Questions tagged [uwsgi]

Questions regarding uWSGI which is a full stack for building hosting services

The uWSGI project

The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services.

Application servers (for various programming languages and protocols), proxies, process managers and monitors are all implemented using a common api and a common configuration style.

Thanks to its pluggable architecture it can be extended to support more platforms and languages.

Currently, you can write plugins in C, C++ and Objective-C.

The “WSGI” part in the name is a tribute to the namesake Python standard, as it has been the first developed plugin for the project.

Versatility, performance, low-resource usage and reliability are the strengths of the project (and the only rules followed).

Github Docs

343 questions
1 answer

Python Threads and uWSGI Harakiri

I have a webapp that is using an API built on nginx, uWSGI, and Django. Recently I have been seeing a lot of harakiris on a particular API call which does some quick processing and then spawns a few threads to handle some long-running functions. The…
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ubuntu + nginx + uwsgi + django No Python application found

I am trying to setup my server with a nginx to uwsgi to django stack, but I am having problems with the uwsgi part. When I run uwsgi and pass in all the parameters on the command line, it works properly. My uwsgi call looks like this: uwsgi…
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ImportError: No module named flask - uwsgi and buildout

uWSGI config: app_wsgi:app ./src /tmp/uwsgi.sock /tmp/ uwsgi.log buildout.cfg [buildout] parts =…
Pavel Paulau
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2 answers

uWSGI cannot find "application" using Flask and Virtualenv

Using uWSGI to serve a simple wsgi app, (a simple "Hello, World") my configuration works, but when I try to run a Flask app, I get this in uWSGI's error logs: current working directory: /opt/python-env/coefficient/lib/python2.6/site-packages writing…
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3 answers

uwsgi.ini configuration for python apps

So I am experimenting with uWSGI and liking it a lot. I have a question regarding the use of its .ini file though. Is it possible to calculate values for its .ini configuration parameter dynamically? For instance, for the "chdir" value in my…
Calvin Cheng
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Nginx cannot see unix socket

UPDATE: I saw questions related to the /tmp directory, and a comment mentioned moving the socket out of /home as well. It didn't fix the problem. (Additional updates at bottom of post) I have a ubuntu 16.04 vm on azure I'm using to host a flask…
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uWSGI permissions issue

I'm trying to set up a chef recipe that will get my site running and everything seems to be working fine except for uWSGI which is giving me the following error: *** has_emperor mode detected (fd: 6) *** [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from…
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2 answers

Django doesn't find CSS files for admin pages using uWSGI

Even if I followed the official instructions, when I start a Django test site using uWSGI, CSS files for the admin interface are not loaded. If I open the URL of a CSS file, for example http://localhost:8443/static/admin/css/base.css, I get a 404…
Marco Sulla
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2 answers

Copy and deliver a request to another nginx server for real traffic testing

I have a Flask web service which runs on uwsgi+nginx and it works well. I have another development version of the service which runs on another server. It also runs on uwsgi+nginx. What I want to do is, test the development server with 'real'…
Younggun Kim
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2 answers

I can't run uwsgi as regular user

I want to run uwsgi server as www user, but if I write: uwsgi --socket $SOCKET --chmod-socket 666 --pidfile $PIDFILE --daemonize $LOGFILE --chdir $CHDIR --pp $PYTHONPATH --module main --post-buffering 8192 --workers 1 --threads 10 --uid www --gid…
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4 answers

Ubuntu 11.10 with Nginx and uWSGI

I'm trying to get a LNP [Linux Nginx Python] stack (is that even a thing? heh) going, but I'm having some difficulties. A lot of blog posts and documentation on doing this seems to revolve around using Upstart to manage the uWSGI process, which…
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"ImportError: No module named flask" - Trouble with nginx + uWSGI + Flask in a virtualenv setup

I got nginx + uWSGI running on localhost inside a virtualenv with a simple hello world program, but I get this error when I replace the hello world with a simple Flask app: File "./", line 1, in from flask…
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4 answers

Comet with uwsgi and nginx, how to turn off the output buffer?

How can I prevent Nginx from buffering the output of my uwsgi app? For my comet style application I'm using long polling and the requests are now buffered. I tried to reduce the size of the buffers, but I'm not allowed to put uwsgi_buffer_size and…
Peter Smit
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3 answers

Docker how to Django + uwsgi/gunicorn + nginx?

I can't get my head around on what's the "correct" way to deploy a Django project that uses uwsgi/gunicorn (I haven't decide yet what to use, probably uwsgi since it has better performances, suggestions?) and nginx using docker. I saw that some…
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3 answers

Nginx & uWSGI: ImportError: No module named site

I'm receiving an error: ImportError: No module named site according to my uWSGI log. test_proj.ini: [uwsgi] chdir = /home/%n/app module = %n.wsgi home = /home/%n/app/venv master = true processes = 10 chmod-socket = 664 socket =…
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