Questions tagged [web-hosting]

The setting up and running of a server to serve web pages via the internet or LAN. Where you are not the administrator of the server the questions may be best asked on (for example if using shared hosting).

967 questions
3 answers

Naked domain on Google Sites New

I've been messing with my DNS settings and can't figure out how to get this to work... I have G Suite for, with a (new) Google Sites app published and accepting I have a CNAME in my DNS pointing www to Google, so…
Joe Enos
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1 answer

With IPv6, should we be assigning distinct IP addresses to each host name served over HTTP(S)?

With IPv4, it's pretty much a given that unless there is some specific need that warrants IP-based virtual hosting, name-based virtual hosting should be done to avoid needlessly exhausting the address space. However, given that for IPv6 the current…
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5 answers

How to get nginx to redirect from www to non-www domain?

Let's say I want to redirect from to and I want to do this using nginx. I looked around and did not see any good documentation on this so I figured I would ask and answer my own question.
Jauder Ho
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6 answers

Which free open source CPanel and WHM alternatives do you recommend/use?

I have been using webmin for some time now, however I miss the elegance and ease of WHM/CPanel combo I've had on shared hosting (and later dedicated hosting) platform. Looking around the web, all I have found that is somewhat at the level of…
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6 answers

How can I find out who is hosting a certain domain?

I've got a friend who has been completely abandoned by his previous website guy. Yes, the guy was cut rate, and yes, you get what you pay for. Anyway, he has asked me to help him untangle all that has been done. Starting now, he wants to know who…
Matt Dawdy
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3 answers

What's the cheapest way to host hobby projects?

What's the best place to put your hobby web projects(the web app itself, not the code) ? Typically, the projects are such that: a) I just want to test out an interesting idea without exploring the business angle to it, just to see how people take…
3 answers

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server

I'm using Windows 7 Beta and trying to install a web application locally. This web site uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (SQLEXPRESS) and a MDB file in the web site's ~/App_Data folder. I was instructed to configure IIS7 to use Classic .NET…
Gabe Sumner
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5 answers

How does one prevent another server in a subnet to "steal" the IP address of our own server while it restarts?

We are renting a Windows root server at Serverloft. Recently, when the server restarted after installing regular Microsoft updates, it restarted properly, but couldn't be accessed anymore, and a Linux server was answering instead! After convincing…
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1 answer

What is the difference between a cache, a primed cache and an empty cache?

Can someone explain the following concepts to me as the relate to measuring the data transfer of data from my web site. Whats the difference between a cache, a primed cache and an empty cache? Can you give a a definition for each?
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4 answers

What is the cheapest non-colocation way to serve about 10 static files at a rate of 100 megabits per second to the web?

I've looked at Amazon S3 and it costs roughly $4746 per month for 100 megabits/s (which translates into 31,640 Gigabytes of data transferred. That's at a rate of $0.15 per gig.) I haven't found a cheaper "cloud" option. I'm curious if there's any…
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5 answers

Is the world ready for name based HTTPS vhost service?

Possible Duplicate: Multiple SSL domains on the same IP address and same port? I'm developing a web app that MUST MUST MUST use HTTPS. It's kinda developed on the cheap though, and I really don't need (or want to pay for) my own dedicated IP…
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1 answer

Is a VPS with some resources the same as a Dedicated server with exactly same resources?

Apologize if I shouldn't ask this here. I want to acquire a VPS or a Dedicated. I read about VPS and Dedicated and the differences but I don't understand something... Is a VPS with some resources (X CPU cores, Y RAM, Z Bandwidth etc) the SAME as a…
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11 answers

Will my URL stay secret if I never link to it?

I have a URL that I would like to share with my friend who needs the information on it, but I do not want the public to see it. The URL refers to an index.html, which is in my public_html and readable for everyone,…
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8 answers

Latency in Internet connections from Europe to USA

I'm looking for a (cheap) Web hoster. Basically all the hosting providers that I can find, and match my requirements are located in the USA. But my target audience is in (Western-)Europe, I know for sure because the Site is in Dutch. Will hosting…
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3 answers

Should web farms be concerned with TLS handshake overhead

I have a web farm where the web servers are responsible for negotiating the secure connections. Does anyone else with a web farm go out of their way to reduce TLS handshake overhead by ensuring that TLS resume handshakes are supported? And if so,…
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