Questions tagged [uwsgi]

Questions regarding uWSGI which is a full stack for building hosting services

The uWSGI project

The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services.

Application servers (for various programming languages and protocols), proxies, process managers and monitors are all implemented using a common api and a common configuration style.

Thanks to its pluggable architecture it can be extended to support more platforms and languages.

Currently, you can write plugins in C, C++ and Objective-C.

The “WSGI” part in the name is a tribute to the namesake Python standard, as it has been the first developed plugin for the project.

Versatility, performance, low-resource usage and reliability are the strengths of the project (and the only rules followed).

Github Docs

343 questions
1 answer

Running (and monitoring) nginx with supervisord

I will start with my use case, since I very well may not be using the correct tools for this job. Please let me know if I am going about this all the wrong way use case: I have a CentOS server hosting multiple web apps. I want to be able to trust…
Brian Leach
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3 answers

nginx failed (13: Permission denied) uwsgi (502 bad gateway)

I am having trouble running my application on a new DigitalOcean droplet. The machine runs CentOS 6.5 My /etc/nginx/nginx.conf user nginx www-data; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; #error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log …
Brian Leach
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1 answer

nginx + uwsgi - what is serving static files?

I am using nginx as a proxy to a couple of flask apps, with uwsgi as the middleware. Here's my nginx config for a test app. server { listen 80; server_name; charset utf-8; …
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uwsgi processes * threads = maximum simultanous connections?

We are using uwsgi to serve the python app behind nginx. Can I hope that the theoretical maximum of simultaneously served client connections is equal to uwsgi processes * threads? We are using server-sent events, so, the connections are held for a…
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How do I debug this Nginx to uWSGI timeout?

I'm running a database-backed web site that receives very little traffic. However, once or twice day, a request will timeout and I'll see this (or a similar) error in Nginx's error.log: 2013/06/13 18:32:40 [error] 16723#0: *27796 upstream timed out…
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Reload and evil-reload in uwsgi config

What is the difference between reload-on-as and evil-reload-on-as options in uwsgi config? I use reload-on-as and uwsgi worker still consumes unlimited memory and reloads when task is finished. I need to kill worker when it consumes limited memory…
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nginx+ uwsgi gives 502 Bad Gateway

I used this guide to set it up and it was working to server my django app for a while, but after adding a new django module, without touching any of the nginx or uwsgi configs, now the server leads to 502 502 Bad Gateway error. The nginx error.log …
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Correct number of uWSGI processes?

On a 4-core box which scenario makes the better setup: 4 uWSGI processes with a deep queue to handle requests 8 uWSGI processes with a deep queue As many many processes as the server's memory allows with the a relatively shallow queue ?
Jason Christa
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2 answers

Has anyone used uwsgi nginx and django for a high-load environment?

I was wondering if anyone has used uwsgi with nginx to serve a high-load django site before. If so, did they have any problems?
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nginx works on LAN IP but not on public IP

I have setup a nginx web server with uwsgi to host my flask app. When I access it through the LAN ip (192.168.1.x) I get the website just fine but when I access it through my public IP i am greeted with "404 Not Found nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)". Why is…
david doyyer 32
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2 answers

Plain uWSGI error: uwsgi_response_write_body_do() TIMEOUT

This looks like a well-known issue with Nginx+uWSGI timeouts, but my setup is different and I couldn't find information about it. I run a Flask app on uWSGI, on http protocol (not sockets). When I query my API, sometimes I receive an…
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4 answers

Nginx: 502 Bad Gateway error with (111: Connection refused) to uWSGI socket while running django

I am building an app using an Nginx, uWSGI, Django and Postgresql stack. The app uses a Unix socket between Nginx and uWSGI. The file permissions on the socket is 775. But I still get this permission error: [error] 6978#0: *6725 connect() to…
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0 answers

Is there a way to "unset" options in uWSGI config files?

Let's say my config (uwsgi.ini) looks like: # can run just by uwsgi uwsgi.ini [uwsgi] # put all common elements here (can be over-ridden) http = :8090 wsgi-file = ./ master = 1 processes = 4 threads = 2 #uid=www-data #gid=www-data # run via:…
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1 answer

Postgresql Error: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer

I try this stack: nginx + uwsgi + django + postgresql, the request can reach to views of django, client show 500 server internal fault, I check postgres log, found the error could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer. How to debug…
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1 answer

uWSGI TCP/IP host:port vs Unix socket

We are running a Python WSGI server (uWSGI) and changed to socket file instead of a tcp/ip localhost:port connection. Now our uwsgi logs are full of errors like IOError: write error SIGPIPE: writing to a closed pipe/socket/fd (probably the client…
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