Tag: gvim

92 How do I find the encoding of the current buffer in vim? 2009-08-24T13:48:39.127

91 How to get vim to open multiple files into tabs at once 2010-08-04T06:37:59.393

87 How can I get (g)Vim to display the character count of the current file? 2010-06-07T16:26:01.123

80 How to setup a line length marker in vim/gvim? 2011-02-24T13:44:23.420

65 How to make Vim spellcheck remember a new word 2010-04-21T03:00:01.933

62 How to remove this symbol "^@" with vim? 2009-11-25T10:16:34.010

62 Vim: How to synchronize NERDTree with current opened tab file path? 2010-10-02T03:57:27.510

54 How to make cut/copy/paste in GVim on Ubuntu work with Ctrl+X,Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V? 2009-07-22T05:59:03.067

53 Where does VIM (gvim/macvim) keep swap files for unsaved/unnamed buffers? 2010-10-05T00:59:44.670

49 Move cursor to beginning of non-whitespace characters in a line in Vim 2011-06-23T14:02:40.573

44 Is there a way to move a split page to a new tab in Vim? 2010-03-09T16:46:26.517

42 How do I move around and otherwise rearrange splits in vim? 2010-12-06T14:18:04.970

38 How to start gVim maximized? 2010-05-12T17:13:56.140

37 How do I copy command output in vim? 2010-07-25T02:29:20.130

29 Can't run Vimdiff (7.4) on Windows 7 2014-01-06T21:59:27.897

24 Vim - dynamic list of open buffers in a window 2012-05-03T17:53:15.730

23 How can I discard my undo history in vim? 2010-11-24T18:29:20.453

22 Convert HTML to image 2010-11-20T21:04:58.223

21 vim line wrap with indent 2009-11-19T16:46:58.463

21 What is a vim "runtime directory"? 2010-06-15T18:02:49.507

18 Setting background color in gvim 2010-05-16T07:02:30.577

16 Show command as it's being entered in console vim? 2010-07-20T04:16:14.047

16 How to set background color for Vim's active window only? 2010-10-08T09:01:28.280

16 gVim: How to open multiple files in its own tab at once? 2011-03-19T16:05:33.147

15 How do I customize the gvim toolbar? 2009-07-23T09:08:00.253

15 Better GUI for vim? 2011-09-10T16:27:09.677

12 How do you change the default colorscheme in gvim? 2009-08-20T14:06:38.187

12 Where's my Open-With gVim context menu option in Windows 7? 2009-09-08T03:33:36.420

12 How to install gvim on Ubuntu 10.10? 2011-01-23T11:14:08.937

11 Compile gvim from sources? 2011-05-25T02:16:42.240

11 Disable mouse clicks in gvim on ubuntu 2011-12-09T10:15:20.420

10 Getting gvim to show unicode 2010-10-19T14:52:37.057

10 bashrc: how to know X window is available or not? 2011-02-10T20:15:33.973

10 Change menu/ui language of vim to english 2014-04-26T16:03:04.880

9 Dynamically change font size in gvim? 2009-12-07T01:00:17.143

9 Insert a new full-width buffer underneath two vertically split buffers 2010-08-05T16:03:21.997

9 Multiple foldmethods in vim 2010-12-08T10:55:48.507

9 How can I set gvim's window width to 80 columns of text, plus the ones needed to show the line number 2011-08-31T09:53:52.507

