Tag: kde

1 How to make desktop icon for keyboard shortcut (linux) 2018-03-08T09:08:47.897

1 Fedora suddenly started using ugly fonts 2018-03-23T00:53:13.917

1 How to automatically connect WiFi In Mint 18.3 KDE? 2018-04-06T19:39:05.847

1 How to disable the Slack minipanel? 2018-04-28T19:38:32.973

1 KDE desktop prefers its own display settings over xrandr? 2018-06-12T18:58:45.873

1 KDE network applet icons too large 2018-06-16T13:53:08.320

1 KDE's maximise button does not fully maximise (dual monitor caused issue) 2018-07-17T07:26:48.657

1 Why is Linux Mint corrupting certain application icons? 2018-08-07T07:10:37.807

1 How do disable 'Alt Tab' shortcut on RHEL 7 With KDE? 2018-08-13T12:49:53.343

1 How do I get/copy a password from kwallet 2018-10-02T23:07:29.167

1 xrandr saying "Size 1920x1200 not found in available modes" even though it is available 2018-10-06T14:05:16.923

1 Set specific Wifi channel in Linux 2018-10-11T14:10:19.370

1 KOrganizer - add reminder by default 2018-11-16T11:36:43.717

1 Some Qt apps (VLC and KDevelop) crashes in Manjaro due to QXcbWindow::setWindowIcon seg fault 2018-11-25T06:59:04.050

1 Show only icon without labels for pinned apps in KDE Task Manager 2018-12-18T17:28:01.720

1 Upgrading Qt Version for use on KDE distros 2018-12-29T02:53:56.617

1 How to obtain a list of all currently minimized windows? 2019-01-24T09:01:16.597

1 Modifying X windows "select" behaviour 2019-02-05T13:11:44.283

1 How to insert arbitrary unicode characters in kde keyboard shorctuts (send keyboard input)? 2019-02-19T15:02:27.963

1 How to get "Sound+Brightness" menu in Kubuntu / KDE 2019-04-23T16:44:41.300

1 Reset display defaults in KDE? 2019-04-24T08:47:35.470

1 Debian 3.2.57-3 external monitor detected but no image on it 2019-06-05T16:32:59.420

1 Labels in Eclipse "going out of bounds"/overlapping (Linux/KDE) 2019-06-20T06:20:20.413

1 How to hide an account on KDE login screen? 2019-07-20T18:05:16.790

1 Wifi errors with Network-Manager on KDE Neon 2019-07-24T09:24:04.097

1 KDE won't start for one user account on Fedora 25 2019-08-23T13:29:49.867

1 KDE Plasma 5: how to determine correct lastScreen values for panels in plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc 2019-08-28T19:17:39.017

1 KDE panel disappeared, can't right-click, and window lag 2019-09-20T00:03:09.190

1 I cannot type áéíóú in Linux Konsole or Kate, but I can do it in VS Code or Google Chrome 2019-09-26T02:10:55.460

1 Sixaxis Controller with Lubuntu issues 2019-09-28T23:46:25.043

1 Manjaro KDE: infinite splash screen when logging in to active account 2019-11-19T12:55:32.207

1 KDE Connect not working. (Shows error of cannot be paired because it is running an old version of KDE Connect while I'm using latest version 2019-12-29T13:14:34.820

1 KDE Neon can not change screen resolution 2020-01-08T16:24:49.850

1 No firmware update with fwupdmgr 2020-02-12T09:31:38.517

0 Full screen Flash slow in KDE 4 2009-07-15T09:28:09.457

0 Kopete to work with GTalk 2009-08-03T20:53:33.997

0 How to get Compiz wall desktop viewer to show more than 2 desktops? 2009-08-21T13:46:22.190

0 Why won't my desktop come back after switching away from desktop session? 2009-08-26T13:51:48.007

0 Are there any metrics on how much more resource-intensive KDE is versus Gnome? 2009-09-18T19:52:34.903

0 Kopete (0.70.90 on KDE 4.3.1) keeps disconnecting 2009-09-29T07:43:36.577

0 How do I make nm-applet the default network manager instead of knetworkmanager in KDE (Kubuntu)? 2009-10-19T20:36:34.383

0 KDE4 Amarok 2.1 Drag'n'Drop ipod 2009-10-24T07:11:11.860

0 Keys getting swapped round in KDE 2009-12-14T14:23:53.113

0 Linux alternative to Win+D to show desktop? 2009-12-15T19:52:59.060

0 Why was my KDE desktop switched with the Gnome one and how can I change it back? 2009-12-20T01:46:13.890

0 upgrade or compile phonon from sources 2010-06-01T15:12:50.147

0 How can I make KDE suspend my laptop when I unplug it while the lid is already closed? 2010-07-04T21:32:06.473

0 Apturl in KDE/Krunner? 2010-07-05T00:55:28.717

0 how to set up new keybinding for finding last command executed using the first few characters of the command in csh 2010-07-21T06:23:43.167

