Questions tagged [web-services]

A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.

A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.

Typically, the service exposes an interface, often defined using WSDL (Web Service Definition Language), for users to be able to execute some function on the system that provides the service.

There are two broad types of web services:

  1. Arbitrary Web Services - in which the system exposes arbitrary operations
  2. REST-compliant Web Services - in which the primary purpose of the service is to manipulate representations of Web resources using a uniform set of stateless operations.

Messages can be passed between the service and it's clients in a variety of formats. Some of the most common are:

173 questions
4 answers

HTTP Error: 413 Request Entity Too Large

What I have: I have an iPhone app that sends HTTP POST requests (XML format) to a web service written in PHP. This is on a hosted virtual private server so I can edit httpd.conf and other files on the server, and restart Apache. The problem: The web…
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun
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Error deploying Spring with JAX-WS application in Jboss 6 server

I'm getting the following error when deploying a Spring+JAX-WS application on JBoss server 6.1.0: 09:14:38,175 ERROR [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] Context initialization failed:…
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"IIS Admin Service is Disabled" Error When IIS Admin Is Running

Issue: I am trying to start the Default Website on IIS, but I am getting the following error: As you can see, it says that IIS Admin is disabled, when it is actually running. Question: Is there any way to get IIS running? Our VeryImportantWebsite™…
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GlassFish change port of web-service

I am new to Java and Linux. I have a JSP site and a java web service deployed on a GlassFish server (working OK). I need to change the port of both the application and web-service. I have changed the listener port in the domain.xml file, but the web…
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3 answers

Server cost for smartphone app with web service

I am working on a smartphone application that will require a backend web service - but I have absolutely clueless to how much it will cost. Web Service will handle: - login of users - cataloging of our user base - holding minimal profile…
1 answer

Connections to IIS sometimes get stuck in CLOSE_WAIT state

Our application includes an ASP.Net web service that only needs to deal with a handful of clients. As such, the 10 incoming connection limit of Windows XP Pro is generally not a problem. However, on one particular server, connections are…
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HTTP Webservers loadbalanced by HAProxy; VERY slow response for some requests

I have a strange problem when using HAProxy to loadbalance some webservers. The response through the load balance gets very slow sometimes... My script: global daemon quiet maxconn 4096 nbproc 2 listen XMLRPC…
1 answer

Deployment of many Web Services

I'm looking for advice/best-practices/+ve/-ve or other idea's on deployment and maintenance of many (50) Web Services and Web Service Applications on IIS across an application server cluster of 10 machines for Service Orientated Client (WinApp)…
Mr Shoubs
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4 answers

Primary IP Webserver Woes

Every now and then my company will will do some intergration with a 3rd party, e.g. calling a webservice from our shared IIS webservers in e.g. some ASP page for instance. Where these intergrations have to be IP white-listed at the other end, often…
1 answer

Rights required to access Exchange 2010 web services

We have a web site that needs to display address information that is stored in Exchange. We plan to get this information by calling Exchange web services. Question is what are the rights required by the user that will call the web service? Is it…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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0 answers

Apache PHP REST API handle/block web attack attempts

We're currently running a PHP API (all URL's get rewritten to index.php for route-handeling) on an Apache Debian server. Edit: (I think I might have landed on the wrong StackExchange for this question, so my apologies for that, came here from…
Bert Maurau
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2 answers

Using nginx reverse proxy, should I install my ssl cert in Nginx or my other services?

my current setup is a Ubuntu server (18.04) and I've installed Nginx (1.14.2) and configured it as a reverse-proxy for my local Expressjs service (4.15.4) & future projects. When using Nginx as a reverse-proxy for a set of services, should I install…
Aochi Toxx
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Possibility for a server to ensure WCF service is accessible to endpoint

I have hosted a WCF service in a server and I have 500+ endpoints(PCs) listening and consuming the service by running an executable as windows-service in all those endpoints. Problem: Some PCs are unable to access the service. From the server side I…
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2 answers

Installing sharepoint web service disabled when trying to install BizTalk adapter

I have a MOSS Box, with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 SP2 (Danish server), .net 3.5 SP1 on a Server 2008 64 bit (where IIS is running 64 bit too). When I fire up the BizTalk installer and wants to select the SharePoint Web Service, this…
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1 answer

Slow LDAP connection on Apache?

I'm trying to troubleshoot why the first call on a web service is taking more than a minute when subsequent takes less than a second (this repeats every 10+ minutes without calls). I ran Wireshark on the server and the difference that I found was…
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