Questions tagged [ubuntu-16.04]

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it was supported for 5 years. Extended Security Maintenance subscriptions are offered by Canonical until April 2024. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific.

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it will be supported for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, and Ubuntu Kylin. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific. Note that the Ask Ubuntu site is specifically dedicated to Ubuntu questions.

949 questions
0 answers

Emails bouncing - 454 TLS not available due to temporary reason

I'm trying to work out why I've started getting emails bounced back to me: Delivery incomplete There was a temporary problem while delivering your message to Gmail will retry for 47 more hours. You'll be…
Andrew Newby
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1 answer

Custom 401 error page served by Apache for firefox by not IE or Chrome Kerberos Authorization

I have a Intranet site that is using Kerberos Authentication. I am having issues when the user is not allowed access In Firefox the ErrorDocument 401 set in .htaccess works but in IE/EDGE/CHROME you get a browser error (See Below) Chrome: This…
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mod_evasive doesn't do anything on Ubuntu server 16.04

I set up mod_evasive on Apache/2.4.18 using this guide: I only changed to root@localhost. The first time I…
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1 answer

Apache server proxy fcgi to php server

I have an Apache(2.4) webserver and a php (7.1) server running on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I am trying to setup a puppet manifest to create a vhost on the apache server and then each time a php server request is received by the webserver, the apache server…
TeNaJ Systems
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2 answers

phpMyAdmin and Apache - Query string - 404 Error

When phpMyAdmin tries to access URL as, Apache throws a 404 Error. What might be the problem? The requested URL /phpmyadmin/server_variables.php&filter=long_query_time was…
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1 answer

Monitoring solr service on Ubuntu 16.0.4 with Monit

I'm trying to work out why my Monit ( doesn't want to seem to monitor my Solr service. I have it all working for the rest of the services: But for some reason Solr doesn't want to properly monitor. I followed the example…
Andrew Newby
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3 answers

Discrepancy between VHDX size and what the OS reports

I have an ubuntu 16.04 VM on a Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V server. The VHDX (dynamically expanding VHD) size is 1.8TB but the VM inside reports that only 3% of the disk is used. I don't understand why HV thinks that the disk is full. What can the be…
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1 answer

Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 16.04 telnet works on some ports and not for others

I am having a strange issue on my newly installed Amazon Ec2 ubuntu 16.04 LTS server. I have a server with ip ( in a VPC which has the following ports open 80, 443, 11300 and 9000. Port 80 and 443 are open to public via Amazon Security…
Aftab Naveed
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1 answer

Using scp from host to guest getting stalled

I try to use scp to move file from host(ubuntu 16.04 server) to guest vm (done with kvm and kimchi), but the process getting stalled after a few seconds. Even if i try to copy the file via winscp the connection will be disconnected after a few…
Manu W.
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1 answer

Apache server is rejecting request

I have a server running Ubuntu 16.0.4 with Apache 2.4.18 which seems to be rejecting requests from certain clients. I have another server with Apache 2.4.7 that accepts the same request w/o error. If I run the request thru a proxy like Runscope I…
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0 answers

SSH or telnet on other ports is not working from a specific network

We have an Lenovo server working well since one and a half year. Sudenly, we started having issues to connect to it from our office network. I reinstalled ubuntu 16.04 sever on it. It has two ethernet ports, one used for the public ip and another…
Milos Cuculovic
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0 answers

Run code when Apache restarts on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS

I want to run some application specific cleanup code when Apache is restarted. First, I followed the steps from I changed /etc/init.d/apache2 on a…
Randar Puust
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1 answer

Python script fails only when run as a service

I have a python script that I have written. It works perfectly as intended when I run ./ and does not error out, continues to work for days until I shut it off manually. I have also created a SystemD service written for my python script.…
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1 answer

Vagrant xenial64 NFS synced dir 'preserve permissions' failure on bcrypt build

Looking for help on what extra configuration I can set to allow my ubuntu virtualbox vm to write into the NFS synced project directory on my OSX host. I've set the explicit sudoers for vagrant in macOS so it shouldn't have any issues modifying the…
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1 answer

Accessing a Service (Binded to localhost) on another Server

There is an Ubuntu 16.04 server running a service/daemon that listens only to A second Ubuntu 16.04 server needs to query this service/daemon found only on the first server. Is there a way to do this? Will an SSH tunnel work?
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