55:10.967

1 Manage changing column names in Power BI Desktop 2019-08-06T07:50:26.357

1 Replace Static Table Data w/ External Source and Update Pivot Automatically (Excel) 2019-08-16T23:50:46.737

1 Unable to connect to Analysis Service Server from Excel, Visual Studio and PowerBI 2019-11-12T13:01:18.720

0 Excel / Power Bi – Group fixed numbers in dozens like price filters in eshops 2016-01-27T14:22:44.857

0 Excel Power Query Error - Expression.Error: The argument value isn't valid 2017-06-22T16:22:09.333

0 Microsoft Power BI Crash: "Attempted to read or write protected memory." 2017-07-17T18:31:35.887

0 Bind SqlServer table to Excel Pivot or other convenient UI 2017-07-18T08:13:04.293

0 summation of total hours of an attribute (timestamp without time zone) using postgreSQL 2018-03-12T17:50:51.060

0 Power BI - Couldn't load model schema 2018-03-24T07:24:55.387

0 Representing time as a duration in Microsoft Power BI 2018-10-15T12:32:31.593

0 Power Query - Value.Divide(Value.Add( )) returns all "null" results 2018-10-23T11:27:34.870

0 How to get unique values of 3 data model tables in excel in a single data model table? 2018-12-04T08:32:37.490

0 Embed a Power BI report in a custom app (with security) without Azure 2019-01-10T15:23:29.823

0 Is it possible to allow the user to select the "Color Saturation" Value In the Shape map preview feature? 2019-01-13T10:31:47.517

0 Implementing Twitter Search in powerbi Report 2019-01-18T08:26:32.803

0 PowerBi Order categorical slicer by numerical value in same table 2019-03-12T16:02:24.350

0 Load many csv files at once in Power BI 2019-03-22T18:13:17.253

0 API with Parameters in Power BI 2019-03-26T14:20:55.447

0 What role do I need to perform Row Level Security on Power BI Report Server? 2019-03-30T01:09:17.613

0 Power BI Desktop - Number format - shows american format in visuals but European everywhere else 2019-04-01T08:01:13.600

0 Unable to connect to SSAS Server MD from PBI Desktop 2019-04-02T10:49:16.230

0 In Power BI Report Server, web service URL is working, web portal URL is not 2019-04-09T10:48:21.700

0 powerbi Web.Contents Error 400 2019-04-11T01:22:29.053

0 Merge Power BI is blocked 2019-04-11T05:35:28.330

0 Power Query - Appended Queries pulling from same folder - Need only 1 query to run on new files 2019-04-11T18:33:08.580

0 Power query pivot column with multiple records 2019-04-22T14:08:56.940

0 How can I enable users to create dashboards without edit access to the report in Power BI? 2019-04-23T13:02:46.470

0 Scheduled refresh not working in Power BI 2019-04-25T17:00:06.267

0 Add-PowerBIRow -Dataset Powershell command throwing 404 Not found error 2019-05-01T04:58:53.063

0 Power BI data refresh timeout 2019-05-03T16:31:24.633

0 Power BI Screen Bounces 2019-05-14T13:23:50.333

0 Changing Dashboard Themes for Streaming Data in Power BI 2019-05-21T15:40:14.527

0 Connecting to master data from SAP BW/4HANA with Tableau 2019-06-04T18:33:03.810

0 Unexpected Connections when trying to connect PowerBI to mySQL 2019-06-10T19:10:47.100

0 Authentication when embedding Power BI visuals in an external app 2019-06-14T12:19:34.913

0 Power BI button/bookmark to control multiple pages 2019-06-25T16:21:50.533

0 Power BI: advanced query relationships 2019-06-30T19:29:49.207

0 How do I read data from Microsoft Graph API into PowerBI? 2019-07-02T20:58:45.557

0 How to Conditionally format text in a Card in Power BI 2019-07-08T19:47:12.510

0 How to stream data from Azure SQL to Azure Blob/Event Hubs? 2019-07-19T20:23:12.567

0 Power BI, Integrate the sales info from different tables 2019-07-25T17:09:21.587

0 Confused on Power BI embedding 2019-07-29T16:50:50.440

0 Does .pbix file also contain data? 2019-08-09T16:22:30.420

0 Using a PowerBI gateway with web data sources: query parameters 2019-08-29T08:04:33.843

0 Removing data sources from a PowerBI gateway 2019-08-29T09:02:04.833

0 Subindexing and Marginal Differencing in Power Query (Excel) 2019-09-10T14:26:12.120

0 PowerBI internal error, extension of Google Analytics quota 2019-09-26T07:53:41.637

0 How can I refresh Reports Sequentially in Power Bi without manual intervention? 2019-09-27T13:28:19.227

0 Issue with PowerApps Studio not coming up from inside Power BI 2019-09-27T20:05:23.843

0 Power BI Time duration 2019-10-07T16:51:33.227

0 Power BI - Apply Query from Azure DevOps server stuck 2019-10-10T07:56:41.153

0 Can't connect to DB2 from Power BI 2019-10-15T13:06:47.930

0 Power BI how to use offline map 2019-10-31T03:13:29.420

0 Error connecting to SQL Server in Power BI Desktop 2019-11-01T11:32:08.197

0 PowerBI Report shifted to the upper left 2019-11-22T10:32:09.037

0 Power BI new Measure with: CALCULATE, SUM, SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, FILTER 2020-02-24T19:53:58.820

-1 Create table comparing data from multiple date periods 2019-05-28T00:42:39.290