Tag: pipe

249 Getting colored results when using a pipe from grep to less 2009-09-04T21:46:30.363

94 How can I save the current contents of less to a file? 2011-05-31T09:46:56.050

88 How to pipe command output to other commands? 2010-09-16T13:40:08.950

81 Why is piping 'dd' through gzip so much faster than a direct copy? 2014-05-29T08:35:55.707

69 cURL: how to suppress strange output when redirecting? 2010-08-07T17:32:58.987

67 Preserve colors while piping to tee 2011-11-01T10:28:58.023

63 How to rate-limit a pipe under linux? 2010-03-17T17:37:19.017

41 What is the general consensus on "Useless use of cat"? 2011-08-14T18:07:41.100

38 Bash: create anonymous fifo 2010-09-03T15:18:17.050

36 Why does Powershell silently convert a string array with one item to a string 2012-04-20T08:47:00.430

34 Find what process is on the other end of a pipe 2012-03-15T14:55:29.360

33 Pipe to less but keep the highlighting 2015-07-13T16:02:02.750

32 Comments in a multi-line bash command 2011-01-28T05:41:22.640

32 Howto pipe: cp | tar | gzip without creating intermediary files? 2011-08-05T11:27:14.683

27 Pipe gunzip and mysql to gunzip a dump and import it 2012-03-19T11:55:14.003

27 Is there any way to keep text passed to head, tail, less, etc. to be colored? 2012-04-27T12:13:47.873

26 how to escape pipe symbol | in bat scripts? 2011-04-12T19:11:29.440

26 Can I use pipe output as a shell script argument? 2012-08-15T13:11:32.653

26 Why is xargs necessary? 2013-05-27T03:35:42.610

24 Passing two arguments to a command using pipes 2011-08-01T20:54:09.350

23 How can I pipe output of ffmpeg to ffplay? 2011-08-12T07:11:03.370

23 What does the linux pipe symbol "|" do? 2014-05-19T16:25:09.343

20 Advantages of cat'ing file and piping to grep 2010-09-23T15:45:33.200

20 Why does this not work? "ls *.txt | xargs cat > all.txt" (all files into single txt document) 2010-09-28T11:04:48.910

20 What is the magic separator between filenames in ls output? 2012-05-14T10:31:39.163

19 Setting pipefail for a single piped command 2012-11-24T13:46:21.353

18 In windows, can I redirect stdout to a (named) pipe in command line? 2012-05-30T09:33:06.883

17 Make a pipe conditional on non-empty return 2010-11-12T09:49:36.810

16 Netcat/socat behavior with piping and UDP? 2011-09-03T20:14:35.807

15 Rendering HTML from a pipe 2012-12-31T14:15:32.123

15 How to a open a file in vim using pipe 2014-06-16T11:56:19.283

15 What does the last "-" (hyphen) mean in options of `bash`? 2018-12-28T22:03:32.740

14 how to beep on tail -f event 2009-09-07T12:55:04.137

14 What are reasons for local Windows named-pipes to fail? 2012-08-16T15:06:03.990

13 monitor interprocess pipe traffic 2010-12-14T15:10:17.023

12 Windows how to redirect file parameter to stdout? (Windows equivalent of `/dev/stdout`) 2011-02-03T16:01:54.327

12 What is a "pipe" and how can it be "broken"? 2011-06-20T04:16:32.730

12 How do I pipe output to date -d "value"? 2014-02-04T01:23:44.220

12 Using -replace on pipes in powershell 2015-04-22T15:09:02.447

11 Does pipe have to write temporary file? 2009-12-09T10:30:40.443

11 Is backwards redirection the same as a pipe? 2011-05-01T11:48:44.857

10 I would like to pipe output of find into input list of scp, how? 2009-10-05T18:27:51.140

10 How to pipe awk output (with periodic, continuous input) to output file? 2012-01-16T19:19:16.780

10 Pipe file content into PowerShell command without loading the entire file to memory 2015-10-18T09:58:53.980

9 How do you determine the actual command that is piping into you? 2011-02-11T06:40:11.867

9 Is it possible to pipe a list of files to RMDIR on Windows? 2011-04-28T09:52:36.960

9 extract a few members from tar archive and pipe through network 2011-08-30T08:17:39.913

