Questions tagged [version-control]

125 questions
1 answer

subversion post-commit hook: print an error message that the user can see?

I have a Subversion repository created with Subversion 1.6.x. This repository has a post-commit hook, which performs an action every time a user checks in the file. Sometimes this post-commit hook fails, and any error messages are simply sent into…
Stefan Lasiewski
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3 answers

Where is hgweb.cgi in the Mac OS X deployment of Mercurial?

I'd like to serve a CGI-based Mercurial repository from my OS X machine, but I cannot for the life of me find the hgweb.cgi file, which I assume is step 1 of the process. My Mercurial installation comes from the OSX binary package installation, and…
Chris R
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3 answers

How does VisualSVN store passwords?

We are running a VisualSVN Server that needs ~300 users to be created. As the need to mass create users is likely to reoccur, I'd prefer not to task someone with data entry for account creation. I've found the htpasswd which has following…
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Does Group Policy detect installed version before downloading an MSI from network

I used group policy to deploy an Adobe Reader X .msi file, which successfully updated the machines it was targeted to. The computer group those machines belong to still has a link to the GPO which deployed the .msi. Is it the .msi file which checks…
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4 answers

Tools for managing code deployment/versioning for IIS / Windows enviroments

Ive got a strong background in Linux and OSX, and just left a job where I was architecting systems based on those platforms. Now I've got a Windows Server running IIS that has a number of different websites that it hosts. Most of them are just a…
Rizwan Kassim
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How to tell Mercurial to never create hard links

I am planning to use Mercurial in the near future on some projects. These projects will normally reside in a directory on my Windows machine, but I will be sharing these directories using VirtualBox so I can work on them directly from within…
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Storing saltstack server configs in version control

I currently have a few servers that are managed by saltstack, every now and then saltstack fails to deploy the new configs because of an issue somewhere and it can take a while to work out what changed that caused the issue. It seems like having…
1 answer

Can you use Git to track changes to VirtualBox disk?

Can you track changes to a VirtualBox disk using a VCS like Git? If not what is a good way to use version control to track changes while configuring virtual servers. **I understand that git doesn't track binary blobs very well. I would like to mount…
2 answers

Puppet dynamic environments and version control

I'm looking to roll out environments for a puppet installation and wanting to get things square with version control. Before I went to implement what seemed natural in my mind I decided to do some reading, and see what others are doing. First hit on…
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5 answers

All In One Version Control - Debian

I'm currently setting up a SVN repro for personal use. Normally on Debian that'd be svnserve, trac, maybe Apache... and that's three apps to take care of. Most stuff requires an Apache, but I use a lighttpd. I want one server app that does that. Is…
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2 answers

Git-style incremental backup with rsync

I'm trying to setup a backup script on Ubuntu. Every day I want to copy my local source directory to a backup directory on a remote server uniquely named with the date. (e.g., backup-jan1/, backup-jan2/, etc) It should store a mirror of the earliest…
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3 answers

Subversion cluster / replication / HA

What's a good way of making SVN highly available? We take backups of our Subversion server, but this is not enough, as svn is very important. We would like to implement some HA mechanmism for Subversion There is a commercial solution…
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Is there a way to add all files and directories that are unversioned to SVN repository?

Is there a way to perform an svn add command that will add only unversioned files? Currently if I try to do svn add on a direcotry that contains a mix of versioned and unversioned files I receive the mydir/ is already under version control message.
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4 answers

I want to version control my entire slice

I'm renting a slice (i.e., a VPS) from Slicehost. I've a spent a day or two filling up /usr with my favorite packages, /etc with configs and init scripts, and so on. Now I want to: save this whole setup somewhere (e.g., to load onto another…
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How to add versioning support to Azure File Storage

I have a client using Azure file storage (v1) to host some binary files (images, pdfs, etc) for a web app. I'd like to add versioning support in case files get deleted or overwritten, kind of like AWS S3 has. I know Azure Blob storage's newest…
Dan Csharpster
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