Questions tagged [wsgi]

Web Server Gateway Interface is a specification for web servers and application servers to communicate with web applications. It is a Python standard, described in detail in PEP 333.

WSGI is the Web Server Gateway Interface. It is a specification for web servers and application servers to communicate with web applications (though it can also be used for more than that). It is a Python standard, described in detail in PEP 333.

124 questions
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Django WSGI application in a subdirectory?

Recently, I wanted to put one of my WSGI applications into a subdirectory, so that the other directories that cointain various scripts would work as before. In order to do that, I added the following directive to my httpd.conf in global namespace…
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WSGIDaemonProcess for each application instance

I'm using Apache & mod_wsgi to deploy a django application on several servers. I've read in multiple places (including this: that it's better to use the Daemon mode of wsgi.…
Olivier H
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2 answers

mod_wsgi fail-through to wordpress?

We use apache, mod_php, and mod_wsgi to serve a central wordpress site, with some paths instead powered by Django, so for example these pages might be powered by Wordpress: but these URL's might be…
Ross M Karchner
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Experienced Lagging Issue on 2 x 2 MBps E1 link

From client pc to server (Windows Server 2008), the WAN connection is using 2 x 2 MBps E1 link. 1 <1ms <1ms <1ms 2 4ms 15ms 4ms 3 * 3ms 3ms …
SƲmmēr Aƥ
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3 answers

WSGI cannot access a file, but permissions are correct

I am debugging a problem where MoinMoin on CentOS is throwing a permissions error, but I can't track down where the problematic file / directory is. I ran strace -vp on the apache pid; when I have the problem I see this: epoll_wait(10,…
Mike Pennington
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Error: "module wsgi_module is already loaded, skipping"

Please help me out, I have been trying to resolve this error from a long time. when i restart Apache and type :sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -t, I get an output like: [Fri Aug 24 17:02:58 2012] [warn] module wsgi_module is already loaded, skipping Syntax…
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2 answers

How to run Django 1.3/1.4 on uWSGI on nginx on EC2 (Apache2 works)

I am posting a question on behalf of my administrator. Basically he wants to set up Django app (made on Django 1.3, but will be moving to Django 1.4, so it should not really matter which one of these two will work, I hope) on WSGI on nginx,…
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Nginx with site build on Pyramid framework (Python): how to configure?

I have wrote site on Pyramid framework (Python) and bought VPS (OpenVZ technology) server. I'm new to server administration and there is no much docs on how to configure Nginx with Python and Pyramid. Maybe question is very poor from first sight,…
3 answers

Python app server & web server co-existing?

I have a site that runs off a 'normal' web server ie at the moment Apache but looking to go for a less RAM intensive alternative in future so I don't want mod_WSGI on apache. Shortly I will be looking to deploy a web app that runs out of…
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1 answer

Access content via a LAN connected machine which is Django-WSGI-Apache configured

I configured my system to be able to deploy Django stuff using Apache on my machine(Ubuntu 11.10).I followed the instructions given at .Everything…
Nipun Batra
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1 answer

How do you implement mod_wsgi on web servers?

All of the documentation I've seen outlines the process for self-managed Apache configuration. I currently have my site hosted through Media Temple. Is it possible to configure WSGI for these types of hosting providers? The only form of Python…
0 answers

Django - can't get production web server running

I'm trying to deploy a Django app in production, on an apache server, using mod-wsgi. mod-wsgi is installed and working fine. When I run the Django server, it launches fine, but I can't access it on the server or online, and I don't understand why.…
Ankit Soni
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3 answers

How do I add a URL prefix (/wiki) to MoinMoin running on uWSGI and nginx?

I just set up uWSGI and nginx (with the uWSGI module) and would like to get MoinMoin set up. I'm running uWSGI with MoinMoin with the command below: /usr/bin/uwsgi -s moin.sock --wsgi-file wiki/server/moin.wsgi -M -p 4 In nginx, I have it set up…
Corey Farwell
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1 answer

How to configure Apache WSGI for Python to serve only non-existing files?

I would like to setup Django with WSGI and Apache on root (/) of the website, but I would like that Apache servers through WSGI (and Django) only those URLs which do not have corresponding file to serve directly. For PHP I would do something like…
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1 answer

How can I track down a memory leak with wsgi, django, php and apache2?

I'm running 3 separate virtualhosts for my website (Django w/ wsgi for the main site, another Django w/ wsgi for the mobile version of the site, and a 3rd for Wordpress serving as the site's blog). After a few weeks, the swap memory climbs up to…
Dolan Antenucci
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