Questions tagged [udev]

106 questions
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apt-get upgrade fails because of max recursion on udev

When i´m doing a apt-get upgrade on my debian jessie ( a vserver from hetzner) machine, i get an error on upgrading the udev package. The Error Output starts with this: addgroup: Die Gruppe »input« existiert bereits als Systemgruppe.…
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Is it possible to write a udev rule to keep other udev rules from running?

This says It is important to understand that udev will not stop processing when it finds a matching rule, it will continue searching and attempt to apply every rule that it knows about. But I want…
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Posix map fs path to syspath

Is there a safe way to map a filesystem path to a /sys/block/ node. For instance on my system (Ubuntu) my / path is mounted from /dev/disk/by-uuid/7f6a93a7-1e63-48a3-a7e3-b336a2f9dbf7 which is a symlink to /dev/sda1 which is a partition of /dev/sda…
1 answer

How to find device in /dev

I have added a new virtual pci device to my debian6 VM (Virtual Machine). I can see the device via "lspci" command, but I cannot find it in /dev. Is it because it's not installed properly or it needs additional drivers or I just can't find the…
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what is the use of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file in rhel?

what is the use of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file in linux? is anyother way to change interface name in linux other than 70-persistent-net.rules? Thanks.
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hotplugging drives from a fibre-channel cabin reports wrong size

First thing, we are not even sure this is a udev problem, but we need somewhere to start asking... We have a Hitachi fibre-channel SAN serving volumes to a couple of machines running ubuntu server 12.04 amd64. For mapping purposes we use the…
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udev only reports events for a USB device configuration, not for the USB device itself

I'm trying to execute a certain Python script on USB devices insertion. I need to handle all kinds of USB devices. I'm using a rule like this: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", RUN+="/.../ $devpath" When I insert a USB flash…
2 answers

howto remove udev from centos(lxc-guest) without dependencies

i downloaded a openvz template for my lxc server to create a new centos 6.3 guest. Now the guest is not starting because udev is hanging in the boot process. Last time i didn't had this problem but now i have to disable or remove udev from the…
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Force the unloading of a kernel module when the USB devices is unplugged?

I'm using a MultiTech GPRS modem on Ubuntu 8.0.4 (2.6.24-24 kernel with the MultiTech patches to the ti_usb_3410_5052 module). The device works great. However if I disconnect it and then reconnect without removing the module in between, it hangs. …
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Group access to device using udev

Short question. Is it a good idea to give a group of users access to certain devices by writing your own udev rules in linux? If not, what would be a better approach? I want the changes to be persistent and it is not sufficient to manage the…
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Device names on hotswap server. (Name by port rather than insert order?)

Is there a way to name devices such that any drive plugged into slot 1 is always named /dev/sda? Rather than just first drive inserted sda even though it's plugged into the last slot, second sdb wherever it goes, etc... Edit (after more…
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After applying patches and rebooting, RHEL 5.3 hangs on udev

I suspect that one of the packages in the last system updated is causing problems with the system rebooting. When I reboot, the server hangs on udev. Here are a list of the updates that preceeded the problem: Oct 21 18:04:03 Updated:…
a coder
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RHEL/CentOS reassign scsi device letter

if I remove the physical disk associated with /dev/sdb and add a new disk in the same slot, it will be assigned /dev/sdc (or whatever the next available letter is). Is there any way powered on that I can reassign that new disk to /dev/sdb? Running…
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Automounting with udev

Currently my distribution of choice (ArchLinux) has an automounting script like this: KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end" But that will automount only partitions up to sdX9. I do have USB drives with 6 or more partitions…
Flavius A
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Dbus or Udev command to locate connected hardware

It's a dumb question. Once I knew this command, I used it two or three months ago but now it seems I can't recall it. I tried to look for it using Google but nothing happened :( It's a dbus command which send a query to udev or something similar,…
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