Tag: batch

163 How to supress "Terminate batch job (Y/N)" confirmation? 2009-09-04T12:39:12.810

113 Can you zip a file from the command prompt using ONLY Windows' built-in capability to zip files? 2010-02-19T19:46:23.680

87 How can I remove a forkbomb from the Startup folder? 2015-08-22T16:46:10.563

74 How to auto detect text file encoding? 2011-06-24T08:07:02.637

72 Variables in batch file not being set when inside IF? 2009-12-03T20:51:48.240

72 How to remove read-only attribute recursively on Windows 7 2013-10-03T15:49:37.877

71 How to check the exit code of the last command in batch file? 2010-10-01T04:47:03.857

68 Get current folder name by a DOS command? 2010-07-06T21:29:58.987

59 How do I create a Windows Batch file that does not show the Command Prompt when executed? 2011-01-14T18:23:22.027

58 How do I make a batch file wait / sleep for some seconds? 2009-09-29T00:21:29.027

58 Renaming many files in Mac OS X, batch processing 2010-06-15T07:23:42.133

46 Programatically associate file extensions with application on Windows 2012-03-31T13:29:07.900

45 Determine if command is recognized in a batch file 2010-08-13T12:32:07.870

44 How to run commands as in a queue 2010-12-09T23:08:51.270

42 Is there an equivalent to /dev/null in Windows? 2010-04-24T03:57:43.943

41 does %* in batch file mean all command line arguments? 2010-06-07T21:41:11.690

40 Using wildcards with the rmdir or rd command 2014-06-06T07:44:46.213

37 Running bat file at startup as administrator in Windows 7 2009-11-16T12:44:31.123

37 Using Gimp to batch convert images to another format in Windows 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

37 Is there any way to get the windows cmd shell to expand wildcard paths? 2012-08-12T06:29:47.553

34 How to disable the output of 7-Zip? 2010-10-01T04:27:09.213

34 Windows CMD Batch, START and output redirection 2011-09-21T17:06:07.457

33 Batch file that runs cmd.exe, a command, and then stays open at prompt 2010-02-09T21:35:05.543

32 Can a mapped network drive be reconnected from the command line? 2009-10-08T03:50:11.680

32 How to get filename only without path in windows command line? 2012-10-18T02:44:09.360

31 How do I batch change the date taken information in EXIF data? 2009-07-20T19:27:27.683

31 Weird characters (´╗┐) at the start of a batch file 2014-06-16T21:09:34.927

27 Windows script to copy some text to the clipboard? 2011-01-09T17:41:17.200

26 How to create a shortcut using a batch script? 2012-07-30T14:39:37.860

26 Run a batch/cmd upon screensaver 2013-01-18T09:53:10.403

26 ́╗┐' is not recognized as an internal or external command 2013-05-29T14:42:32.013

