Comparing two images: get the XY location of any differences found



I'm trying to compare two images using the ImageMagick Compare module; everything seems okay, but I want to know the exact XY locations of the 'differences' found. How can I get this?

I already checked Google but I can't seem to come up with a relevant keyword.

If it's not possible using the ImageMagick Compare module, any other suggestions would be appreciated.


Posted 2011-07-14T16:24:43.933

Reputation: 1

the resulting image of the compare module is enough for the user to see the difference, i need the XY location to zoom into the area once the user clicks on the list of XY locations – None – 2011-07-14T16:31:36.370


More likely the difference will not be a single pixel, but a region. You'd probably want to get the boundary of this region and then zoom to the centre of it. Not sure how you'd do that though, might be better asked on

– FrustratedWithFormsDesigner – 2011-07-14T17:04:27.440

We need a better process for deciding where to put questions. If you programmatic help, please add a recognizable tag, like C#, or .net, or something that tells us what language you are using. This is like getting bounced around in those operatorless phone menu systems before finally getting the operator. – IAbstract – 2011-07-14T18:33:45.250

i was expecting that someone may have used imagemagick compare module and that i missed some points where i can enter some parameters when running the module, after that i will further manipulate the output using either lisp or C program module to further manipulate the data. thanks – Aries – 2011-07-15T14:50:39.403

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