Using Gimp to batch convert images to another format in Windows



As implied by the title, does anybody know how to use the gimp-console-[version].exe program to batch convert images between formats (with default settings) in Windows ?

Alex Marshall

Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

Reputation: 555



Better than Gimp or Irfanview is ImageMagick.

For instance, try:

mogrify -format jpg *.png


Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

Reputation: 12 423

mogrify did the trick, I was completely unaware of it until now. Thank you very much. – Alex Marshall – 2010-03-28T16:20:54.050


@DaveParillo In this case it's not. quote: unless you change the file suffix with the -format option

– mrgloom – 2017-03-20T15:26:28.333

its does not work for latest 8086 windows version – zero8 – 2017-10-27T05:41:09.753

seems to work, but for the latest version it's all included in one tool so the command line is magick mogrify -format jpg *.png. Also, despite saying it added itself to the path variable it didn't seem to work without going to the specific install folder. – Nyerguds – 2017-12-04T10:04:23.323

The full command for me was: magick mogrify -format jpg *.bmp – None – 2018-05-22T17:26:25.713

Perfect! Thanks! ImageMagick got automatically installed when I installed Zbar (a barcode reader, it Depended on ImageMagick,) but I didn't realize how useful this was! Thank you so much! – JamesTheAwesomeDude – 2012-12-25T06:24:50.227

Please be aware, that in many cases Gimp generates smaller images than imagemagick, so if you are going for size, check gimp batch mode as well. – Krystian – 2013-07-25T08:10:39.317

1+1 concur, why carry all the baggage of gimp, when a command line tool specific for the job exists. – DaveParillo – 2009-12-01T19:19:27.660

2Also mogrify will overwrite the original images, use convert to make new files in the desired format. – DaveParillo – 2009-12-01T19:20:20.030

3If you only need to do this rarely and have Gimp installed for image editing anyway but don't have ImageMagick installed then doing this with Gimp makes perfect sense. Also if you don't have permissions to install software. – hippietrail – 2014-02-09T16:14:58.130


There is also a wizard based batch processor available:

DBP (David's Batch Processor) for GIMP

enter image description here


Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743



There's also bimp (

– franzlorenzon – 2015-04-08T09:33:03.817

I've tried so many different ways to batch convert a bunch of DDS files to another file format, and this is the only way that's worked. Thank you so much! – Mike Pateras – 2011-03-19T16:19:18.907


Is using Irfanview not an option? I keep both GIMP and Irfanview installed for precisely this reason...GIMP for image editing and Irfanview for batch conversion.


Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

Reputation: 801


There's this to keep in mind for Irfanview, though: "IrfanView is provided as freeware, but only for private, non-commercial use (that means at home). IrfanView is free for educational use (schools, universities, museums and libraries) and for use in charity or humanitarian organisations. If you intend to use IrfanView at your place of business or for commercial purposes, please register and purchase it."

– Michael Schumacher – 2015-03-27T14:59:01.520


Irfanview is named for its author, Irfan Skiljan. Irfanview is pronounced "EarfanView". See for more.

– eleven81 – 2009-12-01T17:34:41.273


Here is Windows GUI to perform batch modifications on images (including file format conversion)

Hope that helps someone out there!


Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

Reputation: 111

This will not convert from PSD – Tom Ruh – 2018-03-24T21:47:08.700


I am going to fall into the camp of using the right tool for the job and I have both Irfanview, and ImageMagick installed, and agree that both are fantastic tools. However let me throw in one more option for posterity. I don't use XnView on a regular basis, but keep a copy of the portable version around to keep on my usb so that I have a powerful easy to use very capable image tool available when I'm out and about. The beauty of the portable version is that you can use it and if you don't like it just delete the install directory. It along with dozens of other free and open source portable applications is available at or specifically The installer will create a directory that contains everything necessary to run the program. Just go to that directory, start the EXE, give it a test. As stated above, when you get tired of it just delete the whole directory. They all run just like that from a USB stick as well. I have about 80 apps I carry around with me and use on public or shared PC's.


Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

Reputation: 5 768


Similar to Irfanview, XnView has some usage restrictions: "XnView is provided as FREEWARE (NO Adware, NO Spyware) for private or educational use (including non-profit organizations)." - see

– Michael Schumacher – 2015-03-27T15:02:16.777


Although I am not really answering the question here I have alternative solution that has worked for me quite well and works from within the GIMP.

Keep in mind this might not be best solution for very large number of images.

Export Layers plugin for GIMP (I am not an author of this plug-in)

  • uses native dialogs for file format export procedures to adjust file format settings.
  • uses layer names as filenames for the exported images.
  • supports layer groups and optionally treats them as folders.
  • can optionally export only layers whose file extension matches specified file format.
  • can use file extensions in layer names as file formats
  • can use layers with names in [square brackets] as background layers
  1. First make sure you have GIMP 2.8 or higher (I confirm it works on 2.8.14)
  2. Download the plug-in (make sure it saves as file with .py extension)
  3. Paste the plug-in into the GIMP_INSTALLATION_FOLDER\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins
  4. Import your images as layers (File > Open as layers).
  5. Select File > Export Layers.. or Export Layers To
  6. Dialogue window will pop up with export options that look similar to any other GIMP dialogue window and are very self descriptive.

NOTE: If you paste the plug-in make sure GIMP is not working, if it is restart it.

Dawid Stróżak

Posted 2009-12-01T17:01:51.743

Reputation: 75