Tag: command-line-arguments

169 How do I start Chrome using a specified "user profile"? 2012-01-11T08:49:04.160

105 How to add command line options to shortcut? 2009-08-25T17:33:35.093

87 Why does "cd.." work in the Windows command line? 2016-06-06T10:32:56.857

86 How do I find out command line arguments of a running program? 2012-04-22T14:36:24.837

75 How do I pass command line arguments to Dock items? 2011-04-16T16:43:14.587

36 How to start a program with command line arguments on Windows' cmd with 'start' command? 2012-04-18T14:53:51.747

31 How can I get a specific argument from a previous command in bash? 2010-11-14T23:12:07.777

29 How to create a file which is named like a command line argument? 2013-05-26T09:15:54.607

24 Passing two arguments to a command using pipes 2011-08-01T20:54:09.350

23 Why are there short and long alternatives for command line options? 2010-08-11T08:02:59.360

21 Bash: optionally passing arguments to a command 2014-08-25T05:09:47.203

18 How can I use two parameters at once with xargs? 2012-01-07T05:41:27.293

18 How to set a flag as default on an *.EXE file? 2017-03-22T16:37:05.843

16 Linux "top -c" to show full command 2012-05-08T07:36:38.520

15 What is the significance of the /admin switch in mstsc.exe? 2011-01-25T14:38:30.807

13 taskmgr.exe called with an argument by Windows 7 2014-05-14T20:55:23.320

13 Is there a 'Restore session' command-line argument for Firefox? 2017-10-31T02:36:05.840

12 How to Retrieve Command Line Arguments 2012-05-27T20:11:38.483

11 List files with path using Windows command line 2012-01-17T18:10:50.970

11 Nslookup command line with A record IP as sole output 2014-09-16T19:51:59.500

11 How can I write space in Terminal on OS X? 2015-10-03T15:14:47.180

11 Multiple directories: Powershell equivalent of "mkdir dir{1..9}"? 2016-09-25T13:43:52.733

10 (How) can I change the time until the screensaver kicks in from the command line? 2013-03-05T07:34:17.960

10 Passing command-line arguments to a windows batch script 2014-09-15T05:27:02.737

9 Command line argument for running as another user on Windows? 2011-01-13T20:13:51.070

9 Unix tools: what if a file is named minus something? 2012-05-01T14:10:01.923

9 What is the equivalent to --help or man page in Windows? 2014-01-22T21:20:09.553

8 How to pass a filename by drag-and-drop to a shortcut in Windows 2012-09-11T20:52:10.467

8 Chrome: How to refresh tab if open, otherwise open new tab? 2012-12-08T18:27:34.587

8 Is there a difference between a command line flag and a command line option? 2016-04-26T17:18:30.353

7 How can I tell Emacs TRAMP to use specific arguments to ssh? 2010-11-30T21:57:21.450

7 How do you open mailx to read old mail when you have no new mail and view a list of old emails? 2012-06-26T19:16:38.800

7 How to capture command line parameters for new processes? 2012-12-24T20:28:01.733

7 Recursive folder rename through command line 2014-04-22T07:35:11.083

7 Understanding executing powershell inside batch with parameters 2016-07-31T13:52:44.877

6 Differences in bash scripts between $@ and $* 2013-01-20T14:05:41.467

6 Pass a path with space to a batch file as a parameter 2013-01-21T11:41:44.953

5 use FFMpeg to send BMPs to stdout 2014-02-13T19:05:39.087

5 How do I set the group and affinity of a Windows executable from the command line 2016-12-15T15:08:03.843

4 Finding Command-Line Arguments of Programs 2011-11-04T21:27:53.767

4 Execute local script requiring arguments on Linux via plink 2011-11-16T23:18:08.907

4 How to set launch options for programs on OS X 2012-08-27T13:41:31.963

4 why do *NIX commands have such "insane" (counterintuitive) defaults (philosophical pondering)? 2012-10-13T09:59:28.833

4 stat command in Mac OS X 2012-11-14T10:17:44.043

4 7zip command line options for more information when synchronizing 2013-01-25T08:54:46.643

