I am trying to delete all folders on all drives with the above naming pattern, however only on the first folder level, i.e directly below the drive letter, like for example:

F:\this folder's name contains FOO and should be deleted

...without confirmation nor error message (e.g. in case no folders are found), with a batchfile.

I've found this: delete all folders with tmp in name using batch file and am wondering if the solution from there is a good starting point?

@echo off
set dir="c:\FOLDERLOCATION\"
FOR /D /R %dir% %%X IN (*.tmp) DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%X"
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1 Answers1


Read and follow FOR - Conditionally perform a command several times.. You could apply either FOR-Folders, or FOR-Command Results as follows:

FOR-Folders (disadvantages: case insensitive; wildcards allow no regex-like pattern so we need to run a loop more times).

@echo off
set "dir=c:\FOLDERLOCATION\"
pushd "%dir%"
::                          ↓↓↓↓                      echo for debugging
FOR /D /R %%X IN (*foo*) DO echo RMDIR /S /Q "%%~fX"
FOR /D /R %%X IN (*bar*) DO echo RMDIR /S /Q "%%~fX"
::                          ↑↑↑↑                      echo for debugging

FOR-Command Results in combination with findstr (advantages: findstr independently allows both case sensitive and regex-like search pattern):

@echo off
set "dir=c:\FOLDERLOCATION\"
FOR /F "delims=" %%X IN ('dir /B/S /A:D "%dir%" ^| findstr /I "foo|bar"') DO 2>NUL echo RMDIR /S /Q "%%~fX"
:: ECHO in above line merely for debugging

A disadvantage is that dir list is generated statically so we need to redirect error messages using 2>NUL

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  • Awesome! Would it be also possible to leave the batchfile running invisibly and wait for new drives to appear, like external hard drives etc., and then act on these as well? – David.P Jun 11 '21 at 22:59
  • Btw., what does set "dir=c:\FOLDERLOCATION\" do? – David.P Jun 11 '21 at 23:08
  • [Dealing with quotes in Windows batch scripts](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/535975/). Define a variable as `set "dir=c:\FOLDERLOCATION\"` (its value does not include double quotes) and use it quoted if necessary e.g. `type "%dir%%file%%ext%"` (providing `set "file=some file name"` and `set "ext=.ext"`) – JosefZ Jun 12 '21 at 13:58