Prevent use of CNAME record for untrusted domain



I use Route53 for DNS and want to prevent the use of a CNAME record for an untrusted domain.

For example, I have three domains:

  • has the A records:

  • is a CNAME to
  • is a CNAME to

I want to protect and prevent creation of CNAME for another domains (except and

How can I do this?


Posted 2019-08-24T16:34:38.873

Reputation: 151

9Why do you think anybody has a reason to do it, and why do you care? – Jan Hudec – 2019-08-25T11:30:38.237

@JanHudec: Perhaps somebody's trying to carry out a DNS rebinding attack on the OP's site, and the OP would like to prevent that. (Of course, DNS rebinding can be done without using any CNAME records anyway, so forbidding them would not be sufficient even if it was possible.)

– Ilmari Karonen – 2019-08-26T11:18:28.260

You cannot prevent that technically. You might be able to sue with legal help if it infringes on your trademarks or impersonates you (however it’s internationally a hard thing to succeed). You can also inform abuse department of source provider if you suspect abuse. – eckes – 2019-08-26T14:16:32.347

@IlmariKaronen, ok, that's a valid concern—best handled by checking the Host: header and/or using TLS (which always checks the host name). – Jan Hudec – 2019-08-26T17:30:26.970



DNS does not support this. It doesn't matter what DNS provider you use, because creating a CNAME record is done entirely at the 'source' domain and does not contact the 'target' at all. So a domain can publish any DNS records with any data.

The only thing you can do – when dealing with HTTP(S), TLS-SNI, and other protocols which support virtual hosts – is to make sure your server rejects all requests for unknown vhosts.


Posted 2019-08-24T16:34:38.873

Reputation: 283 655

make sure your server rejects all requests for unknown vhosts...I'm curious, how does this help if a CNAME record is pointing to a valid hostname? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2019-08-24T16:51:55.103

19@twisty a cname doesnt change the domain sent to server for vhost determination. So if I cnamed to your the browser would still present as the domain used to your webserver. Your server could then reject that request. – kicken – 2019-08-24T17:12:43.370

4This is how many CDNs work -- thousands of website domains are CNAME'd to the same CDN servers, but the TLS and HTTP host headers still have the original domain that the user typed in. – user1686 – 2019-08-25T06:26:26.887

3It should also be mentioned that it is the original hostname that is validated against any TLS certificate, so if the server serves everything over TLS (HTTPS, WSS etc.; as is becoming standard), it will come up as untrusted when accessed over any such rogue CNAME. – Jan Hudec – 2019-08-25T11:28:29.980

1@JanHudec the attacker could also just create a reverse proxy, which he provides under his own domain, but which directs all requests to the OPs domain, effectively creating the same effect, but also serving his own certificate. And all without any CNAME records. – Falco – 2019-08-27T07:48:52.680


You cannot prevent someone from creating a CNAME record that points to your domain any more than you can prevent someone from telling their friends to call your telephone number.

A CNAME record is like leaving a recording on an answering machine that tells you to call a different number. For example, you call 555-1111 and the message says, "Call 555-2222." In the same way, a CNAME record for can point to When the DNS client looks up and encounters the CNAME record, it restarts the DNS lookup process for if it had been trying to look up in the first place.

Since you don't control the domain where the CNAME record is created, and because you cannot distinguish between lookups of your domain records that originated because of CNAME records versus native lookups, you cannot prevent CNAME records from pointing to you, any more than you could prevent someone from leaving a message on their own answering machine telling callers to call your number instead.

I say Reinstate Monica

Posted 2019-08-24T16:34:38.873

Reputation: 21 477

1Or any more so than I can prevent numbskulls with names similar to mine from putting my email address on important things they sign up for. I've gotten car maintenance notifications in California (a VW) and Ohio (a Toyota), restaurant reservations in the Philippines, college scholarship inquiries from Missouri, a sports newsletter from the Netherlands, and probably several others I'm forgetting. I live in New England. But that doesn't allow those people to impersonate me; if anything, it allows me to impersonate them! – Doktor J – 2019-08-26T20:49:41.130