How to navigate between begin and end html tag in Vim?



For example, if I want to jump to the close form tag. how could I do this?


Posted 2010-09-17T16:26:09.200

Reputation: 5 245

Related: How to jump between matching HTML/XML tags? at Vim SE

– kenorb – 2015-02-14T00:29:21.003



The matchit.vim plugin, in conjunction with the html.vim filetype plugin, will allow you to do this. One way to load the matchit.vim plugin is to put this in your ~/.vimrc:

runtime macros/matchit.vim

If you don't already have filetype plugins enabled, also put this in in your ~/.vimrc:

filetype plugin on

Then when you edit an HTML file, you can jump from a tag to the matching tag by typing %. You can find out more by executing

:help matchit


Posted 2010-09-17T16:26:09.200

Reputation: 29 085

Thanks, this is perfect! Thought I had to install plugin but looks like it's included already. – Jason – 2013-04-22T21:34:58.537


You can jump between tags using visual operators, in example:

  1. Place the cursor on the tag.
  2. Enter visual mode by pressing v.
  3. Select the outer tag block by pressing a+t or i+t for inner tag block.

Your cursor should jump forward to the matching closing html/xml tag. To jump backwards from closing tag, press o or O to jump to opposite tag.

Now you can either exit visual by pressing Esc, change it by c or copy by y.

To record that action into register, press qq to start recording, perform tag jump as above (including Esc), press q to finish. Then to invoke jump, press @q.

See more help at :help visual-operators or :help v_it:

at a <tag> </tag> block (with tags)

it inner <tag> </tag> block

Alternatively use plugin such as matchit.vim (See: Using % in languages without curly braces).

See also:


Posted 2010-09-17T16:26:09.200

Reputation: 16 795