Tag: image-manipulation

32 Square thumbnails with ImageMagick (convert)? 2011-04-26T08:17:20.570

18 How to copy a selection from one image to another image in GIMP? 2013-05-17T09:43:48.023

10 Can I move layers one pixel at a time (using arrow keys for example) in GIMP? 2013-09-18T11:31:30.640

7 Resizing and cropping images to 6x4 to width of 1024 2011-04-25T13:27:24.957

7 Creating and splitting large multipage TIFF images 2014-08-06T12:35:41.987

4 Despeckle line art 2011-01-02T20:04:14.897

4 Resampling embedded raster images in SVG 2011-04-21T21:22:09.220

4 How to ensure the authenticity of a picture? 2013-04-11T07:46:42.450

4 Trimming exterior empty space with ImageMagick does not work on scanned documents 2017-06-14T02:17:30.533

3 GraphicsMagick error reading PNG file 2011-10-03T09:14:43.830

3 Is there a tool that allows me to edit a picture so that it has an exact file size? 2012-06-19T19:04:00.727

2 Is there a Free Photoshop plugin/software which auto removes backgrounds? 2009-08-08T18:51:41.043

2 Turn 3D rotation of vector object into vector object 2010-08-19T13:35:13.940

2 Delete and shift pixels with PAINT.NET or other tool 2010-12-22T20:09:49.683

2 mogrify - how do you recurse through subfolders in Windows 2018-07-13T16:39:44.710

1 Where File converted Manually? 2010-07-29T11:41:46.517

1 Bulk image size/save operations 2011-03-28T21:08:46.223

1 Level adjustments result different than preview 2011-05-30T14:01:02.403

1 Resize/crop multiple files while preserving certain areas? 2014-05-23T17:21:34.140

1 How to geometrically transform an image using a matrix 2014-12-13T11:09:23.550

1 Fixing corrupt PNGs missing the IEND chunk 2016-12-28T09:43:26.723

1 ImageMagick convert: Placing text on a book cover 2017-10-26T21:38:25.000

0 Software for preparing images for the web 2009-10-23T05:59:13.813

0 Why does my Corel Painter eraser erase only squares? 2010-11-09T06:37:09.923

0 Image Morphing with Custom Vertices 2011-05-02T08:04:41.367

0 Comparing two images: get the XY location of any differences found 2011-07-14T16:24:43.933

0 How to easily add text to a wallpaper on Linux 2018-11-29T14:10:37.740

0 How to apply a gradient to one edge of an image with ImageMagick? 2019-07-15T21:27:12.537

0 Overlaying subsections of transparent PNGs in ImageMagick 2020-02-26T08:54:37.237