Questions tagged [ubuntu-16.04]

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it was supported for 5 years. Extended Security Maintenance subscriptions are offered by Canonical until April 2024. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific.

Ubuntu 16.04 - named "Xenial Xerus" - is a Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu Linux. Officially released on April 21, 2016, it will be supported for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, and Ubuntu Kylin. Only use this tag if your question is version-specific. Note that the Ask Ubuntu site is specifically dedicated to Ubuntu questions.

949 questions
2 answers

Error in the log file when connecting to the AWS server

I am using terraform to create an instance in AWS. I connect very well to the server, but the log file has the following errors. [Tue Oct 23 18:49:33.725989 2018] [suexec:notice] [pid 11845] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:…
1 answer

Ubuntu versions and using apt-get for SNMP mib downloader

I am running Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, which I believe slightly pre-dates a fix to some issues with the SNMP MIBs installed by the snmp-mibs-downloader. I'm trying to understand whether I can use apt-get to install the fixed version of the downloader. My…
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Nginx, SSL and Varnish returning ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

I'm trying to setup a Nginx server with Lets Encrypt SSL and Varnish for cacheing but I've hit a brick wall. For some reason the website just keeps returning ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS and I'm can't track down why. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 Extra…
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Issues with apt-get update

I have a digitalocean cloud server (Ubuntu 16.04) that I have setup my ufw on. When I try to run apt-get update, I get the following: Err:1 xenial InRelease Temporary failure resolving…
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Vagrant/VirtualBox guest doesn't boot completely after upgrading Ubuntu guest from 14 to 16

I have a running WEB server with Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS with LAMP environment. The server is running in a Vagrant/VirtualBox virtual machine. I made a release upgrade to Ubuntu 16. The upgrade had no error, but after I restarted the guest system I could…
Tibor Nagy
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DHCP request on ethernet cable reconnect with Ubuntu 16.04 Server

I have Ubuntu 16.04 Server here. My Ethernet interface is configured to use DHCP via /etc/network/interfaces and also I enabled "allow-hotplug" for the interface. It works. I can boot without cable connected and then plug it in and the interface…
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1 answer

How to fix error "nonblocking pool is initialized"

I have Ubuntu 16.04. host server and there are three VM's installed over KVM. Today in the morning host server has left without disk space and two of VM's were paused automatically by system. One of them is now working ok but second one stucks at…
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Ubuntu 16.04 - Purge php completely but still shows PHP 5.4.15 (cli)

I want to purge PHP completely from my Ubuntu 16.04. I have did all the stuff to remove PHP which as below, sudo apt-get purge "php*" sudo apt-get purge "^php.*" sudo apt-get purge "^php*" sudo apt-get remove "php*" sudo aptitude remove ~iphp sudo…
1 answer

Random Sleep in Crontab/Terminal

I want in terminal or in crontab(both) be able to put a random time. Something like Sleep $(1-300) pkill screen && ./start just a random simple example
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use VirtualHost *:443 as default for all unmatched ServerAlias

My apache is configured to use multiple VirtualHosts: default-ssl.conf for mydomain.tld and www.mydomain.tld and subdomain-le-ssl.conf for subdomain.mydomain.tld default-ssl.conf:
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1 answer

Apache Error: While writing python logs into file outside the project directory

I am working on a Django project and using Apache as web server. Everything is working fine with python runserver But while running the application through apache I am not able to write my python app logs into the stated path which is…
0 answers

Apache2 Restarting every 1min and 3 seconds - Ubuntu 16.04

It's pretty much in the title. I've tried everything I can think of but Apache2 is doing a restart every 1min and 3seconds - without fail. It's not doing a graceful restart, as every time it restarts the client can not connect, and are met with…
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mysql server install error - mariadb-client : Depends: mariadb-client-10

I try install mysql-server on ubuntu 16.04 apt install mysql-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an…
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Can't access cups from ssh tunnel -Bad Request-

I have CUPS installed on different servers and I can connect to those using an SSH tunnel without any issue, but this server returns "Bad request" always. All my servers have Ubuntu 16.04 Server, including this one, and CUPS 2.1.3-4ubuntu0.5, also I…
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Browser livarage cache failed on js ,css and png assets on apache

I am trying to enable browser leverage caching for my angular5 application. Files serve with apache Here is the configuration I've added in the vhost ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year" …
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