Tag: sh

353 How can I resume a stopped job in Linux? 2011-04-08T09:38:29.167

80 Is redirection with `>>` equivalent to `>` when target file doesn't yet exist? 2018-07-23T08:42:56.713

43 How to display current path in command prompt in linux's sh (not bash)? 2013-05-29T09:56:16.470

37 Which command in the Linux/UNIX sh shell returns my current directory? 2011-06-21T10:31:01.247

34 What exactly is the sh command? 2010-01-18T18:14:33.483

32 Comments in a multi-line bash command 2011-01-28T05:41:22.640

31 What is wrong with “echo $(stuff)” or “echo `stuff`”? 2018-08-27T21:47:28.647

30 How do I start in bash when ssh'ing into my server? 2013-02-05T04:59:58.937

28 What does % do in Linux shell strings? 2016-08-30T20:22:58.947

20 How is install -c different from cp 2011-01-06T16:43:17.383

14 /bin/sh source from stdin (from other program) not file 2011-04-18T20:11:07.073

13 Change the sudo su shell 2013-07-31T17:56:01.527

12 Making bash TAB completion more like cmd.exe 2010-12-15T10:50:15.367

11 Redirect stdout/stderr of a background job from console to a log file? 2014-03-23T15:05:10.223

11 Why doesn't this softlink work as expected? 2016-07-20T03:30:44.560

9 How can I cat/print a file except the last 2 lines? 2013-01-16T09:11:44.840

8 Forcibly break a for loop in sh 2009-09-11T13:16:28.577

8 How do I change my default shell to bash if I don't have access to chsh nor /etc/passwd? 2012-08-30T14:16:06.957

8 How to find length of string in shell 2014-09-05T06:02:09.787

7 Why do I sometimes get 'sh: $'\302\211 ... ': command not found' in xterm/sh? 2013-11-07T12:54:04.290

7 Remove linux file named with set of shell responsive characters 2015-03-24T12:37:30.237

6 How can I find a path by providing only part of the path? 2013-06-17T02:15:06.200

5 CD into directory with "-" in the beginning 2011-07-11T14:47:03.293

5 shell script to replace a keyword in a file with the contents of another file 2014-06-13T08:00:59.760

5 Is there a way to "source" a sh script from the fish shell? 2014-10-14T21:31:14.850

5 How do I prepend a string to program output without waiting for the whole line? 2015-01-23T12:15:54.967

5 Ssh X11 forwarding messes up with default shell 2017-11-17T10:37:42.173

4 shell dotfiles and *rcs: what's a sane setup? 2009-08-06T08:00:55.190

4 What happens to the environment when you run "su -c"? 2010-09-25T15:15:19.857

4 sh: time command not found 2012-04-29T13:42:49.547

4 Linux: How to eval the contents of STDOUT? 2013-04-15T14:21:49.957

4 scp and line break in a shell script 2016-10-24T08:45:22.267

4 GNU Parallel - global variables and function 2017-06-23T13:59:38.460

4 Associating linux shell (.sh) scripts on Windows 10 to Bash or WSL 2017-10-19T00:32:48.083

4 What is the second sh in `sh -c 'some shell code' sh`? 2020-02-17T22:32:14.290

3 Record bash_history to private database for all users? 2012-12-17T14:07:38.817

3 execvp exec format error for shell script on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 2013-01-03T18:45:49.410

3 Allow any user/password entry in ssh 2013-02-23T01:53:09.727

3 Why does subshell not inherit exported variable (PS1)? 2013-10-21T09:51:08.233

3 How can I encode an url for wget? 2014-03-12T17:46:22.517

3 How to use source command in shell script? 2017-06-12T19:25:04.733

3 How does this find state actually work in moving a file up one directory? 2020-02-17T00:50:01.227

2 How run sudo -s after ssh login 2011-05-21T11:57:49.310

2 Log Files from bash script output 2011-06-21T11:17:08.627

2 Screen does not appear in list when using sudo 2011-09-10T05:37:19.030

2 sh on Lion can't cd into folders with implicit paths (causing make to fail constantly) 2011-10-17T18:36:22.620

