Questions tagged [windows-batch]

6 questions
1 answer

How to append into next line in Windows batch file

I am using a windows batch file that will output a .js file into csv. The .js file is a mongo query. mongosh --host --username "username" --password "password" --authenticationDatabase admin --quiet C:\ActiveUsers1.js >…
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1 answer

How can I redirect the output of one command in a batch file?

Edit: This question has been answered, please scroll down ⬇️ This question is related to Server Fault because I am automating minifying some web files before deploying them to my server. So I have a batchfile which calls minify like this: minify…
1 answer

Exit safe mode remotely

I rebooted a Windows 10 machine into 'Safe Mode with Networking'. It is a physical machine that resides on-site (at a remote location) and does not have ILO (or similar features). I need to exit from safe mode from that machine. I tried the below…
1 answer

windows bat needs to determine the version of the msql odbc library

Hi I need to build a bat possible power shell on standard windows 10 instance. I need a programmatic way to set an environment variable with the version string of the latest msodbcsql library at the…
peter cooke
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1 answer

Delete all folders on all drives with "foo" OR "bar" in the folder name with batchfile

I am trying to delete all folders on all drives with the above naming pattern, however only on the first folder level, i.e directly below the drive letter, like for example: F:\this folder's name contains FOO and should be deleted ...without…
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1 answer

Windows Batch: Command FOR /F and Tokens, How can I ser variable from token X until end of the line?

Ok, I been struggling with this for days now. I have a little complex script but at the end I just need to set a variable from a Token 4 to the end of the line. Basically I run a command and the output has some words in the beginning that I don't…
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