We are currently using PXE boots to automate the installations and reinstallations of our dedicated servers. This is working great for all Linux based systems like Debian, CentOS, VMware and Ubuntu in combination with kickstart/preseed.
However, for Windows, this seems to be impossible. You need to use WDS/MDT with Active Directory and I'm simply not looking forward to changing the entire deployment system for this.
So we're looking for alternatives to WDS/MDT which allows us to deploy customized Windows Server 2003/2008 servers in an automated fashion with settings like IP address/password/license key in a separate file so we don't have to create an image per server.
We have a Linux based deployment system which is completely incorporated into our backend/control panels etc. Hence I'm looking for a deployment solution that can run on Linux.
The guides I did find suggest booting WinPE using PXE and then using the EXE installers of Windows Server. Is this the suggested way to go or are there better ways to accomplish it?