Tag: gnome

2 Is there a way to group and hide tray/notification area icons in Ubuntu? 2011-02-27T20:50:47.483

2 Gnome: run program w/o window decorations 2011-03-04T15:52:09.090

2 How to connect to OpenVPN with NetworkManager 2011-03-07T14:47:24.260

2 How to customize Seahorse plugin behavior in Nautilus? 2011-03-12T08:44:17.460

2 Gnome change virtual desktops by moving mouse to edge of the screen - Delay 2011-03-18T14:34:55.960

2 Compiz is not applying config from CompizConfig Settings Manager 2011-04-06T12:44:57.007

2 Ubuntu clipboard manager that pastes from popup without Ctrl+V? 2011-04-13T20:52:07.517

2 Remove Gnome windows manager and install the Xfce windows manager 2011-04-15T16:22:55.880

2 Extend display over network on linux with VNC 2011-04-30T02:20:07.610

2 Remove All Gnome Panels 2011-05-04T17:14:08.453

2 A startup script on Ubuntu that only runs properly when ran manually 2011-05-10T18:17:58.310

2 Per-application font hinting and anti-aliasing in Gnome 2011-06-16T02:41:48.360

2 Fedora 15 force gnome fallback mode 2011-06-20T15:26:27.443

2 Gnome, open with, custom command, filename reference 2011-06-24T23:14:30.293

2 Ubuntu Windows Key and Left/Right 2011-07-16T18:16:29.930

2 A keyboard shortcut for the "status menu" in GNOME 3 2011-07-17T10:46:24.843

2 Font rendering with dual monitors 2011-07-23T18:51:33.680

2 In Ubuntu Lucid, various panel applets malfunction on login 2011-07-27T19:15:30.203

2 Root authentication with another root user 2011-08-04T09:34:17.300

2 How to save window positions in GNOME? 2011-08-12T16:26:52.023

2 Gnome setup to show icons for windows along bottom of screen? 2011-08-17T13:01:46.143

2 Are there long term support distros that offer Gnome 3 as their primary desktop environment? 2011-10-09T08:47:19.160

2 Start google chrome in the background in Gnome - do not focus on the window 2011-11-07T09:40:33.740

2 Disable auto-open for a specific device 2011-11-19T07:14:46.533

2 Once I have installed a program on Ubuntu, how do I run it? 2012-01-29T22:21:29.170

2 Can only see part of the screen when connecting via NX, how can I control NX size? 2012-03-05T11:12:46.980

2 Is it possible to change the mount point used for external USB devices from /media to something else under GNOME? 2012-03-20T02:09:19.503

2 After installing Ubuntu how do I get rid of unity and go back to gnome? 2012-04-12T23:26:04.177

2 Disable Linux Mint system start sound? 2012-05-14T09:18:41.193

2 Surrounding window frame disappeared after Ubuntu release upgrade 2012-05-22T01:43:47.580

2 How to install GNOME desktop from DVD on CentOS 6 using the command line? 2012-06-03T04:34:21.430

2 Is it possible to run an interactive script before shutdown Linux in a GNOME session? 2012-07-01T04:10:19.933

2 How to make HTML snippets available when working with PHP? 2012-07-05T06:33:07.353

2 Why are xterm colors different than gnome-terminal colors? 2012-07-19T18:36:21.677

2 How to disable gnome-xchat join/quit massage permanently? 2012-07-19T15:36:41.557

2 Why does gnome-terminal display a unicode escape character? 2012-09-03T10:34:28.153

2 Debian+KDE. Set kde look for gtk applications? 2011-04-25T10:17:21.097

2 Is it possible to configure a blank line at the bottom of a gnome terminal? 2012-10-06T16:39:17.400

2 Gnome clock applet, where's the data stored? 2012-11-13T13:21:12.673

2 How can Google Calendar notifications pop up in my current virtual desktop in RHEL6 (Gnome)? 2012-12-01T01:35:30.930

2 Mint 11 - no screensaver with lid closed and external monitor 2013-01-24T16:49:03.503

2 Why scrolling in Unity is faster than in Xmonad? 2013-02-15T05:41:06.267

2 How can I change my gnome-terminal title? 2013-03-12T17:46:14.097

2 How do I set up preferred applications in Nautilus by file extension, rather than by mime type? 2013-03-27T03:08:46.707

2 Keyboard shortcut to launch applications from the GNOME3 Favourites 2013-04-11T07:04:11.253

2 How to enable mobile broadband in networkmanager applet 2013-05-11T05:15:11.760

2 Gnome 3.4.2: How to display notifications a bit longer 2013-05-15T14:24:13.940

2 In Gnome Shell, how do I prevent all windows of an app from getting focus when I focus just one of them? 2013-07-10T17:24:18.797

2 Automatically closing idle windows in Gnome 2013-08-31T17:17:51.913

2 xdotool : close all windows except the one that is active (infront) 2013-08-31T17:42:04.733

