I have a list of files with consecutive numbers as suffixes. I would like to copy only a range of these files. How can I specify a range as part of my cp command.

P1080272.JPG* P1080273.JPG* P1080274.JPG* P1080275.JPG* P1080276.JPG* P1080277.JPG*
P1080278.JPG* P1080279.JPG* P1080280.JPG* P1080281.JPG* P1080282.JPG* P1080283.JPG*

I would like to copy files from P1080275.JPG to P1080283.JPG with something similar to:

$cp P10802[75-83].JPG ~/Images/.

Is there a way to do this?

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4 Answers4


You were very close. Your question was almost the correct syntax:

cp P10802{75..83}.JPG ~/Images
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glenn jackman
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To iterate over a range in bash:

for x in {0..10}; do echo $x; done

Applying the same in your case:

for x in {272..283}; do cp P1080$x.JPG ~/Images; done
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Shyam Sundar C S
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  • This does work, but I like @glenn jackman's answer better since it doesn't invoke any programming construct. – Amjith Mar 16 '12 at 20:25

Zsh, with the extendedglob option has the globbing (pattern matching) operator.

setopt extendedglob
echo P10802<75-83>.JPG

will match filenames in the current directory that match that pattern (beware that P1080275.JPG matches but so does P108020000000075.JPG)

On the other end, the {x...y} string expansion operator (supported by zsh and recent versions of bash and ksh93), expands to the strings from x to y, regardless of what files there are in the current directory.

cp P10802<75-83>.JPG ~there

will copy the matching files, so will

cp P10802{75..83}.JPG ~there

But you'll get errors if for instance P1080281.JPG doesn't exist.

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Would this work for you:

for each in {75..83}; do cp P10802$each.JPG ~/Images/; done
Janne Pikkarainen
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