Automatically closing idle windows in Gnome


Can open windows automatically close themselves if they have not been used for X seconds in Gnome?

For example, right now I have some Firefox windows and some other file browser windows etc open located in the back of this Firefox browser.

I would like them to close themselves if I have not touched them for two minutes. Can this be done? I'm wondering if xdotool can be used for this task?


Posted 2013-08-31T17:17:51.913

Reputation: 793

Do you mean windows or tabs? – terdon – 2013-08-31T17:19:39.663

@terdon, windows. – user2735866 – 2013-08-31T17:20:25.313



To automatically close windows after pause (touched or not) use:

firefox &
sleep 2m
kill %1

If you find how to test window activation try:

firefox &
while _i_do_not_know_what_
do sleep 2m
kill %1


Posted 2013-08-31T17:17:51.913

Reputation: 1