9 gvim redraw failure 2011-10-06T12:02:11.373

9 Close all locations list or quick fix windows in vim 2011-11-09T01:09:37.440

9 'Fixing' the right click menu in gvim in Ubuntu 2013-09-16T15:17:09.430

9 Vim - automatically delete SWP file after recovery doesn't change the original file 2015-04-21T03:20:38.960

8 Is there a way to "lock" the viewport in vim? 2010-05-20T03:49:20.187

8 gVim - What is ctags, and how do I use it? 2011-07-02T08:11:48.737

8 gVim as git editor under cygwin 2011-09-14T17:56:45.783

8 How to open a new file in gvim? E303: Unable to open swap file 2011-12-05T18:14:14.200

8 Using an external text editor to edit VBA code 2013-01-23T12:29:58.657

8 how to turn off gvim error highlighting? 2013-10-05T23:55:35.190

7 gVim control characters on Windows 2010-08-11T17:36:56.433

7 How to navigate between begin and end html tag in Vim? 2010-09-17T16:26:09.200

7 gVim utf-8 in windows 2010-11-04T22:42:41.740

7 How to make gVim transparent on Ubuntu 10.10? 2010-11-22T21:32:03.407

7 Remove Byte Order Mark (BOM) 2010-12-06T19:23:58.190

7 How to configure MacVim to quit on exit? 2011-07-18T20:41:12.990

7 VIM: how to select a line, up to the cursor, including the char under the cursor? 2012-08-18T19:01:06.937

7 Can't copy certain gvim text, eg :version or error messages 2015-11-22T13:49:05.077

6 Making gvim 'instance-only' 2009-09-27T23:47:59.967

6 Colors in Vim via gnome terminal are not the same with gVim 2010-01-03T14:16:48.983

6 select just pasted text 2010-03-30T21:44:52.203

6 Vim - Displaying Code Output in a New Window รก la Textmate? 2010-04-23T02:24:36.423

6 "Restore session" in gVim like in Firefox? 2010-06-04T13:07:33.190

6 Saving backup files automatically in (g)Vim after saving a file 2010-06-04T13:44:34.977

6 Compile .tex files to .pdf as default in gvim with latexsuite plugin 2010-09-08T20:02:36.893

6 How do you do incremental search across multiple text files in VIM? 2010-10-07T14:08:52.413

6 Vim: Seeing *all* lines change when inserting to a visual block 2010-10-20T08:56:58.647

6 gvim options / Settings window cannot write buftype is set e382 2011-04-13T06:51:16.187

6 Alternate page-up in vim? 2012-01-20T22:37:30.207

6 !xdg-open <URL> doesn't open the website in my default browser 2012-02-06T18:01:41.600

6 No syntax highlighting in GVIM on Windows with _vimrc 2012-04-17T14:20:12.593

6 Hitting enter in the quickfix window doesn't work 2014-09-23T08:49:20.143

6 How to "Edit with Vim" as administrator in Windows? 2015-02-05T15:37:46.457

6 Vim and Gvim - Change color for cursorline line numbers 2018-01-11T17:36:57.917

5 Vim command to map CapsLock to Escape 2009-07-30T22:31:04.930

5 How to remap a NERDTree shortcut in VIM 2010-04-04T23:45:09.763

5 Preventing Windows version of Vim from destroying other file systems permissions 2010-08-30T23:05:51.270

5 Write vim log to a file 2010-10-19T14:41:15.423

5 How can I indent multiple lines, and indent "backwards", in gvim? 2011-03-01T22:48:11.993

5 GVIM hangs when saving through GVFS' FTP 2011-05-08T15:09:48.180

5 GVim: Shift + Insert dump <S-Insert> instead of the clipboard text 2011-08-14T10:09:04.540

5 How do I specify custom settings for vim based on file path 2011-09-28T07:46:15.093

5 How to force vim to end all lines with a single linefeed character (LF) 2011-12-08T04:32:22.187

5 What are those tildes in gVim for? 2012-03-26T21:23:25.587

5 Bidi support in Vim, should I revert to Notepad++? 2012-07-30T00:11:57.990

5 Vim Script: Is it possible to refer to script-local variables in mappings? 2013-03-15T22:33:22.080

5 Replacing the pager inside vim? 2013-10-07T08:21:33.830

5 Windows 8 start screen does not do partial name matching for all apps 2013-10-18T05:01:06.657

5 Do I really need 4GB of Xcode to run gVim on a Mac OS machine? 2015-09-27T22:22:02.927

5 Vim slow at rendering the buffer with LaTeX syntax highlighting 2016-08-08T12:12:17.520

4 Directory Shortcuts in Vim 2010-01-08T06:05:28.553

4 Fixing the position of items in vim's statusline 2010-03-30T23:53:43.203

4 Merging two vertical blocks with vim 2010-05-10T12:37:25.210

4 Change color scheme when calling vimdiff inside Vim 2010-06-28T12:55:37.880

4 Vim, delete to row n 2010-11-16T08:31:27.853

4 How can I make gVim show a correct taskbar icon in Windows 7? 2011-01-28T17:52:50.443

4 How do I avoid changing a file's Linux permissions when saving over a samba connection? 2011-05-28T13:22:34.243

4 How can I automatically adjust the Gvim/MacVim window to the width of my vertical splits? 2011-06-05T05:45:53.373

4 Why do .bat scripts get locked after execution in Windows 7? 2011-06-13T10:21:14.147

4 GVim flickers where it would normally sound a bell 2011-06-30T08:37:09.550

4 How can I run a headless gvim to get syntax highlighted code converted to HTML? 2011-07-25T15:27:15.800