Questions tagged [xenserver]

XenServer is the virtualization platform Citrix has built around the Xen Hypervisor.

631 questions
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Will (Effectively) Nested Xen SR be Stable?

Is an effectively nested Xen Server storage repository a problem for stability? Consider the graphic for the data path of the web server to a physical drive: (Starting on the right) In the graphic Xen Server and the VM DRBD/NFS server is hosted on…
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Xenserver 5.5 doesn't see RAID volume

I am trying to install Xenserver on a Dell precision 490 workstation. After booting into the install wizard and next-ed a few times, On the disk step, it only shows physical harddrive but not the RAID (RAID-10) volume that I set up on the Dell RAID.…
Roy Chan
0 answers

Nested Hypervisor Installation - Xenserver in Vmware

I need to do some testing with Citrix Xenserver 7.x (not any guest VMs within it - the hypervisor itself) and want to run it as a Vmware 5.5 guest. I have seen others who have successfully nested this way but I have failed to get it to work at this…
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VM How to setup 2 NIC for FailOver IP (BridgeClient)

I'm currently having trouble figuring out how to setup correctly my new VM's NICs. The server have 2 NIC under Centos 6.8, both will need to be configured to their own (OVH) Failover IP address. OVH the hosting company already explained how to…
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Does Citrix XenServer have a SDK or API?

We're presently running Virtual Iron and make extensive use of their SDK and API tools to automate many tasks. Does XenServer 5.5 have an equivalent set of tools other than the command line utilities?
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Trouble With Xen Guests on CentOS

I have recently installed a new 64-bit install of CentOS 5.3 (Kernel 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5xen). I have created a xen configuration file based on what I have done in the past on other servers. When I do an xm create on the guest host it doesn't give…
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Should I buy larger hard drives for XenServer 7.0's partitioning or stay with the legacy 6.x partitioning?

I have a pool of XenServers that I am upgrading to 7.0. I have been doing fresh installs to switch to the new 46 GB partitioning layout, but unfortunately some of these servers only have 32GB SSD drives for root. I would like to know if anyone has…
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Can I have a virtual firewall forward packets to another virtual machine on the same server?

I currently have a web server running Apache using iptables for a firewall. What I would like to do is setup a new machine with XenServer and install two virtual machines--one running IPCop and one running Linux with Apache. Then I would configure…
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.,Is it possible to have multiple simultaneous DVD drives on XenServer?

I'd like to be able to have more than 1 CD/DVD available at a time for a XenServer VM. That article is the closest to what I'm asking for, but it didn't work. I am running XenServer 6.5 SP1. I asked on…
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Protecting a public XenServer host

I have experience in Amazon AWS deploying EC2 instances and VPN access, configuring a VPC, etc. Now, I'm deploying a private cloud using a small XenServer host. It's working on my private network, and is doing really good. Well, I need to put the…
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Supermicro X9DBL-3F Xenserver 7 boot stops

The configuration is a Supermicro X9DBL-3F motherboard with 2x Intel Xeon E5-2403 Cpu's. In the Bios the settings under Advanced \ Chipset Configuration \ North Bridge \ Integrated IO Configuration \ Intel(R) VT-d is enabled. After the…
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xenserver guest port 80 running apache gives default citrix xenserver page

I have a hp server, running xenserver 7. On xenserver I have a guest, CentOS, which is running apache webserver on port 80. That guest has the static ip, xenserver When I visit the CentOS ( webpage with my web…
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Xen Network Bridging (or something else)

I'm trying to achieve the following: Network Diagram Question: How can I do what's in red? I know how to add a network interface when it's about a physical interface. But how can I create a virtual network interface(s) that I would use it to connect…
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My Dell 1950 iii can't enable Virtualization Technology (VT-x)

I have a Dell 1950 iii I have 2 x Intel Xeon Processor L5420 2.50 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB cpu. I have installed XenServer 7.0 on it. And it will boot the XenServer fine. But when I try to install a VM via XenCenter I get the "HVM" error message. After a…
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XenServer 7 - Duplicate the USB stick?

I have installed XenServer 7 on an usb stick like it's quite common with Esxi. I used my 64Gb stick thinking it will only use the required space and that I will be able to duplicate it later on a smaller key (with CloneZilla). Problem, it has spawn…
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