Tag: metadata

103 Email sent to me is addressed to MAIL@MAIL.COM. How is this done? 2017-05-15T18:22:53.253

70 Windows File is ludicrously huge and I cannot unzip it 2015-07-03T02:06:01.377

56 What software can I use to read png metadata? 2010-12-08T08:48:57.020

51 Doesn't metadata occupy any size? 2014-08-04T10:41:51.990

46 Get mac tar to stop putting ._* filenames in tar archives 2011-03-19T19:21:15.480

43 Strip metadata from all formats with FFmpeg 2012-06-25T16:22:28.683

42 How to change internal page numbers in the meta data of a PDF? 2011-01-13T03:31:03.573

35 Is there any way to prevent a Mac from creating dot underscore files? 2010-11-19T20:53:28.663

31 How do I batch change the date taken information in EXIF data? 2009-07-20T19:27:27.683

28 Where does metadata go when you save a file? 2016-12-28T06:55:43.090

24 What is the "sep=" metadata you can add to CSVs? 2014-06-26T09:14:04.807

24 How do I use ffmpeg to get the video resolution? 2014-11-17T12:21:34.940

22 How to prevent Windows Explorer from slowly reading file content to create metadata? 2014-04-08T05:17:07.207

20 Does Google Picasa store metadata in the picture files? 2009-09-03T08:53:09.173

20 Is there a way to get file metadata from the command line? 2011-12-01T03:40:20.060

17 Editing JPEG EXIF properties 2009-10-19T14:15:25.983

17 Using ffmpeg to copy metadata from one file to another 2015-11-05T02:53:23.477

17 Determine video bitrate using ffmpeg 2016-07-29T05:27:31.090

16 How to find the JPG quality? 2009-10-29T19:46:29.750

16 How to reuse/extend etckeeper's metadata engine for git control of non-/etc filesystems, or extend git natively with said capability? 2011-12-14T01:53:56.113

16 Can't edit MP3 tags like artist or title 2013-06-06T10:00:55.193

14 How to make Handbrake preserve capture time / creation time? 2012-12-23T09:13:52.370

13 How to use ffmpeg to add metadata to an AAC file without reencoding? 2011-10-23T03:32:38.220

13 How can I add metadata to NTFS files/folders? 2012-03-29T09:32:00.333

13 Gif image EXIF tags 2013-02-23T16:55:05.677

12 Tool to view video/audio file information 2009-08-15T09:11:02.903

12 Is there a command analogous to afinfo for videos on a Mac OS X? 2012-04-19T23:54:20.410

12 How Much Space Do Empty Files Consume? 2012-10-02T02:20:56.287

12 How are the file metadata stored in Windows? 2013-10-13T20:41:11.127

11 Changing the date of an image file 2009-07-25T20:09:27.803

11 Change rotation flag in MP4 video (without losing metadata) 2018-03-23T13:09:17.197

10 saving notes against a file on linux 2010-09-22T05:56:46.780

10 How to remove the meta data of all files within a folder and it's sub folders? 2011-07-07T11:19:51.727

9 List full timestamps of files in a tarball 2012-09-08T02:07:47.610

9 Can a file appear to be modified before it was created? 2016-06-19T19:31:01.757

8 Command line tool to write flac, ogg vorbis and mp3 id3v2 meta data? 2012-04-11T00:33:43.140

8 When spliting MP4s with ffmpeg how do I include metadata? 2012-11-26T05:39:32.370

8 Is the origin of a file traceable? If it is how can I sanitise it? 2016-01-23T11:33:37.740

8 add new and non defined metadata to a mp4 file 2017-05-11T17:03:01.227

7 How do I get the meta-data of a video file? 2011-02-01T22:12:03.830

7 How can I remove the EXIF tags/metadata from several images at once? 2013-02-24T00:59:20.413

7 Get duration of video file from command line? 2013-05-20T11:19:11.440

7 VLC is showing a different title than is in the mp3 metadata 2017-10-15T22:14:15.740

6 How to find out when was a photo taken? 2009-12-04T00:05:58.240

6 Free metadata file information tool for Mac? 2010-02-25T19:47:01.733

6 Remove Properties and Personal Information - Batch mode or app 2010-04-11T22:50:54.693

6 Prevent Windows Explorer from trying to extract metadata 2011-01-14T14:28:37.890

6 Unable to change metadata of m4v video file 2012-12-18T04:54:49.520

6 How to show more Exif info in Windows tooltips? 2013-03-22T16:49:30.930

6 ffmpeg stripping out third stream not working 2013-12-09T06:10:08.780

6 Change the time that a picture was taken 2014-04-09T08:43:31.330

6 Windows Media Player Changes not reflected in File Explorer 2017-12-21T18:19:16.193

6 Does any picture file format embed author, title etc.? 2019-07-21T10:58:17.297

5 GUI for editing image metadata 2009-09-02T14:17:36.383

5 Tool to modify properties/metadata of a PDF? i.e. Change "Title", "Author"? Sony Reader showing some books as "untitled." 2010-03-13T01:59:39.530

