Tag: i3-window-manager

26 How to change keyboard layout in i3? 2016-11-18T17:43:33.633

23 Cannot reliably automate xrandr settings in Debian 7 on VirtualBox 2015-02-12T02:17:21.247

16 How can I make i3wm bind multitouch gesture to change desktop? 2015-09-09T02:34:03.480

14 How to place i3bar on top? 2016-11-16T16:42:00.973

11 Set default container layout for i3 window manager 2014-12-15T21:14:28.983

7 how to start a firefox with a different WM_CLASS? (or any other altered property like WM_NAME) 2017-02-17T12:07:16.257

5 How to use i3 window manager in fedora with gnome 2014-12-22T06:51:20.323

4 Run KDE applet from command line (within i3wm) 2015-12-13T10:49:26.207

4 Dynamic configuring multiple x-screens using RandR (xrandr) in Linux 2016-02-10T02:33:26.820

3 How can I use i3 Window manager with KDE 5 2015-10-14T15:10:26.173

3 i3 How to save background and screen resolution? 2016-08-09T22:48:31.863

3 Remove margin around pantheon windows in i3? 2017-03-31T15:31:56.860

3 Hide tmux pane border 2018-06-14T14:11:44.760

2 Is there a way to concurrently edit the same file in two different terminals with vim? 2015-08-20T16:20:14.160

2 ssh-agent running with i3wm keeps promting for password at each git push 2015-09-09T01:58:02.967

2 Rofi on kde+i3 doesn't start with shortcut 2018-01-28T11:08:01.920

2 Can't enter credential in TeamViewer 13 with i3 window manager 2018-07-05T06:41:41.097

2 Strange behavior of compton composite manager with several terminals (i3 wm) 2019-03-24T17:39:33.407

2 How to change default browser? 2019-08-27T12:31:16.097

2 i3wm: Screenshot script fails if bound to key 2019-11-20T12:36:46.247

1 X11 not starting correctly 2015-02-06T11:36:07.733

1 .Xresources not read by urxvt running under crouton with i3wm 2015-02-24T22:26:14.600

1 Installing i3-wm overwrote i3gaps? 2015-03-29T22:26:11.763

1 i3 combining multiple modes (stacked, split, tabbed) 2015-04-22T23:37:33.123

1 Is there any way to get Sublime Text 3 to force all files to open in a new window? 2015-09-03T00:34:19.077

1 How can I get my media keys working in i3 + gnome? 2015-11-07T16:25:37.723

1 Error loading shared libraries: libcairo.so.2 2015-12-17T02:03:57.027

1 Vim insert mode changes the font defined in ~/.Xresources 2016-02-05T05:35:20.097

1 How do I set windows to floating by default without them resetting to floating when I reload config? 2016-03-10T12:54:56.060

1 Have bell mean window is urgent with gnome-terminal 2016-03-24T10:50:50.727

1 Run i3 (4.12) inside of Gnome (3.20.3) 2016-08-13T23:36:11.050

1 Window manager for Linux (like i3) - usage workflow? 2016-11-09T10:24:30.087

1 Why i3 desktop is not scaling to fullscreen in vmware? 2017-01-05T07:52:09.660

1 How can I write a Swedish letter using i3wm as a window manager on ubuntu? 2017-01-15T14:01:17.740

1 Antergos from Cinnamon to i3 2017-01-17T20:42:29.483

1 Firefox Force High Contrast Mode on i3 2017-03-26T03:13:51.350

1 Atom - incorrect theming in i3 on Arch Linux 2017-04-28T10:26:46.067

1 Apple keyboard and XF86AudioPlay media key in Linux 2017-10-03T12:47:29.650

1 i3: How to use media keys that show up on separate input device? 2018-09-17T18:39:47.603

1 i3 wm bindsym exec debug 2019-02-19T20:48:22.673

1 I3 systray refuses to run 2019-03-24T16:29:00.063

1 Remap the CapsLock key to Exit and Super or Ctrl 2019-04-12T09:07:24.377

1 Split windows for 4 panels in i3wm 2019-07-18T09:07:05.157

1 Unable to run firefox in headless mode 2019-08-14T12:16:25.170

1 Automate starting up programs on different workspaces in i3 2019-09-02T11:53:41.223

1 Prevent hiding the bar when fullscreen mode in i3 2019-12-16T16:17:36.577

0 I3 wm: application icon on all monitors 2014-05-14T10:34:27.847

0 Troubles with Arch Linux + Conky + i3-wm causing "status_command is not executable (exit 126)" 2014-07-05T12:32:20.583

0 MWM hints inconsistently working / not working in i3 2015-01-23T16:53:22.200

0 urxvt: Inconsistent behaviour re: unicode display 2015-06-10T14:41:01.260

0 in i3wm how can I set the default layout for all works spaces 2015-07-02T07:29:12.113

