using xargs pass arguments to sub shell with pipe


I want to rename a number of files. I think I can use xargs to do it.

find ./ -name "upload.log-*" 

find ./ -name "upload.log-*" -print | cut -d"-" -f-2

I am trying the following but it does not seem to be working

find ./ -name "upload.log-*" | xargs -I '{}' sh -c "echo $1 $(echo $1 | cut -d"-" -f-2)" "{}"


Posted 2018-06-27T07:38:53.753

Reputation: 9 321



This does what I need it to do

find ./ -name "cleanup.log-*" | xargs -I '{}' sh -c 'mv "$1" $(echo {} | cut -d"-" -f-2)' - {}

The tricky bit was converting the xargs replacement -I {} string into arguments for the xargs command sh -c ....
I did this by putting a no option argument -, at the end of the command before the replacement string {}.

Thus my command to xargs is the following.
sh -c 'mv "$1" $(echo {} | cut -d"-" -f-2)' - {}

I used this to test what I wanted befor running the move command

find ./ -name "upload.log-*" | xargs -I '{}' sh -c 'echo "$1" $(echo {} | cut -d"-" -f-2)' - {}

I found this site helpful in understanding how to solve this problem


Posted 2018-06-27T07:38:53.753

Reputation: 9 321