
I just moved my repositories to another server by copying the pasting the files in the appropriate folder. In the new server I can see the repositories loaded correctly. But when I go to my visual studio projects folders and right click TortoiseSVN -> relocate From url: http://xx.xx.x.101:81/svn/Proj to Url: http://xx.xx.x.1:81/svn/Proj but it throws time out. Any suggestions how to fix it?


I opened the 81 port in firewall with no luck...

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State

TCP                LISTENING
  TCP                LISTENING
  TCP                LISTENING

I changed my url to http://xx.xx.x.1:445/svn/Proj but now I got this error: error running context an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

1 Answers1


I assume you have a RHEL based distribution like CentOS. Let me know if you have something else.

Timeout usually means that there is a firewall or a routing problem. If ping works, then it is firewall. I will list below some generic things to check.

Make sure that you have apache configured with mod_dav.

apachectl -M

Make sure apache is listening on port 81 on the ethernet interface or on all interfaces.

sudo netstat -anp|grep :81

Make sure port 81 is open in firewall and that is labeled properly in SELinux.

sudo semanage port -l|grep 81
sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 81  # To add it if it is missing

Make sure the port is open in local firewall or any firewall on the path. Check also the firewall on your desktop machine.

iptables -l   # To list the rules on the local firewall.
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