Questions tagged [usermod]

25 questions
1 answer

user that exists doesn't exist when setting chroot with usermod

This is with Ubuntu Server 20.04. Here's my terminal session: joek@comp1:/home/user4$ sudo usermod -R /home/user4 user4 usermod: user 'user4' does not exist joek@comp1:/home/user4$ sudo useradd user4 useradd: user 'user4' already…
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Is changing roots primary group dangerous?

Currently in CentOS 7 the root user's primary group is root. What harm would there be in changing roots primary group to group. usermod -a -g group root The purpose just to clarify in case there is a much better way of handling this is to make sure…
2 answers

SSH tunneling between two server

I'm trying to create SSH tunnel between two VPS for Secure MySQL Replication. I follow these steps (read only Step 1: Setup SSH Tunneling): Both…
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Why can a non-root account access my debian server's base directory?

I have an account on debian named 'usera'. 'usera' has a home directory of /home/whatever When I log in to WinSCP using 'usera' and its credentials - I am able to go "up" one directory into /home and then eventually into '/'. I specifically made…
Sam Levin
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2 answers

403 Forbidden warning after installing/enabling usermod

I'd like to have per-user web directories on my Linux Mint workstation in the same general way I have had on OS X. In order to do this, I created a public_html directory in ~/. and chmod'd it to 755 and installed the userdir mod: sudo a2enmod…
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Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions

can someone shed some light on this issue I've set up and installed vsftpd. Created a user ftp-user and created a home directory, so they can log in, and just have access to drop their files here. >> sudo useradd -d /home/ftp/ftp-user -m…
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Listening to 80 port with non-root Glassfish on Centos

I use Glassfish Stack to manage applications. I run Glassfish on CentOS with non-root user. Therefor I am not able to open 80 port as the ports under 1024 are accessibly only by root users. There is a solution to add privilege in role based access…
0 answers

SUSE 11 - Unable to Lock Passwordless User

I'm trying to add a new dedicated, passwordless Ansible user to a small number of old SUSE 11 boxes, but I'm having problems unlocking the after creation. I initially thought this was because the distro didn't like having a user with no password…
1 answer

usermod cannot lock /etc/passwd when usermod is in /etc/sudoers as NOPASSWD

Need to be able to execute 'usermod' without sudo, so that a script on a remote machine may disable and lock a userid on the instance host. Adding 'nopasswd' and the command to the wheel group in sudoers on the instance host should work, if I'm…
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1 answer

Change group gid for new group

I have added a new group to my system, which I will add my user to, so my UID/GIDs are sync'ed with my company's server when using NFS (fixing write permission issues). I've created a new 'production' group but when I try to change the GID, usermod…
Greg K
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