Questions tagged [webrtc]

20 questions
1 answer

WEBRTC MCU/SFU inside kubernetes - Port Ranges?

I am using janus-gateway as a webrtc media server for group videocalling. Previously I had deployed it in a single node using docker-compose but now I want to be able to scale it horizontally. For this, I am trying to use kubernetes but I am facing…
Abdul Basit
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Firewall rules for WebRTC and STUN

I'm trying to get a WebRTC service running, through a corporate firewall. The service works on the local network, but it appears that the firewall is stopping it from working globally. I'm using a code example from the Python aiortc package, found…
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Kubernetes and MCU, is it possible?

I'm new to Kubernetes and amazed by the potential, but I'm having quite a hard time to set my mind and think a solution to this: I'm trying to set a WebRTC MCU (Multipoint Conferencing Unit), all peers connect to a single server, server combine…
0 answers

WebRTC: Use of multiple STUN servers in iceServers property of RTCPeerConnection for fallback

The question concerns the behavior of fallback ice servers in the WebRTC context. Here is an example: myPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [ { urls: ["stun:…
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how to configure xivo for WebRTC

I used this document to test the implementation of the webrtc on my website But I do not want to use their WCS5 server but my xivo pabx server. so I wanted to know what is the configuration that…
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mariadb-libs is needed by turnserver

I am trying to install TURN server on centOS7 for one of my webrtc application. This TURN server would be used in a video calling application. I had followed below steps: yum install -y make gcc cc gcc-c++ wget yum install -y openssl-devel libevent…
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Do I need STUN if only one party is behind NAT?

One party is connected through a symmetric NAT, other party can be accessed directly, and there is a STUN server. The parties are going to communicate via WebRTC. Both are configured to use that STUN server. Will it work? Do I need a STUN server…
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WebRTC vs one peer symmetric NAT

I read some documents about WebRTC nat traversal. I see that if one of the peers is behind a symmetric NAT, then a TURN server has to be used. I am wondering why shouldn't protocol allow traversal when at least one of the clients has public IP or…
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WEBRTC peer connection blocked in UAE where as webRTC call to and from other countries works

I am using React Native WebRTC to develop p2p calling application. It works everywhere except UAE and maybe Middle East. I am using my own TURN server with port 4211 also tried TURN server with port 443 as mentioned in this answer. But that never…
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How to config coturn on Nginx for webRTC?

I am making a WebRTC application which is working fine on wifi. But when I open the app on my phone via 4G the webRTC livestream wont start. enter image description here It seems something is going wrong by making the iceConnectionState. For the…
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Error with simpl5 on call to freeswitch (onGetUserMediaError)

I have been working on setting up an HTML5 client (sipml5 by doubango: The infrastructure of my setup is shown below: Server 1: sipml5 client, served through ngnix and https. Server 2: webrtc2sip setup with doubango,…
Husk Rekoms
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Media server capable of allowing the client to select a single audio channel from a media file

Is there a video on demand server that supports selection of the audio track/channel in the client, ideally with a permissive commercial license? The use case I have is many audio channels in a single file (around 64+).
Thomas Bratt
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Problems setting up a secure WSS connection for Sipml5

I have problems with setting up a webrts connection with sipml5 through an asterisk. When I check the status of https through the asterisk console, I get a response that it is up and running. But when I try to connect to sipml5 in the browser, I get…
0 answers

How to use STUN/TURN server from a client over TCP/443

I have installed my own STUN/TURN server and I am trying to use it from a WebRTC client behind a firewall allowing only TCP/443 to internet without success. I tried the following unsuccessfully: Replace UDP/3478 with TCP/3478 or TCP/5349 or…
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coturn server behind nginx reverse proxy not gathering candidates

I am trying to deploy coturn on a server which is behind a restricted network, with only ports 80 and 443 (TCP) allowed. As I have several services working in the same server, they are all behind a nginx reverse proxy. I want coturn to work the same…