9 How to get both PIPESTATUS and output in bash script 2012-05-17T19:25:00.697

9 How to pipeline stderr in cmd.exe? 2012-07-24T03:30:42.717

9 real windows equivalent to cat *stdin* 2014-12-17T04:09:05.110

9 pipe and stdin redirection to cat 2015-11-12T13:46:03.087

8 How can I grep in source files for some text? 2011-08-25T08:11:13.767

8 With regards to piping commands, what are the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols called? 2012-09-28T00:48:21.950

8 How can I pipe the output of *all* entered shell commands into another? (e.g. pipe everything into 'lolcat') 2013-08-08T15:04:53.073

8 How do you use PIPESTATUS, tee and /bin/sh together? 2014-01-20T19:25:57.997

8 Why are not all files compressed and how to improve the solution 2015-09-22T14:22:16.823

8 ffmpeg pipe images extracted from video 2016-03-02T12:37:18.087

8 Get response body and show HTTP code by curl 2018-05-08T09:28:04.787

7 Rsync to stdout? 2010-06-25T16:34:50.167

7 How can I specify command line arguments using pipes in Linux? 2011-09-25T04:26:13.433

7 less emulate a TTY to preserve piped color output 2012-02-03T22:47:12.907

7 Multiple unix pipes not working 2014-08-04T06:20:56.297

6 emacs as a pager? 2010-02-02T02:10:48.460

6 Creating a named pipe on Windows 2010-02-03T10:14:07.710

6 Pipe grep exit code away 2010-07-20T15:49:32.603

6 How to sort ls by column in Ubuntu via piping to sort? 2010-10-07T12:50:42.870

6 Notepad++, Run command and open output in new tab 2011-09-08T14:38:05.630

6 cat-ing a file to a unix pipe causes Matlab to freeze 2013-01-17T15:26:26.770

6 Reading the same stdin with two commands in bash 2013-02-25T19:30:27.797

6 Pipe not working in cmd.exe on Windows 7 2013-02-26T00:33:34.510

6 pipe unlimited curl stdout into chunked files 2014-01-06T13:27:55.270

6 Xargs pass input to command that contains a pipe 2016-08-16T21:45:44.250

6 filter outputs using select-string pipes 2016-11-25T21:24:26.177

5 pipe a program into less 2010-09-25T20:41:41.247

5 Sniff process communication on Windows 7 2011-07-22T11:26:34.213

5 How long do FIFOs (named pipes) stay "open" for? 2011-08-02T15:32:54.087

5 Locked out of host after reaching some ulimit 2012-07-13T19:13:08.063

5 grep with colored output returns several empty lines 2013-04-12T16:50:57.060

5 How many ways does Unix feign files? 2013-09-27T22:05:05.257

5 PHP output piped to 'less' is requiring <enter> after every command 2013-11-22T19:49:12.063

5 Downloading Youtube videos in a text file...? 2019-03-06T14:05:18.927

4 commands executing in piping in UNIX 2010-04-16T11:16:21.290

4 gpg symmetric encryption using pipes 2010-06-03T03:49:03.250

4 How to utilize vim's syntax color to replace the `highlight' utility? 2010-07-27T09:09:08.953

4 Pipe/send command to process running on nohup that accepts input from STDIN 2010-12-21T18:41:44.427

4 How to redirect the output of a program to the Linux diff command 2011-01-13T22:01:28.613

4 Linux: Limiting data throughput (pipe) in bytes per second? 2011-03-18T10:11:37.540

4 BASH - Check if unnamed pipe is empty 2011-04-27T01:46:24.537

4 Truncate file in a pipe 2012-02-24T04:29:14.383

4 How can I retain grep's match highlighting when piping find into grep? 2012-05-25T19:39:23.490

4 Launch only the command if the previous one worked inside SSH, shell 2012-10-11T22:54:47.153

4 Mutual piping on linux 2012-11-20T12:35:18.963

4 How do I pipe a list of numbers straight from the shell into a command? 2012-11-21T23:41:27.223

4 Sort files with grep 2013-09-06T08:18:29.523

4 Real-time loopback interface packet capture on Windows with RawCap, Wireshark, and some pipe utility 2014-05-04T20:55:39.007

4 How can I both pipe and display output in Windows' command line? 2014-06-12T01:38:07.897

4 Execute command in-between a bash pipe row ...? 2015-01-18T17:27:28.097

4 How to sort the output of find? 2015-07-17T02:10:42.470

4 How to plot column in unix in one line 2016-02-23T21:25:59.700