I'm trying to mirror dns queries generated by TCPDUMP filter and replay them with dig or any other utility


I'm not a very experienced script writer at all. I did find some useful hints in generating an stdout from tcpdump that generates a live feed if you will which is what I want, the problem is handling the out output and generate dig/DNS queries against another DNS server for a lab.

Give me the output I'm looking for:

tcpdump -lvi any "udp port 53" 2>/dev/null|grep -E 'A\?'|awk '{print $(NF-1)}'

I've tried this just testing adding the output into an array but I get nothing

declare -a testarr
testarr=( $(tcpdump -lvi any "udp port 53" 2>/dev/null|grep -E 'A\?'|awk '{print $(NF-1)}') )
echo ${testarr[@]}

I've also tried

dig @ $(tcpdump -lvi any "udp port 53" 2>/dev/null|grep -E 'A\?'|awk '{print $(NF-1)}')

Any help is appreciated.


Posted 2014-09-12T21:04:25.057

Reputation: 25



Problem is that $() returns only when tcpdump exits, but it will never exit in your case. You can redirect output to xargs command - it can run dig before tcpdump exits

example code:

tcpdump -nvi any "udp port 53" 2>/dev/null|awk '/A\?/{print $(NF-1);fflush()}' | xargs -n 1 dig @ 

Also note, that awk output can be buffered, so you should flush output in your awk program.

Alexander Kudrevatykh

Posted 2014-09-12T21:04:25.057

Reputation: 170

this isn't working for me. I've tried to echo the output -t in case it was running in the background, I've confirmed the dns server is not getting the queries but also confirmed I can make dig queries from this test host. How can I buffer awk? – carter – 2014-09-15T00:12:53.210

you should not buffer awk, quite the contrary - you should flush awk output, also, you should not buffer tcpdump output with -l flag and you should note, that grep can buffer output too. I updated my answer to not use any buffers – Alexander Kudrevatykh – 2014-09-15T07:54:55.150

This seems to work: "sudo tcpdump -lvi any "udp port 53" 2>/dev/null|grep -E 'A?'|awk '{print $(NF-1); fflush(stdout) }' | xargs -n 1 dig @"

This puts the prompt into > : "sudo tcpdump -lvi any "udp port 53" 2>/dev/null | awk ‘/A?/{print $(NF-1); fflush()}' | xargs -n 1 dig @"

I think I have what I need. Do you think this can run in a backgroup process with '%' ?

@AlexanderKudrevatykh – carter – 2014-09-15T11:31:50.830