Questions tagged [visualsvn-server]

VisualSVN Server - Subversion Server for Windows

VisualSVN Server is an easy to setup and configure SVN server for Windows. It comes as free standard and an enterprise edition with more features. Both editions are for commercial use. Anything you need to setup the SVN server comes in one handy installation package.

104 questions
7 answers

What ways there are to backup repositories for Windows VisualSVN?

At this moment we are using Visual SVN and we are backing up the entire repositories directory for visual svn. This backs up the entire data for each repository inside our svn engine. I am curious if I will be able to restore those files in case…
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3 answers

What should I consider to secure SVN on Windows?

Currently I am using VisualSVN Server and it's only accessible on my home network. Eventually there will be others accessing it, but for now it's just me and I would like to be able to go down to the coffee shop (or wherever) and be able to work…
Brandon Moore
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2 answers

How to run VisualSVN Server on port 443 running IIS on same server?

Server 2008 R2 SP1 VisualSVN Server 2.1.6 The IIS server has about 10 sites. One of them uses https over port 443 with the following bindings: http x.x.x.39:80 http x.x.x.39:80 https x.x.x.39:443 VisualSVN Server…
Metro Smurf
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2 answers

Mercurial Web Server

Is there a Mercurial equivalent to VisualSVN Server? I want to setup an http web server for a mercurial repository that has nested repositories. Using the docs it's very difficult to get what I want.
3 answers

How can I do daily backups for my VisualSVN Repos?

How can I do daily backups for my VisualSVN Repos? Its on a Windows Server 2003 machine with VisualSVN Server, I was thinking about just doing an xcopy of the folder C:\Repo but I'm not familiar enough with svn to know if that will cause…
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4 answers

SVN Server stopped working properly (403 Forbidden)

Ok, first of all, I've already googled a lot about this problem, but didn't found any solution... I've searched here and on ServerFault, but didn't found anything, so I end up posting this question here (don't really sure if it goes here or in…
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2 answers

Visual SVN 2.0 and IIS

How can I set up Visual SVN Server to run on port 443 and also have IIS set up to handle other website access on port 443? The URL usually points to /svn/ for the svn server anyway and the other websites point to /fogbugz/ for example. Or is it…
Jay R.
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3 answers

Is it possible to bind domain names to VisualSVN server and IIS on the one box without using a port?

I’ve got a machine running VisualSVN Server for SCM and IIS which hosts a web front end to perform some repository management tasks. Ideally, I’d like to bind a different domain name to each but it seems I can’t do this without specifying a port on…
Troy Hunt
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5 answers

How to fix 'Repository moved permanently to'? using VisualSVN / Subversion

I'm using Visual SVN on a server. Fresh install. Create a new repository. Try to connect using a client it comes up with "Repository moved permanently to 'https://x.x.x.x:6443/'; please relocate" I got a feeling it has to do with the IP address…
Keith Nicholas
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3 answers

How does VisualSVN store passwords?

We are running a VisualSVN Server that needs ~300 users to be created. As the need to mass create users is likely to reoccur, I'd prefer not to task someone with data entry for account creation. I've found the htpasswd which has following…
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0 answers

IIS7 proxying VisualSVN server refuses to allow Web.config files to be committed

I use IIS 7.5 with the Application Request Routing and URL Rewriting modules to act as a reverse proxy for several apache-based web sites, including VisualSVN Server. I'm having a problem when I try to commit a Web.config file, TortoiseSVN gives me…
Tim Long
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2 answers

can visualsvn server be bound to more then one port?

I know i can go to the visualsvn server properties and specify the port and IP address. But what i would like to know is if i can specify a different port for different IP addresses? For example, say i have ip address x.x.x.x and port 8443 when i…
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1 answer

Prevent IIS7 HTTPS from binding to all SSL IP addresses

I've had this interesting problem with IIS7. I have a number of HTTPS sites in IIS7. That hasn't been a problem, until I wanted to go and set up VisualSVN Server using an SSL certificate. The installer had trouble starting the service. When I…
Rob Paveza
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1 answer

Running two instances of VisualSVN Server on one machine?

Is it possible to run more than one instance of VisualSVN Server on a single machine? I would like to have one instance accessible only from the local network (blocked on firewall) and the other one accessible from the Internet. I attempted to run…
2 answers

How to move all source code over when it was on VisualSVN Server on Vista and migrating to Windows 7?

[i asked on Stackoverflow but maybe this forum is more proficient in this matter:] I had VisualSVN Server running perfectly on a Windows Vista machine, and then now it is to run Windows 7 on that same machine (installed on a new partition). So now…
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