25 Do something every 10 seconds batch file 2009-11-07T00:14:52.537

24 How can I convert a Windows batch script to a .exe? 2015-01-23T04:21:37.497

20 What is the EX-mode for batch processing for? 2009-08-13T16:52:26.300

20 Exit batch file from subroutine 2009-12-08T17:33:14.863

20 Batch convert .wav to mp3 and ogg? 2012-01-02T20:24:25.910

18 How to make 7-zip do a whole bunch of folders 2010-01-11T16:16:29.393

18 Enable/disable wireless interface in a bat file 2010-02-03T21:04:34.643

18 Batch remove comments from PDF files 2010-12-13T23:15:46.900

18 How to batch combine JPEG's from folders into PDF's 2011-11-29T01:16:21.743

18 Windows: How to add batch-script action to Right Click menu 2012-07-04T06:45:23.637

18 Add text to end of filename (but before extension) using batch file 2013-06-05T10:30:21.497

18 How to get the command that invoked a task with tasklist? 2013-12-02T14:13:02.453

18 How to find the PCs name in a batch script? 2014-12-14T09:26:31.617

17 How to get the Date in a batch file in a predictable format? 2011-07-27T22:38:53.980

17 How to copy a list of file names to text file? 2012-03-01T16:41:41.670

17 How do I batch convert thousands of NEFs to JPEGs? 2013-04-04T00:28:59.337

15 Batch convert TIFF images to PDF? 2009-12-10T10:41:31.370

15 How to bulk-rename files with invalid encoding or bulk-replace invalid encoded characters? 2013-01-18T10:49:24.020

14 Spaces and Parenthesis in windows PATH variable screws up batch files 2010-03-13T23:06:37.803

14 How to delete Chrome temp data (history, cookies, cache) using command line 2012-11-22T06:09:55.090

14 How to remove scrollbar in cmd ? - windows 10 2016-08-03T19:34:19.000

14 What does ^& represent in Windows command line? 2019-01-07T18:00:53.770

13 How do I add a password to a batch file to automatically authenticate? 2012-12-18T23:27:24.193

13 How can I compare the versions of two executables from the command line? 2015-03-20T05:28:25.970

13 Open Networks folder through cmd? 2018-07-01T16:42:29.833

12 How to overwrite the same line in command output from batch file 2009-12-14T07:16:25.010

12 Why does 'ping' returns 'request timed out' for some hosts? 2011-02-03T11:11:53.493

11 Batch convert multiple PDF to Image on Mac 2009-12-28T04:09:11.707

11 How to delete gpg secret keys by force, without fingerprint? 2010-08-11T09:08:49.063

11 Multithreaded Windows FOR batch command 2011-01-12T12:55:00.787

11 What does "type nul > somefile" do to "somefile" in Windows? 2011-04-12T15:01:19.067

11 Dump batch script output into a text file without specifing batchfile location beforehand 2013-07-17T12:37:39.140

11 What does the percent sign (% and %%) in a batch file argument mean? 2013-11-07T16:58:59.053

11 ffmpeg | batch convert | make same filename 2015-05-09T16:00:48.760

10 Why is xcopy returning "invalid number of parameters"? 2010-02-26T00:36:12.070

10 Run a batch command for every file in a directory 2010-03-05T08:49:13.920

10 .bat file: only the first line is being executed - why? 2010-08-14T12:10:20.270

10 Which free software can I use to deskew scanned images 2010-10-28T09:15:41.573

10 How to stop a bat process on Windows? 2010-11-08T06:49:50.257

10 Generate or update a PDF to include an encrypted, hidden watermark? 2010-12-26T09:02:47.810

10 Rtf to txt on Unix 2011-02-08T15:04:43.033

10 Automatically restart application when closes 2011-08-06T14:44:46.357

10 Running msiexec with PowerShell 2011-10-28T07:29:37.213

10 Batch delete: Access is denied 2011-12-07T19:57:12.380

10 Batch Convert .mkv to .mp4 2012-06-23T15:05:21.047

10 How to send a batch file by email 2012-09-28T09:34:58.387

10 is there an escape for '&' character in the command prompt? 2013-02-12T14:24:01.477

10 PNG Batch resizing and saving while preserving transparency 2013-03-19T08:11:33.997

10 How to open multiple URLs in Chrome/Firefox and then save them individually? 2014-06-22T23:21:39.127

10 Passing command-line arguments to a windows batch script 2014-09-15T05:27:02.737

10 Windows Command line get disk space in GB 2015-04-01T16:41:35.737

10 Virtual Desktop Properties To Command Line 2015-10-01T23:23:48.040

10 How to extract extension of input file parameter using Windows batch script 2016-10-05T21:42:27.877

10 Is there a way to push and pop all environment variables in a batch script? 2016-12-26T13:41:28.573

10 Using a batch file to zip files as individual zip files 2017-03-13T23:50:05.350

10 Auto-Login Windows XP/Win-7 using a Batch File (or VB Script) stored in a Standard USB Pen Drive 2017-08-08T10:04:39.043

9 Notepad switches 2010-04-16T20:43:04.467

9 How to test thousands of MP3 files whether they're playable? 2010-05-13T20:26:59.930

9 Batch script: how to check for admin rights 2010-10-29T12:07:38.650

9 In Windows, a batch file with a recursive for loop and a file name including blanks 2011-03-11T14:33:28.580

9 How can I automatically log out users from a Windows machine? 2011-04-11T20:09:58.547

9 Is it possible to pipe a list of files to RMDIR on Windows? 2011-04-28T09:52:36.960

9 how do you make a letter password generator in batch? 2011-10-22T22:58:54.360

9 Runas command for user without password 2012-09-05T20:43:50.023

9 Batch file to open multiple cmd prompts 2012-11-13T15:31:06.623

9 How to get the Visual Studio installation path in a batch file 2013-01-21T22:45:16.837

9 Windows batch file if else usage 2013-03-15T23:12:03.857

9 Batch converting AIFF to WAV 2013-12-13T13:34:40.873