Questions tagged [ubuntu-16.04]

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it was supported for 5 years. Extended Security Maintenance subscriptions are offered by Canonical until April 2024. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific.

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it will be supported for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, and Ubuntu Kylin. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific. Note that the Ask Ubuntu site is specifically dedicated to Ubuntu questions.

949 questions
1 answer

Not sending encrypted messages

My mail server appears not to send encrypted mail. Image of red padlock in Gmail indicating unencrypted It seems like most of the information/tutorials focus on setting up TLS so that a client can connect, which I believe I have achieved. I've…
1 answer

Install php 5.6.5 in ubuntu 16.04

I need help in installing php 5.6.5 in my ubuntu 16.04 for my Magento 2.1 website. I tried installing php through these commands: sudo apt-get -y update sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get -y update apt-get -y install php5.6…
Jai U.
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What does the Let's Encrypt apache plugin do when proving domain ownership?

I want to run $ letsencrypt --apache certonly to get a new cert, but I can't find anywhere in the documentation that explains what this actually does other than that it uses the "tls-sni-01 challenge type". What does it actually change in my Apache…
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4 answers

Best way to disable SSH for all users?

For security reasons I want to turn off SSH when I don't use it and turn it on again via a VNC connection as I can connect to my web server remotely over the Digitalocean control panel's console instead, and turn on SSH that way. Is below the best…
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2 answers

Setup spammassin and clamav with Exim on ubuntu 16.04

I've been searching for help in setting up Spammassassin and ClamAV with Exim (on ubuntu-16.04), but all the guides are horribly out of date. Could anyone share their setup please?
James Swift
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1 answer

Why "Enter passphrase for key 'devenv-key.pem' " if I didn't create any passprhase?

I'm launching a EC2 from AWS on CLI. After I launch I can't ssh to it. When I try, I get the following message where I'm stuck: Enter passphrase for key 'devenv-key.pem': following the tutorial: aws tutorial Using ubuntu 16.04
Vitor Abella
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2 answers

Ubuntu 16.04 with software RAID 1 questions

I've purchased a new dedicated server with 2 x 240GB SSD drive, and installed Ubuntu 16.04 image from the provider's control panel which by default creates the software RAID 1. I also installed Webmin on this server and after looking at the Webmin's…
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1 answer

Upgrading PHP 7.04 to 7.06 Ubuntu Xenial

I am using Xenail Ubuntu 16.04 64bit. I've PHP 7.04 , How can I update that too 7.06 ? Cant seem to work with apt-get upgrade ?
Sohaib Khan
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1 answer

2 address on 1 server dont ping

enter image description here ifconfig enter image description here interface I have a problem, I would like to add 2 addresses to my server, but when I add it to interfaces, it shows up in ifconfig but does not ping me
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Edit fstab on unmounted device

I tried to add swapfile to the root file system on AWS EC2 instance. Did I made a mistake during the edit of fstab? sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=4 chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile swapon -s I have edited…
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1 answer

All log files seemingly deleted

I wanted to change to the log directory on ubuntu server, and check duplicity log, but I don't know what happened, it seems that all log files and sub-directories have gone missing! This is the command I used when I logged into the server: sudo su |…
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1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04 setting static IP address

I'm trying to set up an Ubuntu server on a virtual machine hosted on a windows OS. When I set it to the default DHCP the internet works fine. When I attempt to setup a static IP I get TX but no RX. The following is my /etc/network/interfaces # The…
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1 answer

WD RED vibrating while unmounted

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 server with two WD Reds. When I first installed them, the disks were already vibrating. I did not expect this since they are not mounted. Does anyone know what the reason behind this is? It would be nice if the disks are idle…
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1 answer

How to change private ssh key in digital ocean

In "" , we added ssh key when creating droplet. Now i want to change the private SSh key which we are using now for login to server. I can see the private key in below places : 1./root/.ssh - authorized_keys [ Change ssh key in…
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1 answer

restrictions on directory of linux server is not working

I have some files on my Linux Server, which is getting used on front-end. My directory structure is something like this. dir1/ dir1/ file3.pdf dir2/ file1.pdf dir2/ dir1/ file1.pdf file2.pdf …
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