Questions tagged [visualsvn-server]

VisualSVN Server - Subversion Server for Windows

VisualSVN Server is an easy to setup and configure SVN server for Windows. It comes as free standard and an enterprise edition with more features. Both editions are for commercial use. Anything you need to setup the SVN server comes in one handy installation package.

104 questions
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Publishing VisualSVN via Apache mod_proxy

We are having issues publishing a Windows based VisualSVN Server via an Appache mod_proxy. Company IS policy does not allow SSL connections to be initiated from external networks and enter into the company network unterminated. To allow SSL…
Robert Kaucher
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Using VisualSVN with edited host file

I am receiving an error when trying to get a solution from subversion. Here are the step I took: I edited the host file located here C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc I added the the line 111.222.333.444 DEV.test.local In VS 2010 I chose Get…
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SVN Complete Backup from Code Vault

Am maintaining the SVN code in Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, There are more than 100+ repositories are maintained in the server and i need to back it up. Yes there is a way by svnadmin hotcopy to backup each repository but i need to backup all…
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VisualSVN server log question

VisualSVN server access log and operation log are not available in standard version. But those two logs belong to Apache server, I think. I don't know if it is possible to enable those two logs via Apache web server? or is there any other free svn…
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VisualSVN Server self-signed certificate

I asked this question in StackOverflow site but nobody can answer it. I will try here: I am reading VisualSVN doc online and one of them is like this: It's also possible to export a self-signed certificate from VisualSVN Server and save this…
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Unexpected 405 Response in SVN When Adding or Committing a File

I've just added a new user to a SVN repository. They have read/write perms on the repo. They also have file perms (up to Modify, including Write and Create) on the Repo directory. When the user tries to add a file to the project, or commit a file,…
Chris B. Behrens
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SVNServer moved to other server, cant relocate project

I just moved my repositories to another server by copying the pasting the files in the appropriate folder. In the new server I can see the repositories loaded correctly. But when I go to my visual studio projects folders and right click TortoiseSVN…
1 answer

Visual SVN restore options

My windows server went haywire recently and I had to to an OS reinstallation, which resulted in losing my Visual SVN and all the repositories. (Don't remember the v-svn version I had) However, I have copied the "Repositories" folder to my local…
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Installing VisualSvn to be accessible through web

I am having troubles getting hooked into allowing other computers to grab a checkout from my computer which holds VisualSvn repository. My url is: https://checkout:8443/svn/Repo/ Checkout = computername. So I have only just installed VisualSvn not…
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Connect to repo IP address A if it is up, else connect to repo IP address B (Client side)

There's an SVN repo hosted in a server behind multiple ISPs, and depending on the ISP connection, the admin of that SVN server changes the repo's IP address and announces "hey, our IP address changed. Please relocate all of your stuff to…
1 answer

Cant access SVN Server even locally

I have installed VisualSVN Server 2.5.8 and Tortoise SVN 1.7.11. My repositories are added to the SVN and can be seen in VisualSVN Server Manager. However, I am not able to access the repository by browsing the URL or by right clicking on the…
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2 answers

How do I limit by IP ADDRESS a specific user's access to Subversion SVN such as collabnet edge server

I have a subversion server with a couple people working on a certain repository. I am adding a new user but for this new user, I only want him to have access to the SVN server from a "specific IP" only. Even better if I can limit access by IP…
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Does SVN works like this

I'm not a programmer. In our company, our devs (that work mainly with .NET) used to have Visual Source Safe. With the re-install and update of all the devs computers to Windows 7 64 bit, the question of VSS came up and I noticed it was replaced for…
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2 answers

What are differences between TortoiseSVN and a full fledged SVN server?

The repository can be created using Tortoise SVN itself. So what exactly is the role of a SVN server like VisualSVN Server or any other product like Collabnet Subversion? What extra features does a SVN server provide over repositories created by a…
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