Questions tagged [yum]

YUM is an open-source command-line package-management utility for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems.

The Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) is an open-source command-line package-management utility for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems and has been released under the GNU General Public License. Though yum has a command-line interface, several other tools provide graphical user interfaces to yum functionality.

1445 questions
1 answer

cPanel automatically do "yum update"

cPanel with its update cron does automatically "yum update" and it updated the kernel etc. So, can I know somehow when he updates it, so I can reboot my server, I do not want to check it manually everyday. I have too much servers, or I need to…
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recently installed packages

Is there anyway in CentOS 6 to see the recent installed applications, at least those done by yum? Is there anything like a log-file by default? If it is not available/enabled by default, how can I achieve that?
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3 answers

needs updated glibc package version 3.4.15 or later for RHEL6

I want to upgrade my current running applications to latest version. But due to some package issue i am unable to install them. I get common error in that: /usr/lib64/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found. When i tried to update glibc…
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1 answer

Solving mysql 2003 error

Hi I've just created my new linux server and have yum installed various modules which all seem to be working ok now. My trouble comes from mysql. It's installed and running but when I and connect from my windows machine I get mysql error 2003. I've…
1 answer

How do you determine what package is compatible with installed software CentOS 5.8

When I do a yum list httpd I get the following version returned: httpd.x86_64 1:2.2.22-12053112 When I try to do a yum install httpd-devel I get dependency errors like this: httpd-devel-2.2.3-65.el5.centos.3.x86_64 from updates has depsolving…
1 answer

YUM error. Is this a cert error

Nov 13 13:38:57 host abrt: detected unhandled Python exception in '/usr/bin/yum' Nov 13 13:38:57 host abrtd: New client connected Nov 13 13:38:57 host abrt-server[3508]: Saved Python crash dump of pid 3151 to…
Julia Roberts
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1 answer

Will 'yum' update will do COMMIT in iptables on update?

I've one RPM package which I need to update on production server with some customer iptables rules, and my previous version of the package have some sysconfig/iptables-custom rules inside. The new version of my package does not have these rules, so…
4 answers

installing gcc on CentOS

I want to install node.js on CentOS unfortunately i'm having trouble installing gcc (and all of the things that generally come with it in order to get node to even compile) on centOS via commandline. What I've tried so far sudo yum install gcc I…
1 answer

How to install puppet devel version from yum?

In /etc/yum.repos.d/puppet.repo have I put [puppetlabs] name=Puppet Labs Packages baseurl=$releasever/devel/$basearch/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= and when I do yum info…
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1 answer

Bash installing script that fits all common Linux flavors

I was asked by my boss to make a bash script that could install Apache, PHP and MySQL (AMP) binaries in a Linux box (just some common linux flavors). Compile and install all by the sources unfortunately is not an option. So, I have to do this. I…
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3 answers

How do I install latest version of ANT on CentOS 5 x64

I've installed ANT via yum but it's to old of a version. Not sure how to install it on it's own.
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2 answers

update mysql latest version from yum

I want to update mysql in my VPS from yum. However I only got 5.0.9 mysql version Which repository should I add to get mysql latest version. at least 5.1? (CentOS) Thank you
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1 answer

AWS EC2 Yum has no repositories

I'm a frontend web developer and struggling with this backend stuff! My goal here is to install and update to PHP 7.4 on my AWS EC2 server. I need yum to install amazon-linux-extras but yum has no repos. I have no idea on how to set yum repo list…
1 answer

How to install packages from command line on Suse

What is the Suse version of apt-get or yum? Or how do I get one of them installed in order to install software packages from the command line? A fairly intense session of googling suggests that it may be yast or yast2, but no sensible HOWTO of…
1 answer

how to update entire server without changing server OS version

I am new to linux . I have to patch a new build server. The server is with hundreds of vulnerability thats why I am told to patch system . This server is 7.9 version and registered with satellite server . I am afraid If I will run " Yum update -y…
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