Tag: cname

55 What prevents me from setting up an A name entry for “google.ca” to whatever IP address I want? 2020-02-12T20:32:05.650

19 Can't set "example.com" as a CNAME record? 2011-03-31T13:57:00.693

15 Prevent use of CNAME record for untrusted domain 2019-08-24T16:34:38.873

4 A-record vs CNAME which one to use for changing subdomain nameserver? 2012-05-07T15:18:01.373

4 Non-WWW site redirects to WWW explicitly? 2015-11-13T18:23:53.270

4 Can I use the same domain name for 2 separate web servers? 2019-02-14T06:41:30.357

3 Connecting to my home router web interface from work 2010-11-28T08:25:40.413

3 White Label nameservers running WHM/Cpanel DNS only with hostname alias 2015-07-27T22:58:31.680

2 I need some basic help setting up CNAME and apache correctly 2010-01-16T11:17:50.693

2 Set CNAME locally on OSX 2012-03-02T20:08:11.973

2 DNS e-mail - how to catch all @mydomain.com e-mails and sent to one specific e-mail account? 2013-10-28T13:23:46.667

2 Wildcard CNAME record complications? 2014-04-16T19:15:29.713

2 how to host multiple pages from diferent domains all together? 2015-07-08T19:43:20.903

2 Is it possible to CNAME to a youtube profile? 2016-03-19T22:10:54.757

2 Recursive DNS server answers with CNAME but does not return the A record 2018-03-05T16:53:19.827

1 Is the DNS a name record relevant if I forward the domain? 2010-01-28T01:13:45.623

1 How does tumblr point to your domain? 2010-11-23T03:47:06.900

1 CNAME pointing to one FQDN, but taking me to a different one 2012-02-28T16:45:44.263

1 DNS: Forward domain to another host 2012-04-11T17:10:25.837

1 Understanding CNAME in displaydns 2012-06-17T07:38:24.203

1 DNS forwarding settings: Can I use a DNS name server as target of A entry? 2012-07-17T06:27:44.713

1 Different wifi networks returning different websites for same URL 2013-10-02T05:37:13.360

1 SSL certificate for CNAME record 2013-12-07T21:22:06.283

1 CNAME and MX records on naked domain 2014-10-29T11:09:57.467

1 DNS: CNAME entry breaks mail 2014-11-20T06:39:43.170

1 change IP when a CNAME is used 2015-05-07T11:28:55.283

1 Host different pages all together 2015-07-08T20:25:31.153

1 Chrome browser history preventing url redirect 2015-10-16T06:11:23.300

1 Resolving a Heroku App by Cascading two CNAMEs 2015-10-19T17:51:29.780

1 Creating multiple A-records from windows server via dynamic-dns 2016-02-23T14:08:52.090

1 How do i find a list of cnames pointing to a specific address? 2016-10-15T04:51:53.533

1 Difference between CNAME and MX 2017-10-20T17:55:07.860

1 Resolve a subdomain of a CNAME 2017-11-29T09:47:34.640

1 Forward all subdomains to main domain without changing URL? 2018-02-14T13:35:28.273

1 How to find what hostname a TLS client is connecting to || was: How to find the original service provider of information that is served by a CDN? 2018-05-30T16:18:58.320

1 CNAME configuration for same domain 2018-05-30T19:50:09.167

1 Can I configure dnsmasq to use /etc/hosts to resolve the target of a CNAME? 2018-08-24T18:42:37.540

1 Whether CNAME is transfer to NS value by domain provider? 2019-10-29T04:54:54.040

0 How to set up www cname for free dyndns subdomain 2009-10-25T02:08:30.580

0 Expose a website hosted on a server with a dynamicip through a subdomain 2012-01-31T15:46:34.400

0 Wrong DNS cache on Windows Vista 2013-05-19T19:19:17.480

0 Can i make cname point to remote URL directory 2013-09-14T14:12:58.397

0 CNAME not working 2014-01-18T02:37:34.283

0 CNAME records effectively being ignored and overridden by wildcard CNAME record 2014-04-03T22:19:11.817

0 How to change / remove cPanel default website page for mail.domain.com? 2014-05-01T11:57:47.960

0 CNAME to shared IP on a cluster 2014-05-14T16:28:27.120

0 Chrome ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 2014-12-26T21:43:25.723

0 CNAME on root when all other records are deleted? 2015-06-20T17:00:16.117

0 Error while visiting the site with www 2015-10-28T09:56:57.730

0 How to host Openshift Free Tier on <mydomain>.com and not <path>.mydomain.com 2016-06-28T11:54:51.073

0 How to remove a CNAME record? 2016-09-06T10:44:00.257

0 DNS: Point all subdomains to another subdomain except one 2016-10-07T09:07:41.383

0 Can't see my website after setting up CNAME pointing to Github Pages site 2016-12-05T01:17:55.960

0 Azure "No CNAME records were found. Please add a CNAME record pointing to " 2017-08-01T19:19:27.057

0 How to point domain to VPS when A Records are not available 2017-08-05T01:53:47.090

0 Switch website Name Servers without or with minimal downtime? 2017-12-05T06:32:30.930

0 Curiosity about DNS using dig command 2017-12-12T13:41:30.447

0 Why CNAME is not working as supposed? 2018-04-14T22:33:57.230

0 How to receive email from another domain using cname? 2018-05-10T21:44:55.663

0 How to check if two CNAMEs point to the same IP address? 2018-10-31T20:52:14.993

0 Simulate a CNAME removal from DNS on local computer 2019-02-23T16:05:44.653

0 GSuite and PrivateEmail Conflict 2019-09-19T05:46:00.157

0 CNAME for main website, to load balancer? 2020-01-24T20:40:56.293