Questions tagged [wmi]

Windows Management Instrumentation

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can write WMI scripts or applications to automate administrative tasks on remote computers but WMI also supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and products, for example System Center Operations Manager, formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or Windows Remote Management (WinRM).

396 questions
3 answers

How is average disk queue length retrieved via WMI computed

I'm using WMI to query the current and average disk queue length of remote machines to be able to monitor the load on the hard drive. The query is as follows: select CurrentDiskQueueLength, AvgDiskQueueLength, Name from…
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1 answer

How to enable connection security for WMI firewall rules when using VAMT 2.0?

I want to use VAMT 2.0 to install product keys and active software in remote machines. Everything works fine as long as the ASync-In, DCOM-In, and WMI-In Windows Firewall rules are enabled and the action is set to Allow the connection. However, when…
Ondrej Tucny
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1 answer

Using WMI and/or remote registry to find available memory slots

Certain monitoring programs such as Spiceworks list not only the memory sticks in use in a machine, but also somehow show which specific slots on the board are in use and which is using them. With WMI I can obtain a total number of slots and also I…
2 answers

WMI through 2 firewalls to Windows 2008

I have a custom WMI application. It works wonderfully on a number of servers (windows 2003, 2008). However, some of our servers are behind another firewall. I have followed…
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How to use WMIC to connect to remote machine and output netstat to a file?

I'm trying to issue the following command remotely: netstat -ano > C:\output.txt but cannot figure out how to do that with WMIC! Any idea? I've got: process call create netstat.exe working but I cannot figure out how to pass the -ANO nor the…
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1 answer

Has anyone used WMI_OfflineFilesCache::RenameItem to rename offline files?

The reason I ask is that I have been researching how to rename items once an offline files target has been changed. It seems that so far there are two options: CSCCMD.exe - Which appears to be a legacy utility from XP WMI - The method I chose to go…
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WMI query between two different AD sites?

I'm having problem in querying WMI between two different AD sites that is not trusting each other What I have tried: Telnet between Windows Server 2008 using IP address and port 135 is all working good vice-versa Start | run "WBEMTEST" between sites…
Senior Systems Engineer
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3 answers

How to use Powershell 2 Get-WmiObject to find an instance of SQL Server Reporting Services (SQL2008) on Windows Server 2008 R2

I'm trying to use the powershell 2 "Get-WmiObject" command to find the reporting service instance using this command get-wmiobject -class "MSReportServer_Instance" -namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer" THE ERROR I GET…
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2 answers

How can I update HTTP custom headers in IIS6 using Powershell?

I have the following Powershell script which uses WMI to update the HTTP custom headers on a website in IIS 6. The script seems to work fine, no errors generated, and the resultant $website object correctly shows the updated HttpCustomHeaders value.…
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2 answers

Possible to enumerate what has been web-deployed to an IIS server?

Is there some way, e.g. through WMI, that I can query a box running IIS what web applications has been deployed to it using web-deploy? Thanks in advance.
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Netsh, how to open ports in windows firewall for WMI?

How can you open ports in windows firewall for WMI using netsh command ? On windows vista and newer MS OS-es you run this command netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes What is netsh…
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2 answers

Listing services on remote machine locks me out of the machine

I run a powershell command to list all of the services on a remote matchine: $b = 0; get-wmiobject win32_service -computer $computerName -credential $cred | select-object Name, @{n='Counter';e={$script:b+=1;$b}} | % "{0}: {1}" -f $_.Counter, $_.Name…
Andrew Shepherd
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8 answers

Need a resource that lists WMI perfmon classes

Does anyone have links to resources that list perfmon classes that are called by the WMI Query Language? I have some monitoring software that can pull data via WMI but I have to enter a query in WMI Query Language (WQL). Here is an example: SELECT…
David Yu
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1 answer

Windows Server 2003 + WMI = Regular Bluescreens

I have serious problems with machines running Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition. I've written an application which queries periodically the system status using the WMI database. The database is opened/closed for each request separately to make sure…
2 answers

Getting Win32_Service security descriptor using VBScript

I am using VbScript for retrieving the securitydescriptor of a Win32_Service. I am using the following code: SE_DACL_PRESENT = &h4 ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE = &h0 ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE = &h1 strComputer = "." Set objWMIService =…
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