I need to do some testing with Citrix Xenserver 7.x (not any guest VMs within it - the hypervisor itself) and want to run it as a Vmware 5.5 guest. I have seen others who have successfully nested this way but I have failed to get it to work at this point. The VM boots and the Xenserver installation process starts but very quickly reboots. Here is a screenshot of Citrix Xenserver 7.0 installation before rebooting

I saw one post stating

enable: Expose hardware assisted virtualization to the guest OS

but I don't know how/where to do that. I looked through the settings (via vSphere) of the VM and couldn't find any along those lines.

Another specified adding vhv.enable = "TRUE" to the VM's .vmx. I haven't tried this yet. Yet another page specified adding they same option and value but to the host's /etc/vmware/config, not the VM's .vmx.

Lastly, I found a page stating to add featMask.vm.hv.capable = Min:1 and virtualHW.productCompatibility = esx (original value was hosted). These changes did not help.

Also, it seems to maybe matter what the host's processors are. Don't know - I'll have to get that info.

I am not a virtualization guy so I'm really just blindly throwing darts. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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