Questions tagged [version-control]

125 questions
6 answers

Choosing a File server

We are a small team of software developers - 7 programmers. We need to set up an inexpensive file server in our office. It's main purpose will be to run our Source Control System (VSS). Any recommendations as to what hardware to choose and what…
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Version control for virtual disk images

Is there any existing system for efficiently tracking the version history of a virtual disk image? Essentially, I have a disk image which is used as a "template" root filesystem for testing programs. I occasionally need to make changes to it (e.g.…
5 answers

What Linux version should I use for serving a VCS?

Hi I am looking for a Linux distribution that conforms to my following requirements. This machine will be basically a server box for my software development. I need to install Mercurial and Subversion so I can host my own repositories. Linux…
Brock Woolf
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2 answers

Setting up a version control system across multiple servers?

Currently I use free online SVN repositories, but I was considering hosting repositories on my own servers. Is there a way I can easily set up VCS so the same content is distributed across my servers? Distributed version control sounds like what…
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How do I get the Active Directory user ID?

Firstly, I don't even know whether the "user ID" is the correct term here. The context is that I'm using VisualSVN Server to manage / administer access rights on my SVN repositories with Windows Authentication, and the authz-windows file it creates…
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How can I share a live BZR repository with multiple users?

I'm not sure how best to ask this question. Over several years I've developed my way into a corner and need to figure some things out. I almost certainly haven't been following best practices up until now but there you go. I make and host Django…
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Robocopy and Mercurial

I recently took a new job, and one aspects of the job is maintaining the organisation's Umbraco website. The site was not under source control nor was there a testing environment. Changes were made to a production system with no backups. My…
2 answers

WMI is showing wrong version of Microsoft Access

We use Microsoft Access for certain database functions and as most of you already know an Access database can be very grumpy when accessed by an outdated version of Access. In order to control this I have an appliance that can track version number's…
1 answer

svn server settings - no access allowed

Sorry for the beginner question. I am trying to set up a SVN server for the first time. I have the server running but every time I try to checkout I get an error: No access allowed to this repository I was able to checkout when I set anon-access…
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4 answers

Debian or CentOS for VPS?

I'm in need for a VPS. My current hosting provider is able to provide with very cheap two options - CentOS and Debian. I don't expect a high traffic there, it is only so I can host my SVN repos (and soon GIT ones too) there so I can access them…
Michal M
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4 answers

Git vs Mercurial server on Windows

I am deciding between setting up a Mercurial or Git server (via HTTPS) on Windows Server 2008. I have heard that Git support is sketchy for Windows client use, but haven't heard much (that are up to date) about setting up a central repository on…
6 answers

Managing/versioning host-specific scripts (*nix)

We're currently using Puppet (with the manifests and related files in SVN) to manage configuration of our *nix hosts. However, I've hit a bit of a perplexing issue. Many of our hosts have scripts specific to the host - cron jobs, data mining…
Jason Antman
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3 answers

Version Control for print designers and editors

I've looked hard at other threads similar to this, but still can't find anyone with a good recommendation for a cross-platform (OSX, Windows) team workflow in InDesign that is easy and doesn't require users to work directly off a network share. Does…
Todd Price
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1 answer

I was just curious how far system admins go in setting up the workflows for the developers

Question: I am looking for links or personal accounts of lessons & experiences on setting up sets of servers\systems for developers. In particular I am interested in the amount of automation and if it has turned out to be more work than it is worth…
Joshua Enfield
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1 answer

Simple document/file management software

I'm looking for a simple way to share documents/files with other people via a web-based interface. The requirements are the following: runs on Linux web-based download/upload versioning basic authorization (users/groups) free The enduser-visible…
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