0 help with xorg.conf: xrandr on one of two widescreen monitors; rhel5, kde, ATI Radeon X1300 2010-08-04T20:53:11.820

0 Running KDE as root 2010-08-16T08:17:51.307

0 kmail's sending accounts gone 2010-08-25T00:53:26.283

0 How can I switch power profiles in KDE (Powerdevil) via DBUS/qdbus? 2010-08-26T10:44:07.670

0 How to make the mouse slower in KDE 4? 2010-09-06T20:30:48.247

0 How to turn off Nautilus autoplay under KDE? 2010-09-13T14:18:33.213

0 KDE Default Profile 2010-09-24T19:20:29.817

0 Can't map XF86AudioRaiseVolume key in QJoyPad 2010-09-25T07:26:15.463

0 How to send notifications from a bash script 2010-09-28T11:10:18.753

0 Starting Kopete to system tray 2010-11-01T17:49:08.633

0 KDE or GNOME? Which one to choose? 2010-11-11T21:10:51.987

0 How can I install the Conkerer web browser on windows? 2010-11-21T21:14:46.377

0 KDE doesn't start up anything else 2010-12-30T01:37:35.997

0 KDE global hotkeys not working any more 2011-01-12T15:17:45.053

0 How to find out what KDE 3 K -> Log out -> Hibernate really does 2011-02-11T09:03:46.063

0 How do I diagnose KDE logon problem? 2011-02-11T16:18:14.567

0 KDE 3.5 clean session even after power loss 2011-02-22T10:41:05.283

0 KDE on Windows won't download/install 2011-02-26T20:58:25.777

0 In Linux, are there any plug-ins to let me do `<Win>`+`<Num>` style app switching (like Windows 7's superbar)? 2011-03-02T12:31:03.910

0 KDE4: Wallpaper blending an image and a color 2011-03-10T18:39:25.303

0 Task switcher for linux in multiple monitors? 2011-06-07T00:51:49.947

0 Is it possible to configure Okular to open a given file at the position where it was closed? 2011-06-23T13:30:38.687

0 KDE taskbar widget showing up in the middle of my screen 2011-08-05T21:09:16.637

0 Linux clear console 2011-08-09T02:42:13.560

0 --caption parameter used in KDE in Kubuntu 11.04 2011-08-09T14:21:12.647

0 KDE missing menu (red cross) 2011-08-11T11:16:10.507

0 How to configure root kde same as user? 2011-10-18T16:14:46.870

0 KDE: Assigning hotkeys to switch to specific running programs 2011-10-26T10:55:52.080

0 Autostart with KDE Device Notifier 2011-11-28T13:32:31.833

0 How do I install KDE nepomuk playground? 2012-01-02T21:10:04.213

0 KDE and External Moniters 2012-02-13T00:57:53.770

0 Can KDE be made less resource demanding? 2012-02-21T00:52:29.183

0 KDE keyboard shortcut to show taskbar 2012-03-01T16:56:07.257

0 Fix KDE permissions after sudo startx 2012-03-13T12:49:37.167

0 change screen resolution without X accessable 2012-04-18T14:01:51.553

0 Make inactive windows transparent in Kubuntu/Compiz 2012-07-19T22:42:33.990

0 copy/paste/move files in kdevelop 2012-07-24T09:21:44.940

0 Adding Points to a previously unselected polyline in Karbon (KOffice) 2012-07-31T08:34:28.180

0 Karbon (KOffice) user manual 2012-07-31T08:42:17.610

0 Install Rekonq 1.0 2012-08-17T19:21:07.453

0 Want to install FlightGear but 'libapr1' dependency cannot be satisfied 2012-09-10T02:08:52.537

0 kde > how to copy a block of text like I would in gnome-terminal 2012-09-26T20:15:21.207

0 .png application icon in KDE4? 2012-10-26T09:36:29.160

0 How to use KDE's desktop manager on Ubuntu/Unity? 2012-10-29T21:28:35.687

0 Error emerging kdepimlibs-4.9.3 2012-11-07T17:23:42.710

0 Program Sound Manager for KDE 2013-01-04T05:33:12.943

0 KDE4: Session loses authentication priviledges 2013-01-22T15:28:36.007

0 Automount NTFS partitions in Linuxmint 14 KDE 2013-02-20T15:24:24.743

0 Fedora Linux - Switch command line to kde 2013-03-12T13:59:32.030

0 Could not find Digikam 2013-03-26T10:11:55.687