Questions tagged [usmt]

12 questions
1 answer

How do I invoke scanstate from the USMT for a large number of PCs?

I've already customized all of my XML files, but I'm having trouble figuring out the logistics of how to script scanstate to run on a large (~50) number of PCs remotely. I have a list of PCs and the corresponding user profiles I want migrated in CSV…
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Reference env variables in a excel document for scanstate migration

I work for a company that is using a scanstate, loadstate type USMT migration script. Their script references 3 variables: UserID, Source, and TargetComputer. The script .cmd works just fine (which was created by other people). But I was asked for…
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2 answers

Why are these migrated user profiles being left in a subfolder?

When performing a user state migration from a Windows XP computer to a Windows 7 computer, destination profiles are not properly restored. As far as I can tell from log files the operation was "successful". The folder C:\Users\Alice gets created,…
Michael Steele
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Excluding file type associations in USMT 10

I am using USMT 10 and have successfully migrated a user profile. However, the new profile resets the default file associations for most applications back to the Windows 10 defaults (Edge, Photos, etc). For example, by default we use Adobe Reader…
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2 answers

User State Migration Tool - Does this create the profile on the machine?

I am on a domain without roaming profiles. We are looking at possibly implementing the User Stat Migration Tool with our MDT server, but I have a few questions first. Using the USMT, can you effectively create a profile on a new machine without…
0 answers

Separating what is migrated and restored with USMT

I am currently running System Center Config Manager at my workplace. We have integrated MDT and are running a UDI on all of our PXE deployments. I have a ton of MDT Task Sequences that use the UDI and I have started looking into USMT. Currently we…
Matt Biggs
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USMT loadstate caught in an (near) infinite loop?

I'm attempting to introduce USMT into my company's environment for all of our future migrations. While doing some testing, I have a backup store that refuses to restore, with some very bizarre results. When extracting a small MIG file (600MB), that…
1 answer

USMT 5.0, KnownFolderIDs support

Starting to build our customized migdocs config xml, and I am finding that USMT doesn't seem to support the Known Folder IDs, although this blog post seems to indicate that it should fully support them. USMT now supports all of the KNOWNFOLDERID…
1 answer

Gettings list of files USMT will capture

I would like to make a list of all the files that USMT will capture. The purpose for this, is that I'd like to provide that list to a user before their migration to Win7 which details which files will be backed up. I want them to be able to review…
Rob Haupt
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2 answers

Will USMT 4.0 in MDT 2010 Move/Migrate the .NK2 File for Outlook?

We're about to begin a refresh project for about 100 XP Pro laptops and have a concern with regards to the .NK2 file which holds cached email addresses(?). If possible we'd like to have USMT move/migrate this but I can't find anything that confirms…
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1 answer

USMT workgroup to domain

I am using USMT to migrate a large amount of computers from workgroup profiles to domain profiles. My scanstate is: scanstate.exe C:\temp\migration /ue:*\* /ui:"%computername%\@localUser@" /o /vsc /i:migdocs.xml /i:migapp.xml …
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2 answers

Copy HKCU to New User

We're in the process of migrating an environment from Novell eDirectory to Active Directory. We're using the Zenworks Personality Migrator to handle most settings and files, but some things are being left out. One of the steps we want to take is to…