Tag: animated-gif

128 How do I create a GIF screencast in Windows? 2009-12-11T10:37:27.613

71 How to stop animated gifs in Google Chrome? 2009-08-17T10:56:09.913

67 Why does FFmpeg choose 10+20+20 ms instead of an even 16 ms for 60 fps GIF images? 2019-07-14T19:10:13.767

51 Does only GIF support animation? 2013-09-05T04:41:35.153

47 How do I make an existing animated GIF loop repeatedly? 2010-07-01T22:51:11.067

29 Optimize animated GIF size in command-line 2016-07-31T23:47:20.553

21 Insert Animated GIF into Powerpoint 2013? 2014-07-25T05:24:38.523

11 Setting an animated .gif as the desktop background on Windows 7 2010-06-16T05:38:24.963

11 Do 60 FPS GIF's actually exist? Or is the maximum 50 FPS? 2019-06-16T14:28:55.053

9 How to take a CSS animation from a browser, and export a GIF of it? 2012-06-09T13:56:55.850

9 Tile animated gifs 2013-04-07T01:22:24.150

8 How do I set an animated wallpaper on Windows 7? 2012-07-23T13:51:49.840

8 How to stop chrome/firefox downloading a gif? 2013-12-01T03:14:30.480

7 How to make transparent background of a gif animation? 2013-06-17T04:12:52.630

6 Is it possible to insert animations into Microsoft Office Word 2010 Documents? 2013-05-11T08:53:36.347

6 How to Sort Animated GIFs from Non Animated GIFs? 2015-04-14T02:24:46.457

5 How do I use an animated GIF image for the Windows 8.1 lock screen? 2013-10-02T07:32:08.877

5 Capture CLI Output as Animated GIF 2016-12-19T18:20:06.550

4 Utility to quickly convert a sequence of images to an animated GIF 2010-03-02T18:45:32.280

4 Convert animated SVG to animated GIF? 2011-11-17T22:16:16.440

4 Animated GIF as an overlay in FFMPEG? 2012-09-10T23:53:39.637

4 Animated GIF of recorded screen activity 2012-09-12T15:20:38.000

4 Animated GIF stops working after opening and saving in Photoshop 2013-05-11T08:10:16.610

4 Deleting several frames from an animated GIF file at once in GIMP 2015-12-08T22:51:50.067

4 Converting a GIF to video changes its duration 2016-12-06T09:14:23.043

4 How to pause/play animated gifs in Google Chrome? 2017-08-12T01:17:28.177

3 Gifsicle: How to set it to not overwrite the original GIF file if the resulting modified GIF file is larger than the original? 2012-04-22T10:39:20.967

3 How to add text over GIF animation? 2012-12-30T14:53:31.757

2 Is there a replacement for AniDisable for firefox 3.5? 2009-09-18T17:10:14.360

2 View multiple animated gifs at the same time? 2011-06-18T20:44:56.330

2 How to create optimized GIF animation for a presentation? 2013-02-25T17:50:37.213

2 Convert an image strip into gif 2013-07-13T21:25:04.373

2 Converting AVI file to an animated gif with transparent background 2014-02-19T23:31:07.487

2 How can I edit the delay of the first frame of an animated gif 2015-01-20T16:15:01.870

2 Can I block the autoplay GIFs on "Giphy", "Tenor GIF Keyboard", etc, on Facebook Messenger? 2017-08-19T21:15:56.760

1 Adding an animated GIF to a PowerPoint slide 2009-12-06T20:30:04.540

1 Are animated GIFs supported in Google Chrome? 2010-03-11T10:34:39.710

1 How can I combine multiple GIFs into one GIF file? 2011-03-23T09:38:40.503

1 Should I be afraid of a malicious GIF file? 2011-06-14T12:32:59.953

1 GIF files skipping frames in PowerPoint 2011-09-12T13:04:51.857

1 Gif pictures on windows desktop 2012-03-07T20:49:08.863

1 Where is a Windows desktop spinner info? 2012-07-15T14:00:26.520

1 Imagemagick convert making strange gif 2012-09-27T21:28:10.947

1 Photoshop GIF animation: how to slide a 'gradient overlay' layer effect? 2013-02-28T05:08:07.213

1 How to make a GIF loop endlessly in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013-06-01T23:07:26.783

1 Why can't I seem to get the framerate right when using avconv to convert a sequence of images to a gif? 2014-05-13T08:59:24.390

1 Dancing .gif in slideshow "smears" the image in OpenOffice Impress 2015-08-24T16:03:07.093

1 Photoshop GIF reverse 2016-11-04T19:03:52.683

1 How to decrease the produced GIF size when converting from a video file without losing so much quality 2017-07-10T16:00:04.920

1 How to efficiently create a best-palette gif from a video portion straight from the web 2018-05-17T06:16:50.247

1 Animated GIFs on MAC 2018-09-22T11:58:08.800

1 How do I resize an animated GIF and keep transparency? 2018-09-28T21:13:39.293

1 Banding/ Trailing while resizing a transparent GIF through FFMPEG 2019-03-12T07:52:57.683

1 Turning a series of PNG files into GIF with black transparent background 2019-07-27T21:18:12.007

1 How to compress gif effectively to reduce size? 2019-08-07T07:33:05.800

1 Why different frame count on ffprobe? 2019-08-30T06:09:58.703

0 Slow GIF animations in Firefox 2009-10-30T18:44:21.267

0 Cant see animated GIFs properly in web browser 2010-02-10T04:13:09.017

0 Simulate a banner rotator with an animated GIF 2011-02-07T20:00:14.833

0 gifsicle.exe on Windows 7 - Invalid argument error 2013-12-27T04:25:19.773

0 Context > preview to display animation, of animated gifs? 2014-05-24T07:20:03.460

0 Convert mutiple GIFs 2014-09-29T01:43:21.270

0 Why this scanned book image has no background? 2015-01-24T09:21:17.213

0 ImageMagick: How to do limit colors and dither 2016-01-20T08:35:35.240

0 How to retain GIF frame order in Photoshop when creating an animated GIF? 2016-06-09T00:45:44.267

0 FFMPEG: Convert video to Animated Gif Preview getting frame after interval 2017-08-30T18:59:02.637

0 How do I use palettegen and paletteuse on the same command with FFmpeg? 2017-12-08T21:20:20.460

0 Quick way to make animated gif ? 2018-08-14T12:26:08.047

0 Resizing a transparent GIF through FFMPEG 2019-03-11T19:12:27.840

0 Convert animated gif to animated webp using FFmpeg 2019-06-04T18:07:35.460

0 Gifsicle: Multiple image sources 2019-07-17T00:56:49.880

0 animated gif speed, nice in ImageMagick or GraphicsMagic, slow in powerpoint 2019-07-19T17:01:46.397

0 how to create .mp4 video file from multiple still images 2019-07-22T13:10:28.817

0 Photoshop - exporting a gif with transitions 2019-10-28T22:07:02.560

-1 Looking for a free high-quality utility that can help me create an animated GIF: a rotating picture 2010-05-21T16:41:12.607

-2 Why are animated gifs so slow on my LAN? 2013-03-02T15:42:00.933