0 Toggle a full screen program on i3 2015-07-08T20:50:06.617

0 i3 window manager: ampersand (&) in commands 2015-09-03T07:42:09.610

0 window management: draw new gui window on top of terminal pane that launched it 2015-10-17T17:14:14.377

0 How to configure xrandr to use builtin display as fallback 2016-02-17T13:53:55.030

0 wmctrl command to create new workspace 2016-02-20T04:18:00.670

0 change i3wm workspace / windows status to urgent 2016-03-16T14:57:12.100

0 Rofi Is Just A White Line 2016-11-08T01:18:19.860

0 xrandr --dpi does not affect Gnome Apps on i3wm 2016-12-30T19:02:54.123

0 i3wm urxvt wrapping issue when using hot key to launch. no issue when run from dmenu 2017-02-15T20:17:56.763

0 Turning off i3lock 2017-02-24T18:45:30.647

0 i3 Window Manager switch window 2017-02-28T18:50:35.463

0 How bind touch event to i3wm? 2017-05-02T04:16:43.560

0 Firefox paste stopped working 2017-05-11T20:02:15.553

0 Linux - start/kill a bash script using keyboard combinations 2017-10-26T18:33:48.387

0 Trackpad setup for HiDPI screen 2017-12-08T00:34:50.443

0 How to use current keyboard layout for keyboard shortcuts in i3? 2018-03-05T00:53:54.117

0 How do I bind a mouse button (specifically the scroll wheel buttons `4` and `5`) to a keyboard key on Arch Linux? 2018-06-16T19:30:45.183

0 Using the ThinkVantage button in i3 2018-08-27T16:25:46.380

0 is there a way i can get the look and feel on manjaro i3 but with another distro? 2018-08-30T15:09:18.247

0 Cannot start i3 2018-09-01T17:16:48.590

0 Splitting the current container in i3 2018-11-12T17:53:14.957

0 i3 messed up after Ubuntu update 2018-11-27T08:29:03.007

0 System keyboard shortcut handling priority in Linux 2018-12-13T23:49:29.720

0 Graphical modification for vim panes 2019-02-13T16:25:20.237

0 Change Individual Keys on a Second Keyboard Only 2019-02-13T22:43:21.253

0 Switching to i3wm from Cinnamon 2019-02-18T02:28:29.467

0 Can't make media keys work on i3 window manager 2019-02-19T09:00:13.750

0 Changing lemonbar's font 2019-03-05T16:42:25.613

0 xautolock tries to log itself when already locked 2019-03-18T10:18:28.620

0 How to disable urxvt autoscroll on output? 2019-03-21T14:02:51.933

0 No configuration files on Solus i3 2019-03-27T00:59:43.813

0 The HOST shortcut keys are not working in GUEST windows in VirtualBox 2019-03-28T09:11:49.140

0 Arch - i3-gaps doesnt boot with startx/xorg without reinstallation 2019-04-07T23:42:44.557

0 how to install gtk3 on void linux 2019-04-08T14:18:52.173

0 After installing i3 my global copy/paste shortcuts have changed 2019-04-25T02:15:05.587

0 Debian: Blank screen following login after systemd upgrade 2019-04-27T18:55:41.313

0 running ranger on urvxt in i3 with bindsym 2019-05-06T13:29:31.783

0 LD_LIBRARY doesn't stay exported for i3wm / dmenu 2019-05-09T17:15:49.560

0 How can I mirror my laptop screen to an external spli-screen monitor? 2019-05-10T19:32:32.780

0 Linux mint freezes after exiting tty 2019-05-25T06:00:35.500

0 No 'Add' or 'Save' Button openconnect vpn dialogue Arch linux 2019-06-19T06:26:02.717

0 nmcli requires password when run in sway or i3 session but not under Gnome 2019-06-23T15:33:44.830

0 add anaconda spyder to desktop 2019-06-28T09:43:09.827

0 How to use both setxkbmap and xmodmap on Linux Debian i3? 2019-07-04T12:02:51.050

0 i3wm turns off screen after login 2019-07-14T23:07:31.347

0 How to solve "Operation not permitted" while running i3status? 2019-07-30T08:46:16.650

0 NetworkManager Applet is unresponsive and I see 'org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was reached' errors in ~/.xsession-errors 2019-08-21T11:46:39.530

0 Super - S opens sound settings rather then switching to stacking mode 2019-08-27T14:38:24.047