4 Opening Folder Options window in Windows from the command prompt 2014-04-21T05:54:13.403

4 vim/gvim command line switches? 2015-06-17T01:32:25.673

4 How to disable Gecko package popup for Wine? 2015-07-31T18:50:11.543

4 What does "move ^<" do in Windows? 2015-11-01T10:26:54.473

3 Passing Command Line Args to `open` on Mac 2010-08-26T14:15:04.000

3 Launch VIM and show, or hide, row numbers 2011-01-27T23:07:51.420

3 How to preserve white space in Bash arguments 2012-03-13T10:24:12.793

3 Grouping shortcuts with different parameters in Windows 7 Taskbar 2012-09-07T05:35:40.967

3 How to add command line arguments to command line arguments in Windows shortcut? 2012-11-26T20:00:07.907

3 How to open multiple tabs in IE8 from the command prompt? 2012-12-03T08:43:28.320

3 Shortcuts with command line arguments blocked with IE error - These files can't be opened 2013-01-19T13:26:25.547

3 Using find, xargs, etc. to output similarly named files 2013-01-25T17:49:12.863

3 Command line 7Zip to create archive without extension 2014-01-29T10:59:34.607

3 What's Linux test -a command test for? 2014-06-17T01:33:50.180

3 In Firefox, is there a counterpart to Google Chromes -app option? 2016-07-15T21:54:53.353

3 How can I make a .bat file run only in system tray? 2016-07-29T03:57:12.190

3 REG ADD Ignores /f 2017-04-11T19:16:04.013

3 Any command to list the memory in MB rather than kB from /proc/meminfo? 2019-03-09T21:53:16.587

2 pkzip and smeltwater - is my memory wrong? 2009-08-07T15:11:18.487

2 passing on command line options in bash 2011-06-06T16:33:47.410

2 Linux command line argument variations 2012-02-04T22:13:16.953

2 "Argument list too long" error for `rm -rf *` on a directory with 4000 files 2012-02-20T02:44:04.167

2 How to pass command line arguments in Mac Application 2012-05-17T08:35:35.373

2 Why do many CLI apps take a "--" argument? 2012-10-20T13:54:22.623

2 matching start of the line in cygwin regexp 2013-02-12T14:38:25.943

2 robocopy with DCOPY:T does not work 2013-05-22T02:18:43.210

2 What about this Forfiles command syntax is wrong? 2013-11-05T22:46:51.823

2 Command line 7Zip to extract file by specified result path 2014-02-03T12:55:27.987

2 Robocopy "modified" 2014-03-23T01:17:58.923

2 Play a .mov file in existing VLC media player window using command line 2014-07-19T20:03:42.747

2 How to generate an OpenPGP Signed Message with GPG? 2014-08-10T16:13:10.820

2 How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine? 2014-12-24T21:13:39.080

2 Error starting OneNote from command prompt 2015-09-19T09:04:25.617

2 Disable erroneous file type detection by extension on ffmpeg 2015-09-23T08:38:27.037

2 How to create an alias for standard "java" execution command? 2015-09-25T04:46:56.900

2 Open file in Notepad++ as a tab without closing launched process 2015-12-04T16:04:04.363

2 Batch Files to Remove minus sign from Filenames 2015-12-07T15:59:28.200

2 tabcal.exe command line switches 2016-05-10T20:07:14.937

2 Disable JavaScript in Chrome Beta via CLI on Linux 2016-08-16T21:42:50.703

2 OneNote 2016 Command-Line Open To a Page 2016-09-18T22:38:00.643

2 Capturing new HTTP calls 2016-12-06T19:56:01.490

2 How to monitor the realtime content of a folder in commandline 2017-03-16T15:26:14.870

2 List default arguments of a linux command 2017-04-26T23:20:48.243

2 Opening two individual Chrome windows on different displays at startup 2017-05-08T21:35:15.293

2 How to pass multiple arguments? 2018-09-14T08:10:16.977

2 How to execute two commands in the Windows registry from the right click context menu 2019-04-24T12:32:02.540

2 Create Powershell Alias w/ a Function incl. Parameters 2019-08-11T03:58:51.310

1 Pass an option syntax string as filename 2011-10-11T21:57:00.767

1 Internet Explorer 8 suspended and debug command line options 2012-03-01T17:46:48.440

1 How to launch a command-line application without having to type the command? 2012-07-14T05:42:10.177

1 My Windows 7 shortcut with arguments keep getting changed 2012-08-31T00:34:21.333

1 How do I set an alias for a search command that takes two arguments 2012-10-02T19:35:28.307

1 Command-line option to compare 2 images in FastStone Image Viewer 2012-10-05T11:09:19.317

1 Passing multiple sets of arguments to a command 2012-10-25T17:47:08.803