2 How to set-up date for cron weekly backup? 2012-04-12T17:03:00.543

2 Is there a way to remove root requirements for a specific command in linux? If yes, how so? 2012-05-31T05:28:25.413

2 using screen with start-stop-daemon, sysv 2012-08-14T11:25:39.113

2 How to compare files in different folders in Unix? 2013-06-02T06:38:39.620

2 Enter a string containing "!!" on a shell without it being interpretted 2013-10-23T20:40:25.960

2 Bash - list files within date range 2014-09-27T15:17:21.107

2 Pipe standard error to file and keep it on standard error? 2014-09-30T20:38:23.860

2 Is there a way to have sh/bash/zsh "case" use a variable for a test value? 2015-02-27T03:06:25.693

2 Linux sh script throws "#!/bin/sh: not found" 2015-08-01T10:58:53.650

2 Redirecting display linux 2016-03-18T11:21:03.800

2 AIX sudo rootsh 2016-12-23T10:08:26.533

2 Bash script: Create a screen session and execute a command in it 2018-02-27T17:19:24.657

2 Shell script get email notification when the server is connected to internet 2018-06-07T10:31:56.463

2 Grep regex result not as expected? 2018-08-07T01:06:00.517

2 Find filenames with uppercase extension 2018-10-06T15:15:22.163

2 Bad number error with Linux float variable value comparison operator condition 2018-11-05T00:57:04.647

2 Parameter expansion (variable expansion) and quotes within quotes 2019-02-10T21:48:33.173

1 Read everything that has been echo'd and 'errored' to terminal window? 2010-10-13T19:31:24.850

1 How to run .sh file 2011-05-02T22:23:04.557

1 sh alias: command not found 2011-11-11T03:36:54.403

1 Renaming a file from myFile.sh to myFile.bash? 2011-12-05T03:04:05.743

1 Run SH Commands in Background 2011-12-17T22:30:52.970

1 Background Jobs from cron 2011-12-30T09:15:43.420

1 "Undefined variable" error in shell script on Sun Grid Engine 2012-09-19T11:47:19.040

1 How to find out environment variables set after logging into a shell session 2012-10-24T06:37:02.790

1 Make .sh file executable 2013-01-01T07:32:22.630

1 how to read data from a file in shell script 2013-02-19T11:17:15.707

1 SSH parameter help on Ubuntu Server 2013-06-13T14:26:53.717

1 Easiest way in Bourne shell to extract strings from a line of text? 2013-08-13T16:34:01.477

1 bash says '[[:' not found. what does that mean? 2013-11-04T21:13:39.480

1 execl: couldn't exec `/bin/sh' 2014-03-18T08:28:51.727

1 what cygwin packages do I need to install to be able to run commands from cmd.exe on windows? 2014-04-24T15:20:27.603

1 Bash error while running script 2014-06-22T14:10:10.583

1 two processes are listed for one shellscript? 2014-08-17T05:01:42.917

1 unable to execute: Too many levels of symbolic links 2014-09-25T15:57:47.730

1 Most efficient log "echo date"? 2014-10-14T21:25:47.030

1 Evaluating false in bash with multiple commands without a subshell 2014-10-28T10:52:16.503

1 How can I append text in the middle of a pipeline? 2015-04-24T01:27:45.867

1 Whitespace treatment in OS X vs Linux in Bash 2015-08-10T20:12:18.617

1 Displaying unicode emoji in filenames on Ubuntu 2016-01-20T05:06:48.227

1 How to transparently substitute sha1sum for shasum in sh shell? 2016-05-05T18:53:39.533

1 Method to ls and awk directory contents into a shell variable 2016-12-10T04:15:30.713

1 Use section sign § as cut delimiter 2017-02-21T13:46:50.820

1 Bash script - Finding files and manipulating paths 2017-02-28T16:01:13.950

1 find file containing a function 2017-04-14T22:40:37.723

1 IF block statement in inside an execlineb script 2017-09-14T16:02:17.240

1 Watch + pipe + multiple arguments 2017-11-08T02:04:02.843

1 Appending new lines to multiple files 2018-06-02T02:51:02.043

1 Handle filename with blank in shellscript 2018-06-27T03:29:59.603

1 using xargs pass arguments to sub shell with pipe 2018-06-27T07:38:53.753

1 Get intermediate nodes using ping 2018-06-27T10:34:05.550

1 Is it POSIX-compliant to use a shell function in a pipeline? 2018-09-19T04:56:56.443

1 How can I use a "here document" in the middle of a pipe? 2018-11-30T23:12:15.660