Questions tagged [windows-registry]

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform.

397 questions
1 answer

Microsoft Intune - How to modify Windows 10 registry settings?

Win32 app uses bat file to install software and edit registry keys. Registry keys are modified if I run bat file locally but not when run through via Intune because Intune runs installation as System. I created a PowerShell script that works when…
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4 answers

Any suggestions of a good registry cleaner?

I just noticed that the Windows Registry on one of our computers is 180 MB (when exported to a .reg file). That seem large enough to cause a performance issue. That registry is probably 4 years old. I'm thinking of using a Registry Cleaner, assuming…
Clay Nichols
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2 answers

Change Registry Key Permissions Access Control List using only Command Prompt

I am trying to change the Access Control permissions on a specific registry key i'm generating using a batch file. I try using regini.exe to pull the configuration from a .ini file and run into issues. I keep getting this error: …
2 answers

Permissions changes on Windows event log are not working (GPO change)

I'm trying to grant permissions to the Network Service account (SID S-1-5-20) on the event log "Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2/Operational" (see picture below). However I need to push this change on more than 1000 servers, and more are coming. So my…
0 answers

Export/Import Registry ACLs

Is it possible to export/import Windows registry ACLs? How might one go about doing so? A normal registry export does not include the ACLs. (I'm referring to the permissions that can be set on individual registry keys by right-clicking on them in…
0 answers

Windows registry subkey creation not generating logs (Windows event ID 4657)

I am experiencing an issue where I am trying to audit a specific registry key via Windows Event ID 4657. TL; DR: I have tried to setup auditing on a registry key when a new subkey is created under it, but it does not log when this action is…
1 answer

Converting Microsoft Security Essentials DateTime in registery to readable format

I am trying to get some data from the Windows Registery using Windows Powershell (5.0+), specifically data of Microsoft Security Essentials. I managed to decode almost all of it and convert it to a human readable output. However, Microsoft stores…
1 answer

Power Plan setting doesn't match registry value

A performance tuning tool reported that a bunch of our servers are set to the "Balanced" power plan when they should be set to "High Performance". The tool gets the value from…
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Possible to determine what Windows security policy might be affecting automatic logins?

I am working on a simple internal tool that does some work, reboots the machine, auto-logs in, and then continues doing its work (until it's done). This worked fine on our Windows Server 2008 machines that were not very locked down. Recently I have…
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How to remove "Hide these specified drives in My Computer" group policy

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 Terminal server on a standalone workgroup. The client asked for the C drive to be hidden so I enabled the "User configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\File Explorer\Hide these specified drives in My…
0 answers

Update Windows 10 Update Status Times In Security Settings

We use an RMM Software that controls and manages Microsoft Patches. It is not able to automatically update the 'Last Checked Time' in the Update and Security Module. In previous windows we would automatically update the below regkeys with the…
0 answers

Do I need to disable TIWorker.exe and respective TaskSheduler task in Windows Server 2016

We had previously been disabling the following tasks in our AWS instances to keep our load balancer from killing them when these tasks tried to run. TIWORKER.exe was the large colpurt for our 2012R2 servers. After taking a look at the the…
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1 answer

DSC Syntax for Binary Registry Key

What should be a simple registry DSC configuration has turned into a somewhat frustrating piece of guesswork. I'm trying to setting a binary registry key. I am finding it impossible to find the right format for the value data to get the key set…
Sam Cogan
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Powershell: set Registrykey owner to SYSTEM user

I have to add an exclusions path to Windows Defender registry key. I am aware that there are Cmdlets provided from Windows Defender to use them directly for these kinds of purposes. But unfortunately, in Windows 7 and Powershell v2, they are not…
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Behaviour of environment variables in HKCU\Volatile Environment reg key

I have a .bat script that runs for every user at login (copies Oracle Java Exception Sites). It copies a file to: %userprofile%\appdata\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites Unfortunately, it works a little too well. Sometimes it…