2 Ubuntu 12.10 gnome flashback why I get in white toolbar 2013-09-02T19:43:24.210

2 How to change the titlebar's font size and height in Gnome Shell windows 2013-09-14T12:10:07.443

2 Make firefox window transparent on Gnome-Shell 2013-09-14T16:43:07.347

2 GNOME3 keyboard shortcuts doesn't run my script 2013-09-17T08:39:38.577

2 How can rm -rf be slower than delete in nautilus? 2013-10-04T08:41:23.723

2 How do I install themes for Gnome3 in Debian 7? 2013-10-09T15:50:46.127

2 How can I cause Fedora Linux to show me the GUI login screen? 2013-10-28T00:13:26.160

2 Is there a Linux cursor that has a (semi-transparent) Halo 2013-12-09T21:16:00.500

2 How do I import multiple csv files in gnumeric? 2013-12-29T03:00:03.477

2 How can we "persuade" fink, port, & brew to coexist in parallel on OSX Mavericks? 2014-01-02T23:00:34.910

2 How to setup touchegg with gnome on debian 2014-02-18T15:19:14.893

2 Installing Gnome 3.12 from stable repository for OpenSUSE 13.1 2014-05-27T18:41:28.550

2 Reduce brightness on laptop with Fedora 20 and Gnome Shell 2014-08-13T05:11:32.347

2 Control-L to enter path in Gnome-shell save dialog 2014-08-26T20:50:46.847

2 focus to newly opened terminal 2014-11-25T17:56:00.740

2 Gnome Terminal tab completion placing text in odd areas 2014-12-29T01:50:52.240

2 How to preserve path in a new tab in the gnome terminal? 2015-01-13T17:31:12.147

2 How to keep the terminal open after executing a C program? 2015-04-26T22:58:25.620

2 Can Gnome act as thin client? 2015-05-06T08:40:54.990

2 custom GUI app in GNOME, desktop file & app menu 2015-06-07T15:14:07.893

2 Fedora 22 - touchpad detected but not working 2015-08-24T22:26:15.210

2 Gnome 3 programs apparently disappearing in Arch Linux? 2015-08-25T00:48:49.367

2 Gnome - touchpad gesturers 2015-09-01T21:04:54.247

2 How to set default keyboard layout for GDM 3.16? 2015-10-03T05:39:31.793

2 Cannot install GNOME Desktop on Centos 7 2015-10-26T01:19:41.943

2 How to make chromium remember window size and position (linux / gnome)? 2016-01-24T16:07:13.477

2 Gnome music pop-up window on Ubuntu 14.04 2016-02-12T22:06:46.800

2 Opensuse Stop Gnome Zoom from Following typing 2016-02-27T03:46:23.273

2 Windows VM in Gnome-Boxes won't grab mouse or respect mouse movement 2016-03-22T08:11:48.267

2 Why can't I sign into the Google Services using the Epiphany browser? 2016-03-22T14:21:08.003

2 What does this ink level indicator mean 2016-04-02T15:33:15.787

2 Login to GNOME (Fedora) using my FreeIPA credentials 2016-05-31T20:18:54.100

2 Nautilus broken in Linux, I cannot fix it by `apt-get` 2016-10-15T10:11:04.633

2 VMware Workstation prevents screen lock on a Linux (Ubuntu GNOME) host 2016-11-01T12:00:39.780

2 Is it possible to install snaps (snapd) on debian? 2017-05-10T01:29:33.193

2 OpenShot exporting a video with a reasonable file size 2017-06-02T10:00:49.263

2 How to switch yes and no buttons in dialog box, either in Windows or Linux? 2017-06-20T23:13:03.560

2 How does Linux (Specifically, GNOME Fedora) calculate my position? 2017-07-22T07:09:32.067

2 Get the Firefox "save as" dialog to stop guessing where I want to save my file 2017-09-20T07:56:12.787

2 Disable quick-search animation in GTK3 File Chooser 2017-10-09T10:48:14.043

2 Disable apple Cmd key on Centos/Gnome in VM 2017-10-21T04:29:26.770

2 Linux+Gnome: can't bind shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+Esc 2017-11-28T11:33:08.607

2 How can I switch from GNOME Classic to GNOME Shell on CentOS 7 over RDP? 2017-12-15T17:36:23.843

2 Increasing Gnome Shell FPS (dragging windows and terminals is not smooth) 2018-02-05T00:32:42.250

2 Configuring Chrome Remote Desktop with Ubuntu 18.04 Gnome 2018-05-03T15:12:29.523

2 Automatically logged out of GNOME after inactivity 2018-06-28T12:45:01.017

2 Installing Gnome on OpenBSD 6.3 2018-08-24T23:06:54.557

2 Gnome 3.32.0 Super+n keyboard shortcuts not working 2019-04-01T15:16:08.987

2 How to use F13-F24 keys? 2019-05-31T14:27:11.510