Questions tagged [yum]

YUM is an open-source command-line package-management utility for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems.

The Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) is an open-source command-line package-management utility for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems and has been released under the GNU General Public License. Though yum has a command-line interface, several other tools provide graphical user interfaces to yum functionality.

1445 questions
1 answer

Yum search package with flag of installation status?

I use yum search and get the search result lists. Howerver I cannot distiguish between installed package and uninstalled package. So I have to yum install one by one, as packages donot show installation status. This…
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I am tryin to install and run postgresql

I installed postgres and tried to start postgres service but failed with errors [root@c1152-node3 ~]# psql psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain…
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Why can't I install and at the same time?

I'm trying to build hhvm from source as well as install it from a package (to compare differences). When building it from source, it requires a recent version of libdwarf, so I downloaded an rpm and installed that. I then built hhvm and it's working…
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Yum on CentOS 6 upgrading hundreds of packages?

I do yum updates very frequently, almost daily. I was doing a normal yum update just now and I am being asked to update a large number of packages: Install 12 Package(s) Upgrade 315 Package(s) Remove 2 Package(s) This seems more…
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3 answers

Upgrade php version on centos 6.5

On the current stack i hv centos 6.5 (64 bit) , PHP 5.3 available. I'm a linux new bee & need to perform php upgrade to PHP 5.5. Tried following but that returned error: wget…
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1 answer

How does "yum info" work?

I want to know how the yum info command works. I know yum info will display information about the installed package, but I really want to know which file it reads for that information. Whether it's reading a file or it's reading from a database? If…
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sudo yum install httpd is throwing errors

Hello this is the command im typing and its returning the error you see, any suggestions please [ec2-user@ip-172-31-41-46 ~]$ sudo yum install httpd Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper Resolving Dependencies --> Running…
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2 answers

Issues on Centos Repo

Can someone help me to solve the below problem. I'm not able to install any software with yum. Error Displayed # yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors YumRepo Error: All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s] or file. …
1 answer

yum issue - error msg

i am using oracle linux server 6.2. yum does not work. a manual wget was already used according to . there is always something about dropbox. yum update firefox Loaded plugins:…
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3 answers

Reinstalling python on CentOS to be able to use yum

Yesterday I accidentally removed the python package using "yum remove" on a CentOS server. After then I realized yum was dependant on python and I could no longer use yum. I think I need to reinstall python to fix the problem. How can I do this…
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2 answers

Red Hat Yum not working out of the box?

I have a server runnning Red Hat Enterprise Linux v5.6 in the cloud. My project constraints do not allow me to use another OS. When I created the cloud server, I was able to SSH into it and access the shell. I next ran the command: sudo yum…
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1 answer

yum check update returning multiple versions in order

Will yum check-update return list of available versions to be upgraded to in some order (ascending or descending). Thanks
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CENTOS yum different versions

i have two servers running centos, they are located in the same Data Center i want to update my mod-pagespeed module Server 1: [root@web2 11]# yum update mod-pagespeed Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, fastestmirror, priorities,…
john Smith
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how do you install php-devel

I keep getting dependency issues when I try to run yum install php-devel yum install --skip-broken php-devel .... --> Finished Dependency Resolution php-5.1.6-32.el5.i386 from base has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: php-common =…
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1 answer

install vncserver without yum on Oracle Linux

can anybody describe me how to install vncserver on Oracle Linux without yum? (yum does not work because it is a pre-built appliance - timeouts all the time)
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