Questions tagged [coturn]

10 questions
0 answers

Matrix + coturn: TLS not working

I'm trying to get (as a Docker stack) Matrix Synapse (matrixdotorg/synapse) together with Coturn (coturn/coturn) to work. Matrix is fully working with TLS certs. Also the coturn server works with disabled TLS without any problems. But when I enable…
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0 answers

Lack of audio for SIP call propagated from IPv6 network when using coTurn server

We are using coTurn server to allow our SIP appliance work reliably between client apps and teleconferences. During our test's we have found that one type of calls is not working at all. But at first let me explain test scenarios: Client A - IPv6…
Paweł Madej
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0 answers

WEBRTC peer connection blocked in UAE where as webRTC call to and from other countries works

I am using React Native WebRTC to develop p2p calling application. It works everywhere except UAE and maybe Middle East. I am using my own TURN server with port 4211 also tried TURN server with port 443 as mentioned in this answer. But that never…
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1 answer

how to make coturn run as user coturn

I have coturn running on a server and it runs as usual systemd process as user root. Can someone tell me how I could make coturn run as user coturn ? p.s. could someone modify the Tags and add coturn , turn and sturn because I need 300 reputation…
Max Muster
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0 answers

How to use STUN/TURN server from a client over TCP/443

I have installed my own STUN/TURN server and I am trying to use it from a WebRTC client behind a firewall allowing only TCP/443 to internet without success. I tried the following unsuccessfully: Replace UDP/3478 with TCP/3478 or TCP/5349 or…
  • 1
0 answers

Reload Coturn SSL certificates

I'm using Coturn- 'dan Eider' on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS , and try reload renewed SSL certficates without restarting the whole service to avoid downtime by using SIGHUP reload OpenSSL certificates , but looks like downtime happen anyway and…
0 answers

coturn server behind nginx reverse proxy not gathering candidates

I am trying to deploy coturn on a server which is behind a restricted network, with only ports 80 and 443 (TCP) allowed. As I have several services working in the same server, they are all behind a nginx reverse proxy. I want coturn to work the same…
0 answers

UDP LoadBalancer using Nginx for CoTURN

I am trying to add a Nginx UDP LoadBalancer in front of CoTURN. Installed ejabberd in a VM Installed nginx in a VM Installed coturn in a VM Nginx config: log_format basic '$remote_addr [$time_local] ' '$protocol…
0 answers

Clients who block all outgoing udp connections having problems connecting to turnserver

We recently had a problem with our turnserver (coturn), some clients who use firewalls to block all outgoing udp connections have problems connecting to it, as far as i know, when udp connection doesn't work, it should fallback to using tcp right ?…
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1 answer

Nextcloud Talk - Configuring coTURN - No working ICE candidates returned

I have installed Nextcloud successfully and now I'm trying to configure coTURN to use it with Nextcloud Talk. I followed the official documentation like this: Install and configure coTURN After installing coturn on Debian 10, I checked the…