5 Does an MKV tag/metadata editor for Mac OSX exist? 2011-02-11T21:48:22.667

5 Custom metadata fields in Windows file manager (or other software) 2012-03-07T12:30:05.710

5 Per-file volume adjustment in VLC 2013-01-10T13:31:29.403

5 How to automatically fix MP3 Genre and Year tags? 2013-05-24T13:37:36.933

5 What kind of metadata can be stored in m4a files? 2015-08-25T20:58:32.290

5 What metadata does a LibreOffice file contain and how to remove it? 2017-04-04T13:35:09.403

4 iTunes: Getting updated meta-data onto iPod when using manual management 2009-07-16T22:25:02.007

4 How to scan and annotate documents and receipts so metadata is searchable and embeddeded in document? 2010-01-23T23:05:58.223

4 Filter MP3s by encoder type? 2010-06-17T00:56:39.780

4 How do I edit/append metadata to files in Windows Explorer? 2011-05-13T16:13:30.397

4 Can Windows 7 assign arbitrary tags to files? 2011-07-18T15:09:59.053

4 Synchronize music ratings between iTunes and Windows Explorer 2011-08-19T19:41:16.517

4 ZIP file with metadata? 2011-09-18T19:22:54.747

4 Archiving Scanned Family Photos, How to Annotate? 2011-12-27T21:49:50.917

4 Proper PDF metadata key to enable right-to-left viewing in "Facing" view mode in PDF readers 2013-02-07T23:53:55.223

4 Add Descriptions or Comments to .PDF Files (Windows) 2013-07-08T03:17:01.433

4 PDFCreator set "PDF Producer" meta attribute 2014-02-14T22:28:19.087

4 How to remove title and other metadata from video files? 2014-06-11T18:20:21.360

4 How to commit files modified by pre-commit hook in Git 2014-06-14T17:40:56.613

4 ffmpeg edit avi metadata and audio track naming 2014-07-16T12:55:24.017

4 Copy creation_date metadata when converting video with ffmpeg 2015-04-15T14:15:46.510

4 How does an os know an application was downloaded from the web? 2015-08-17T17:24:39.603

4 Is there something like EXIF for video? 2016-02-07T10:21:35.573

4 how to get from a .exe (executable file) the version, author, publisher etc and other meta data without running the .exe 2016-04-02T11:17:01.297

4 How to delete a single metadata item from an MP4 file 2016-06-24T01:43:46.427

4 Is it possible to extract OSX "Get Info" data? 2018-01-19T01:30:56.447

4 How to edit the (metadata) "comments" field of a folder? 2018-02-08T16:36:30.790

4 Can't add metadata Tag to .mkv video in file explorer because I need permission from myself to modify the file 2018-06-15T01:05:10.423

4 Injecting 360 video metadata with ffmpeg 2019-08-12T09:56:13.823

3 Changing the Album on FLAC files from the command line in Linux 2009-10-19T19:41:18.100

3 Downloading image from Picasa Web Albums loses metadata 2010-03-03T17:39:05.447

3 Is there a way to tag MP3 the way you can do with Photos in Live Photo Gallery or Picazza? 2010-03-22T03:01:15.303

3 Can Spotlight or Media Browser index metadata contained in iPhoto or Aperture in Mac OS X? 2010-04-21T17:09:10.800

3 How do I remove file properties like 'user' and 'computer'? 2010-06-12T20:19:14.190

3 What meta-information is contained in an image file? 2011-06-04T01:43:55.880

3 Excel-like software for XML data? 2012-03-02T14:41:34.390

3 FFmpeg & iPhone: don't display audio language button 2013-01-30T22:35:42.410

3 How do I automate editing of metadata for a large number of music files? 2013-03-03T21:52:58.320

3 Stripping metadata from MP3 files 2013-06-08T02:47:42.870

3 Linux suitable filesystem with large metadata 2014-06-15T08:29:48.807

3 Ffmpeg not copying location metadata 2014-08-11T18:33:52.423

3 Author of the document a pdf was created from? 2014-08-15T14:34:24.123

3 Understanding metadata usage behavior in a newly converted btrfs filesystem 2015-03-16T07:29:49.123

3 find command and support for media metadata 2015-12-21T17:31:07.923